Monday, 30 January 2017

10 Reasons Why You Are Always Tired & How to Fix It

Are you exhausted all the time despite how much sleep you get? While it’s perfectly normal to experience periods of physical and mental fatigue on occasion, it becomes problematic when tiredness persists without an obvious cause and interferes with your ability to enjoy life.

What is Fatigue?

Manifesting itself as physical weariness and/or mental exhaustion, fatigue is generally described as feelings of low energy and motivation, weakness in the body, and an inability to concentrate. Although there is a distinction between muscle fatigue (from vigorous exercise) and cognitive fatigue (from performing mentally taxing tasks), normally these are quickly alleviated by rest.

Fatigue is considered prolonged when feelings of exhaustion are pervasive – lasting a month or more – and are not clearly a result of physical or mental activity. Often, people who feel mentally tired feel physically tired too, and vice versa.

According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, at any given time 20% of people feel inexplicably tired and 10% suffer from prolonged fatigue. The causes of persistent fatigue have been associated with lifestyle as well as emotional distress, but it can also be a symptom of a more serious medical condition. If feelings of fatigue endure for more than six consecutive months – a condition called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – and you are also experiencing muscle pain, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, headaches, short-term memory loss, painful joints, and not refreshing sleep, it is time to see a health care practitioner.

1. Disrupted Sleep Cycles

Yes, it’s probably pretty self-evident that lack of sleep and tiredness go hand in hand. The National Sleep Foundation recommends between seven and nine hours of sleep per night for those aged 18 to 64 years old, but according to a 2013 Gallup Poll, 40% of Americans are getting only six hours or less every night.

Trimming an hour or two from your daily sleep cycle leads to a phenomenon called “sleep debt” whereby lost sleep hours accumulate over time leading to fatigue in the short-term and, as the sleep deficit mounts over many years, a greater risk for stroke, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes in the long-term.

Just one week of sleep deprivation can change your genes. It can also cause brain deterioration, resulting in permanent memory loss and cognitive deficiencies.  And if that’s not frightening enough, lack of sleep has been shown to bring about depression, induce weight gain, and can even lead to a premature demise.

Getting a good night’s sleep should really be a priority. Here are a few tips:

Respect the circadian rhythm – Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, regardless of whether you feel tired or not – even on the weekends.

Turn off electronics – Blue light emitted from computers, TVs, phones, and other devices disrupts melatonin production.

Shut out the light – You’ll get much better sleep in a dark room so invest in heavy curtains or a sleep mask.

Comfortable bedding – If you wake up each morning with aches and pains, your mattress and pillows could be preventing you from getting a restful sleep.

Don’t eat before bedtime – Eat your last meal of the day at least two hours before hitting the sheets.

Keep a journal – If you have difficulty falling asleep because you can’t turn your mind off, try writing down what’s bothering you.

Repay your sleep debt – Catch up on lost zzz’s by adding a couple hours of bed rest each night on the weekend if you missed out on five hours over the course of the work week. For longer-term debts, it could take a few months of extra slumber hours to return to a healthy sleep pattern.

Invest in a Himalayan salt lamp – Allowing a Himalayan salt lamp to work its magic throughout the day is a great way to improve sleep. You can turn it off when you go to bed so you can still sleep in the dark. Read about the science of how this helps here, and then you can buy a Himalayan salt lamp from here.

2. Skipping Breakfast

It’s dubbed the most important meal of the day and with good reason – eating breakfast every day has been proven again and again to have significant benefits for the body and the mind. Not eating breakfast, though, has been linked to high blood pressure, weight gain, coronary heart disease, reduced cognitive performance, and low mood. And yet, according to a study by The NPD Group, 31 million Americans – or 10% of the population – are regular breakfast-skippers.

When you struggle with fatigue, passing up breakfast is akin to running on empty – there is no fuel in your system to keep your energy levels up. Glucose – the body’s source of energy – is released slowly during the fasting of sleep to maintain stable blood sugar levels overnight. Come morning, once glucose stored in muscle tissues and the liver are depleted, energy is taken from fatty acids instead which results in lower energy levels. The simple act of eating breakfast replenishes your glucose stores, giving your body the boost it needs to get through the day.

In addition to overall physical energy, eating breakfast is a boon for mental health. Evidence from a battery of studies have consistently shown that breakfast improves brain function, memory, and academic performance, especially so in children and adolescents. Eating a low-fat, high carb breakfast improves mood and reduces mental fatigue.

