Friday, 29 April 2016

Trends are changing

Before, when you are diagnosed with diabetes, it is synonymous to loss of limbs, total loss of vision or blindness, kidney failure, and worst, early death. But now, this is no longer the case. Because of the trends in modern technology and advances in the medical field through research, many people with diabetes are seeing hope that they will enjoy longer and healthier their lives just like the regular people.

1. Insulin. Since diabetes is caused by lack of supply of insulin among diabetics, more and more people come up with variations with the way insulin can enter the body such as:

- implantable insulin pumps which makes it possible for the blood sugar levels to be measured so the and exact amount of insulin needed is delivered instantly;

- insulin inhalers which can aid the daily injections of insulin by providing instant relief by using rapid-acting insulin which is sprayed and inhaled through the mouth—including its coats, the throat and the tongue to pave the way for insulin to enter the into the bloodstream quickly;

- insulin pill which will use a new type of polymer can help the diabetic get insulin faster because it can allow insulin to get into the person's bloodstream without being destroyed by the digestive system; and

- new insulins which are designed to minimize the regimens and to better control glucose for people including "glargine" which is a basal insulin, the "aspart" which is a very-rapid-acting insulin, and the "75/25 lispro mixture" containing a very-rapid-acting content.

2. Monitoring and tests. These are very important to know how well the diabetic is doing. The new trends when it comes to monitoring and tests include:

- pain free glucose tests which allows the diabetic to monitor their own blood sugar without the excruciating pain of literally sticking their fingers to be able to get blood samples;

- continuous monitoring device which is a "wristwatch-like" device that give more information in how to mange diabetes effectively;

3. New treatments. Since diabetes is a chronic disease, there's no definite treatment to cure it. However, there are more and more treatments that promise better results like:

- islet cell transplant which can be effective for people with the rare type of diabetes—the type 1 diabetes—because it uses the Edmonton technique which utilize uses cells from the pancreas or islet cells coming from a donor to help the person to produce insulin;

- gene therapy which identifies that a gene called "SHIP2" can regulate the production of insulin;

4. Vaccine. Through the vaccine—containing a peptide—that stops the destruction of pancreatic cells in the human body, more and more diabetics are now hoping that they can live longer lives despite the illness.

Watch out for eBook launching soon ----- full of information on GDM

Monday, 25 April 2016

*Advanced treatment trends for diabetes *

Like obesity, diabetes is now considered by many health experts and professionals as an "epidemic" because more and more people suffer from it. The age ranges of people who become prone to it become younger and younger. And the people who are at risk are those who do not only have diabetes history in their families but also those who have developed the disease over time.

Experts say that people who have a history of diabetes in their bloodlines are the primary set of people who are at risk for this disease. But, they are not the only ones who can suffer from this chronic illness. In fact, almost everyone—especially those who have high glucose content in their blood and unable to use it—is prone to having this disease. 

Coming Soon A New eBook --- Full Of Useful Information Regarding GDM

Friday, 22 April 2016

Tips to help you during pregnancy if you are suffering from GDM

1. Follow the appropriate meal plan religiously. More than ever, pregnant women should pay attention to what they eat and their eating patterns in general. This is very important because this stage—pregnancy itself—requires strict control of blood glucose levels in order to ensure that both the mother and baby are getting the right amount of key nutrients needed. In coming up with the right diet plan, it is best to seek the help of diabetes educator or a licensed dietitian to create the necessary adjustments needed to accommodate the needs not only of the fetus inside the womb but of the mother as well. In your meal plan, take note of calorie, carbohydrates and protein requirements every day because these will help you maintain normal blood glucose levels.

2. Regular Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose or SMBG. Experts say that the only way to tell if the woman is successful in controlling her blood glucose is by monitor their levels by themselves regularly. Since being pregnant is a sensitive condition, soon to be mothers should monitor their blood glucose levels more frequently. Ideally, SMBG should be monitored four to 10 times a day.

3. Knowledge in administering insulin injections and adjusting the doses based on the results of SMBG. Sufficient supply of insulin is very crucial for pregnant women so they must know how to administer insulin injections by themselves in case no one is around when they need it. They should also ask from their physician how to adjust the doses of insulin after they are through with the SBMG. Knowing how to adjust the doses of insulin needed is very important to ensure that the body's supply of insulin is stable.

4. Treating or controlling hypoglycemia. Pregnant women who are diabetics are more prone to hypoglycemia because of the hormonal changes in their body. Although studies show that there are no know effects of hypoglycemia in the baby, it is best to control or treat it as soon as possible so the soon to be mom won't be having troubles during the course of conception.

5. Maintaining regular set of exercise or physical activities. This is also very important for pregnant women with diabetes because through this they can reduce the risk of hypoglycemia as well as being overweight. Since it is hard for pregnant women to do strenuous workouts, it is best to maintain the hobby of having light exercises that will keep the body moving.

These are just guild lines please make sure you check with your diabetic care team before making any changes.

Look out for new eBook on GDM coming soon. 

Monday, 18 April 2016

What you can do to make sure your baby is healthy.

For a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy, it is ideal to maintain an appropriate weight gain, average consumption of various foods from different food groups, timely and prescribed vitamin and mineral supplementation, and lots of fluid intake. Sweets and fats should also be kept to a minimum level of consumption. The following are just some of the guidelines that pregnant women with diabetes can use to achieve healthy pregnancy despite the chronic disease: 

Check my blog for more information. 