Just not a breakfast person? Try these tips to increase your morning food intake:

Start small – Light, easy to digest foods in small portions (think yogurt, bananas, granola bars) are good ways to begin introducing some sustenance to your morning routine.

Break it up – You don’t need to sit down to a towering plate of pancakes and eat it all in one sitting. Try breaking up a large meal into smaller snacks and chow down intermittently throughout the A.M. hours.

Get the most bang for your buck – As mentioned above, high carb, low-fat breakfasts are great mind boosters so try to eat fat-free yogurt, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and egg whites.

Plan ahead – Many don’t eat breakfast because there isn’t enough time in the morning, but with a little preparation you can make some room for this meal. Pick out what you’ll eat the night before or wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual – but be sure to add in those extra minutes awake to your bedtime sleep.

Make it a habit – It takes on average 66 days to make a new behavior a habit, so eating breakfast should come naturally in about two months’ time.

3. Sugary Diet

Dubbed the new silent killer, the sweet stuff affects us on a much greater scale than merely a larger waistline. You may already know that consuming excessive amounts of sugar isn’t good for you, but the extent of the damage it wreaks is really quite shocking. From cardiovascular disease, organ damage, hormone imbalance, tooth decay, and obesity, a diet high in added sugars also plays an important role in physical and mental exhaustion.

Reaching for a sugary treat might help beat the mid-afternoon slump quickly, but sugar actually decreases the activity of orexin cells – neurons responsible for regulating alertness and hunger. An increase in orexin levels translates to more physical activity while lower levels leads to lethargy. This process won’t happen overnight, but a daily dose of sweets will steadily erode orexin levels and leave you feeling sleepy and unmotivated.

Other research on the impact sugars have on mental function is equally startling. One study found that a diet high in fructose impairs cognitive abilities by slowing the brain down, impeding learning, and stymieing memory. And the scary part: these cognitive deficits can occur in as little as six weeks!

The American Heart Association recommends limiting sugar intake to 100 calories per day for women (six teaspoons) and 150 per day for men (nine teaspoons), but consider that a single can of Coca-Cola contains nearly 10 teaspoons of sugar. And while sugary drinks and treats are the more obvious places to expect added sugars, many foods – like salad dressing, sauces, bread, and canned fruit – have lots of hidden sugars.

It might not be easy but quitting sugar could be one of the best things you can do to improve your overall health. In lieu of the chocolate bar pick-me-up, try eating healthy energy-boosting snacks that are high in protein, fiber, antioxidants, omega-3s, and magnesium:

Almonds, cashews, and other nuts

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Beans and lentils

Whole grains


4. Nutrient Deficiencies

Causing fatigue, weakness, and poor concentration, anemia is a condition that develops when there isn’t enough red blood cells present in the blood to carry a sufficient amount of oxygen to bodily tissues. There are more than 400 types of anemia but the most common kinds are caused by iron and vitamin deficiencies. Affecting about 3.5 million Americans, the early symptoms of anemia are subtle but will worsen over time.

To treat and prevent nutrient deficiency anemias, your diet should include:

Iron – Meat and fish, beans, lentils, tofu, eggs, nuts, spinach, and nuts

Folate – Citrus fruits, legumes, cereals, pastas, bananas, peas, and edamame

Vitamin B12 – Dairy, soy, meat, and eggs

Vitamin C – Bell peppers, guava, papaya, broccoli, kiwi, oranges, and cantaloupe

5. Not Enough Exercise

That you should be working out when you’re already exhausted in order to boost your energy levels is counterintuitive indeed. But it’s also true. Analyzing 70 studies that involved 6,807 sedentary participants who suffered from persistent fatigue, researchers found that over 90% of the studies drew the same conclusion: people who exercised regularly reported increased energy.

Delving deeper into this finding, another study was conducted which involved 36 otherwise healthy young adults who were experiencing prolonged fatigue. After six weeks of either low or moderate aerobic exercise three times per week, the subjects consistently reported higher energy levels. Between the two groups, those who completed low-intensity workouts reaped the greatest benefits for reducing fatigue.

Here are some low-impact ways to get up and get moving:

Walking – There are lots of opportunities to take a few extra steps each day. Park your car farther away from your destination, get off the bus a stop or two sooner, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and get into the routine of an after dinner stroll.

Yoga – Good for the mind, body, and spirit, start by mastering these yoga poses.

Swimming – There are plenty of great reasons to get in the pool, not the least of which is that swimming is just plain fun!

Dancing – Sometimes the best kind of exercise is the kind that doesn’t feel like it’s exercise, so crank up the tunes and dance like nobody’s watching.

6. Depression

It’s completely natural to feel sadness as a response to life’s struggles, but if feelings of listlessness, despair, or melancholy last for more than two weeks you may be suffering from depression. Affecting one in 10 Americans, depression can range from mild to severe and often includes symptoms of low energy, slowed thinking, as well as sleeping too much or too little.

Fatigue and depression are deeply intertwined with either state fuelling the other. One study observed that people who are depressed are four times more likely to feel fatigued, and people who suffer from fatigue are three times as likely to become depressed.

Take this depression self-help assessment to find out if you are experiencing some of the signs of depression.

Depression tends to make people feel overwhelmed by even the most routine of tasks, but there are small steps you can take that will help you feel better:

Seek support from people you trust – Depression can be isolating which usually makes the symptoms worse. Family and friends can be powerful social supports who can talk you through your feelings and let you know that you are not alone.

Try to get some exercise – Physical activity releases endorphins that uplift mood. Even taking a short 10 minute walk will help ease negative feelings and allow you to cope in a healthy way.

Challenge how you think – Depression is usually coupled with a one-sided, negative view of the world. How you think is how you feel, so try to challenge your thinking patterns to achieve a more balanced perspective.

Change your diet – Added sugars and refined carbohydrates will sap your energy so try to eat mood-boosting foods like citrus, bananas, spinach, brown rice, whole grains, and poultry.

See a doctor – If making healthy lifestyle changes doesn’t help curb your depression, it’s time to see a professional. Here are some tips on how to choose the right therapist.

7. Problems with your Thyroid

Found in the neck, the thyroid gland releases hormones that control how your body uses food for energy. Hyperthyroidism (or an overactive thyroid) occurs when your thyroid produces the hormone thyroxine in excess, while hypothyroidism (or an under active thyroid) develops when it produces too little. Both conditions share the symptoms of fatigue and muscle weakness.

Thyroid disorders are very treatable and can be quickly diagnosed with a simple blood test. It is recommended that anyone who is feeling prolonged fatigue and weakness should see a physician to, at the very least, rule out a thyroid issue. Although treatments span taking daily hormone supplements, anti-thyroid medications, or surgery, take few minutes to read some tips on how to heal thyroid problems naturally and discuss these options with your doctor.

8. Dehydration 

Tiredness, irritability, and poor concentration are signs that you may not be getting enough fluids. Each day, water in the body is lost through breathing, sweating, urination, and bowel movements and needs to be replaced with liquids from food and drink.

Ordinarily, feeling thirsty is the body’s way of telling us it’s time to take a drink but this is not always accurate. A better way to judge whether you are losing fluids faster than you are taking them in is to look at your urine. If it is light in color or clear, you are hydrated; if it is dark yellow, you are probably dehydrated.

The amount of fluids you should consume every day depends on how physically active you are and whether you reside in hotter environments. The general rule of thumb, according to the Institute of Medicine, is 2.7 liters for women and 3.7 liters for men.

Here are three ways to make sure you’re getting as much fluids as possible every day:

Eat it – If you dislike the taste of flavorless water, you can replenish fluids by eating foods with a high water content. These include cucumbers, watermelon, strawberries, grapefruit, celery, lettuce, tomatoes, grapes, and zucchini.

Be consistent – Drink a glass of water each day at the same time and place – when you wake up in the morning and right before bed, for example. Give yourself visual cues to remember to drink by leaving a cup by your nightstand or near the coffeemaker in the morning.

Think outside H₂O – Water has some amazing health benefits but there are other beverages that might be a bit more appealing. Alternatives like coconut water, tea, vegetable juice, lemon water, and skim milk are equally as hydrating as plain aqua.

9. Too Much Caffeine

There are gobs of excellent, healthful reasons to drink coffee each and every day, but if your java habit exceeds four 8-ounce cups daily, all the positive gains in health are flipped on the inverse. Research published in 2013 found that those under the age of 55 who drank more than 28 cups of coffee per week had a 56% increase in the risk of death from all causes.

Coffee, and its other caffeine-laden cohorts, does initially act as a stimulant that can help temporarily relieve drowsiness. When caffeine is overused, however, it becomes a depressant. Called “caffeine abuse” by the medical community, consuming too much of it leads to fatigue. Complicating matters further is the fact that relying on caffeine to jolt us into wakefulness builds up a tolerance to its effects. We often need more and more of it to pack the same punch that a cup or two once did. And more caffeine will only exacerbate the feelings of fatigue.