Soon launching new eBook full of important information for mothers suffering from GDM  

Friday, 15 April 2016

Achieving Healthy Pregnancy Despite Diabetes 1 *

Among diabetic pregnant women, the most common problem when it comes to their baby's health is the condition called "Macromedia" or having a baby with large body. This is because the blood of the mother with diabetes is interchanged with that of the baby inside the womb. As a result, the baby will produce insulin to be able to glucose and this will lead to fat deposits, which causes the baby to grown larger compared to the regular ones.

Watch out for more information....... Soon launching a new eBook on GDM 

Monday, 11 April 2016

Who Is At Risk Of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus?

Most women can significantly reduce their risk of developing gestational diabetes by managing their weight, eating healthily and keeping active.
You are at an increased risk if you:
•    Are overweight or obese.

•    Have had gestational diabetes before.
•    Have had a very large baby in a previous pregnancy (4.5kg/10lb or over).
•    Have a family history of diabetes (parent, brother or sister).

•    Are from a South Asian, Black or African-Caribbean or Middle Eastern background.
Look out for New eBook full of information on GDM --- Launching soon.

Thursday, 7 April 2016



The eBook is full of useful information to help mum to be during pregnancy and after birth. It will help mum to understand why it is important to keep your diabetes under control to have a safe and healthy pregnancy.

The eBook comes with lots of useful bonuses. Which will help anyone suffering from any type of diabetes.

What is the cause of GDM?  

It is not known what causes gestational diabetes for sure, but during research, few clues have been found. The hormones produced during pregnancy can make it difficult for your body to use insulin properly.  Putting you at an increased risk of insulin resistance.  As we all know pregnancy places a heavy demand on the body.
 The placenta supports the baby as it grows. Hormones from the placenta help the baby develop. But these hormones also block the action of your insulin in your body. This problem is called insulin resistance.  Insulin resistance makes it hard for your body to use insulin. You may need up to three times as much insulin.

Gestational diabetes starts when your body is not able to make and use all the insulin it needs for pregnancy. Without enough insulin, glucose cannot leave the blood and be changed to energy.   Glucose builds up in the blood to high levels. This is called hyperglycemia.  

Look out for new eBook ---Launching soon.

Monday, 4 April 2016

What is Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)?

There are 2 ways to explain about diabetes which can affect women in pregnancy
Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that affects pregnant women.  Pregnant women who have never had diabetes before but who have high blood glucose (sugar) levels during pregnancy are at higher risk to have gestational diabetes. This is due to hormone change which happens during pregnancy.   Research done by Disease Control and Prevention has proof of gestational diabetes is as high as 9.2%.
One is called Gestational Diabetes Mellitus - This term is used when you don’t have diabetes before pregnancy.
Second is called Pre-gestational diabetes. This term used for women who already have insulin-dependent diabetes and become pregnant.

GDM is usually diagnosed in late pregnancy (24 to 28th weeks).  In some women diabetes may be diagnosed in early stages, and in these cases, the condition most likely existed before pregnancy.

Women who have had the condition in previous pregnancies or have diabetes type -1 or diabetes type – 2, will be tested at early stages.  With good management of gestational diabetes, you can increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Friday, 1 April 2016

How You Can Minimize the Complications Associated With Diabetes

Diabetes is a very serious disease that will need you to change your lifestyle. If you are diagnosed with diabetes as an adult, then you will have diabetes type 2. When you developed diabetes as a child, then you have diabetes type 1. Although diabetes can have serious complications, there are ways on how you will be able to effectively manage the disease and live a normal life.

Statistics suggests that 5 percent of the world population suffers from diabetes. There is no cure yet for the disease but there are ways on how you can manage it. By knowing how to manage the disease, you will be able to minimize the complications associated with diabetes as well as allow you to live a more normal life.

The key to managing diabetes is by knowing how to take care of yourself. Not only that you should exercise regularly, but you also need to consider your diet. Generally speaking, a diabetic diet should be low on salt, sugar, and carbohydrates. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are recommended for people who are suffering from the disease.

People who are suffering from diabetes have higher risk of getting heart disease, teeth and gum disease, kidney failure, and even blindness. You need to understand that this is a very serious disease that you should respect and be very concerned about. It is not something that you should ignore as there are serious complications associated with diabetes, which can take a very negative toll on your health.

Diabetics also have higher risk for infections. For example, if the feet gets injured, it can get infected, which can lead to amputation if left untreated.

 People suffering from the disease should regulate their blood glucose levels. It should be between the range of 80 and 100. You need to know that hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia are two very serious conditions that diabetics can experience. These conditions can be life threatening if left untreated and it can even lead to organ failure.

Exercising is very important if you are diabetic. This will allow your body to use the carbohydrates you consume as well as keep the blood sugar levels in your body consistent. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes everyday. You can go jogging, 30 minutes of brisk walking, and you can also play physical sports, such as tennis or badminton.

Skipping meals is a big no-no if you are living with diabetes. You need to keep in mind that your body needs food in order for you to tell the pancreas and the liver to function and do their jobs despite the fact that these organs don't really do good jobs anymore. Eat small amounts of food throughout the day in order to keep the insulin levels in your body balanced and prevent it from spiking or dropping drastically.

 Drinking alcohol is prohibited if you are taking prescription medications for treating diabetes. If you do drink and you think that you have to drink, try to drastically reduce the amount of alcohol you consume. One glass of wine or one bottle of beer every once in a while is enough.

These are the things that you need to remember when you have diabetes. Although living with diabetes will require you to change your lifestyle and you may get uncomfortable at first, you will see that in time, you will be able to adjust. Minimize the complications associated with diabetes by changing your lifestyle which can help manage the disease.