Depending on something so much to get us through the day is never a good thing. To reduce caffeine overload, try to eliminate as many sources of caffeine as you can. This doesn’t necessarily mean going cold turkey but there are lots of places that caffeine hides you wouldn’t expect.

10. Food Intolerance

If you’ve noticed that you feel sleepy ten to 30 minutes after eating certain foods, you may have an undiagnosed food allergy or intolerance to a specific type of food.

There is a marked difference between allergy and intolerance. Food allergies are an immune response when the body fights off a particular food that it perceives as harmful. The most common reactions involve swelling, difficulty breathing, chest pain, eczema, and dizziness.

Food intolerance, conversely, is a heightened sensitivity to a type of food. Generally it is caused by a lack of digestive enzymes in the stomach which prevent the food from being properly absorbed. Symptoms of food intolerance include bloating, headaches, and heartburn. Although food allergies tend to be more severe, both of these conditions have symptoms of stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue in common.

If you believe that a food intolerance might be contributing to your feelings of fatigue, you can try an elimination diet to identify the offending foods. Discuss this with your doctor first since eliminating core food groups carries the risk of not receiving adequate nutrition. Elimination diets can be challenging and inconvenient, but here are the basic steps:

Stop eating all suspicious foods for three weeks, or until symptoms improve

 Keep a food diary to track your progress

Carefully read the nutritional information labels so you don’t mistakenly consume ingredients you are trying to avoid
When symptoms improve, slowly reintroduce the food groups you were avoiding, one at a time and slowly over time, and write down any changes you observe

If symptoms return after eating specific foods again, you will have identified which foods are causing your issues and can avoid them going forward

Friday, 27 January 2017

6 Natural Remedies For Sciatic Pain

The sciatic nerve is located in the lower back, one on either side of your spine. The sciatic nerve runs down the back of each of your legs. When it becomes pinched (often by a herniated disc) it can cause pain in your lower spine and in your legs.

Usually, this pain only manifests in one leg. This pain is called radiculopathy, and it is often extreme pain. Many people describe it as being intolerable and as painful as a toothache.

While there is surgery available to deal with sciatic pain, relief can also be dealt with quite effectively by natural and homemade treatments. In this article, we will share some smart ideas for dealing with sciatic pain without surgery. Read on to learn more.

1 – See An Acupuncturist!

If you are in a great deal of pain right now, seeing an acupuncturist can bring you immediate relief. Regular sessions improve your overall comfort in increments. Experts say that after a dozen sessions you should see marked improvement.

The Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine reports that over half of the people who present with sciatic pain experience complete relief of symptoms. Most report at least some improvement in symptoms. This is especially true when a technique of acupuncture known as “warming acupuncture” is used. In this technique, heated needles are used.

2 – See A Chiropractor!

Chiropractic care has proven to be one of the most effective ways to address sciatic pain. In fact, according to a study conducted by the Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics in 2010, more than half of the participants who had been unable to find relief by other means were able to find reduction of pain through chiropractic care.

It is unclear why chiropractic care delivers such good results, but one theory is that the manipulation of the spine helps create a nervous system response that restores mobility and relieves pain in the injured area.

Chiropractic care is safe to use in conjunction with all other natural remedies, so it’s easy to see that a great deal of relief could be had by incorporating visits to the chiropractor in your recovery regimen.

3 -See A Masseuse!

A massage therapist who is skilled in trigger point therapy can deliver a great deal of relief when you are suffering from sciatic nerve pain. This type of massage is quite vigorous, and you may find it challenging.

The reason for this is that the sciatic nerve is a very deep nerve. It is located underneath the piriformis muscle which is underneath the gluteus maximus. In order to deliver an effective massage to this area, your masseuse must be quite persistent and rather powerful.

Although you might find a trigger point massage a bit of a trial, you are sure to appreciate the end results.

It’s best to schedule a series of trigger point massage sessions so that you are receiving massage every week to ten days. If you do not see marked improvement after four sessions, you should move on to a different type of treatment.

4 – Take Up Yoga!

Yoga practice is an excellent lifelong form of exercise that can help you maintain overall flexibility, strength and general fitness. Specific poses to open the hips and align the spine are especially effective in treating sciatic pain.

One study conducted by the Journal known as “Pain” reports that after four months of regular yoga practice approximately 70% of participating sciatic pain sufferers experienced a reduction of pain and greater mobility.

Regular yoga practice is an all around positive addition to any health regimen. If you are suffering from sciatic pain or any other type of injury, be sure to choose gentle Hatha yoga or Iyengar yoga and let your instructor know about your injury.

5 – Keep Moving!

When you are suffering from sciatic pain, you may just feel like being still; however, this is the worst thing you can do.

You need to stay active and keep your blood flowing to carry lactic acid away from the painful areas and reduce pain. When you exercise, you increase the blood flow to your possibly herniated disc, thereby reducing inflammation.

Walking is an excellent form of exercise, but if that is too painful try swimming several days a week. The support and massaging action of the water should help alleviate pain.

When you have built up a little strength and reduced the pain in your sciatic nerve, you may wish to take up water aerobics for more focused exercise.

6 – Use Home Remedies!

When you are at home there are a number of things you can do to relieve your pain. You should not rely entirely on these things, but they can be helpful in conjunction with some of the other suggestions already mentioned.

Kava – This herbal muscle relaxer can be very effective in relieving pain. Although it has gotten a bad reputation in the media, it is worth noting that instances in which this natural remedy had negative effects always involved excessive use and/or combination with alcohol or illicit drugs.

Kava – Kava is a very effective natural muscle relaxer, and it should be used only as directed. If you carefully follow package instructions, you should experience effective pain relief without negative side effects.

Devils Claw: This is a very powerful herbal anti-inflammatory that has been compared with drugs such as ibuprofen. It can be very effective in relieving pain and inflammation, but it should not be used by people who are taking blood thinning medications or who have peptic ulcers. Additionally, you should not combine it with kava–kava or any other herbal remedy or medication without consulting your doctor.

Natural Liniment: There are a number of natural liniment preparations that can help relieve sciatic pain. St. John’s Wort oil is a good example. Others include creams and alcohol rubs containing cayenne pepper and or capsaicin.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Smart Ideas To Naturally Treat Arthritis

These days many people suffer from autoimmune problems, and one of the most common is rheumatoid arthritis. You may be surprised to know that this condition begins in the gut, where the vast majority of chronic ailments begin.

This is actually a good thing because making changes in your diet for healthy gut function is easy and effective.

In this article, we will share some smart ideas that will help you treat your rheumatoid arthritis naturally. Read on to learn more.

You Really Are What You Eat!
Just like the Tin Man, if your joints are not oiled they will be creaky and stiff.

Unfortunately, you cannot remedy this with an oil can. To treat your own creaky joints, you must apply oil from within and it must be the right kind of oil.

Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely important for reducing inflammation and lubricating your joints. Natural sources in the diet include:

 Flaxseed and flaxseed oil

Wild caught fatty fish

Grass fed beef

Chia seeds


There are many ways to add these healthy foods to your diet. Have fatty fish such as wild caught salmon for dinner once a week.

Add flax seed or Chia seed to smoothies and shakes. Snack on walnuts, and make sure that any time you eat beef it is grass fed beef.

As you increase your consumption of healthy oils, you should decrease and eliminate consumption of unhealthy oils. Unhealthy oils include all hydrogenated oils such as:

Cottonseed oil

Rapeseed oil

Soybean oil

Canola oil

Corn oil

All of these oils cause inflammation throughout your body. They are bad for your health in a wide variety of ways.

Replace them in your diet with healthier oils such as extra-virgin olive oil for cold cooking and coconut oil for hot cooking.

Add Sulfur To Your Diet

You may have heard of the supplement called MSM for treating joint problems. You may be surprised to know that you can get a natural form of MSM by adding some delicious, healthy veggies to your diet. Be sure to get plenty of:





Most people don’t eat enough of any of these vegetables, but it is important that you increase their presence in your diet to help fight the pain of rheumatoid arthritis.

Enjoy cabbage both raw and cooked in many different dishes. Be sure to include onions and garlic when you cook any veggies and/or meats. Take advantage of sales on asparagus in season and eat ample amounts.

Create A Delicious Bone Tonic For Pennies

Bone broth is an old-fashioned sort of concoction that used to be common in every kitchen. It contains collagen that provides the vital amino acid lysine and proline.

These two amino acids are essential in rebuilding damaged tissue. For this reason, drinking bone broth helps battle joint degeneration.

Making bone broth is extremely simple to do. Just simmer joint bones (beef or pork) for a long period of time. Luckily, these types of bones are usually very inexpensive to purchase at your butcher. They are usually sold as “dog bones” for a few cents. Purchase a few of these and place them in a large pot of pure filtered water. Bring the pot to a boil and then simmer for several hours.

This broth can be flavored with garlic and onions and other spices to enjoy as a hot beverage. It also makes an excellent stock for soups and for use in other types of cooking.

It’s easy to make a large pot, pour it into smaller, separate freezer safe containers and freeze for future use.

Consume Large Amounts of Fresh Fruits and Veggies

Overall, you should enjoy the most natural, whole foods diet you possibly can. It should consist mostly of fresh, whole fruits and vegetables.

The reason for this is that raw fruits and vegetables are filled with natural anti-inflammatory compounds and enzymes.

Tropical fruits such as papaya are excellent sources of papain, and pineapple contains a very important anti-inflammatory enzyme called bromelain.

Be sure that at least half of your diet consists of fresh, healthy fruits and veggies.

 One exception to the fruit and vegetable rule is that you may want to avoid nightshade veggies.

These include tomatoes and potatoes and any other vegetable that is in the Hemlock family. These have also been known to exacerbate inflammation.

Avoid Sugar & Processed Foods

Many people eat a diet that consists almost entirely of processed foods, and this is a very bad thing, indeed.

Processed foods are filled with hydrogenated oils and sugar, and these are both outrageously inflammation producing.

If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis (or even if you don’t) avoiding sugar and processed foods entirely is the wisest health choice that you can make.

This means that you should not eat foods that are prepared in advance and come in a package.

You should not drink sodas (not even diet sodas). You should also avoid grain products, especially those containing gluten.

Most commercially prepared baked goods are highly processed, and the gluten they contain can trigger inflammation.

Additionally, highly processed grains convert rapidly to sugar in your system. This not only causes inflammation, it can also lead to type II diabetes.

Take Smart Super-Food Supplements

In addition to eating foods that are rich in enzymes, you should also supplement your diet with enzymes. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme.

This is a type of enzyme that can be taken on its own (without food). Locate a high-quality proteolytic enzyme supplement to take before meals.

Supplementing with glucosamine sulfate or glucosamine/chondroitin combined with MSM can also be very effective in relieving arthritis symptoms.

This combination provide your body with nutrients that help you rebuild your joints.

Adding fish oil as a supplement is also extremely beneficial and may actually provide very quick relief from arthritis pain.

Turmeric is an Indian spice that can be taken as a capsule supplement (1000 mg daily) and/or added abundantly to your diet.

Friday, 20 January 2017

18 Warning Signs You May Have An Iron Deficiency

At a daily requirement of only 8 – 18 mg (depending on an individual’s gender and age), iron is classified as a micro-nutrient. However, it is one of the most important elements of a healthy diet. Iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells which is responsible for carrying oxygen through the blood stream to every cell in the human body. Iron is also essential for growth of new tissues, cellular regeneration, and even the production of some hormones. Needless to say, without an adequate supply of iron, every organ feels the drain!

Despite the trace amounts needed to maintain optimal health, iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder in the world. This is because iron is very hard to digest. With a perfectly healthy digestive tract, the average person only obtains between 14% – 18% of the total bio-available iron from food. To complicate matters, many people suffer from poor digestion due to hormonal imbalances like stress and anxiety, certain medications, or a variety of other environmental factors. Because iron requires a healthy level of hydrochloric acid for our bodies to process it, this is a leading cause of iron deficiency. Other possible causes include menstruation, pregnancy, lack of proteins or insufficient calcium in the diet.

With so many common everyday factors which can lead to iron deficiency, it becomes easier to see why this disorder is so prevalent. Unfortunately, the symptoms of iron deficiency may be easily attributed to other illnesses or in some cases are so commonplace that many people simply ignore them. Read on to learn what signs to look for which may indicate that you are among the over 2 billion people worldwide who are affected by iron deficiency!

 1. Fatigue

This is the most common symptom of iron deficiency and possibly the easiest to overlook. Fatigue is often attributed to being over-worked, not sleeping enough, stress or a long list of other common problems. However, because iron-deficient red blood cells can’t carry enough oxygen throughout the body and all of your cells need oxygen to function, iron deficiency is a leading cause of general lethargy.

2. Mood Swings and Irritability

Iron deficiency hinders the body’s ability to produce certain hormones. This can lead to mood swings, increased feelings of stress, anxiety and irritability – all symptoms which are also frequently attributed to other causes.

3. Lack of Concentration

When the mind and body are deprived of oxygen due to iron deficiency, one of the more subtle problems which may arise is a decline in concentration. Again, this symptom is a fairly common occurrence with a number of other possible causes and therefore is often misdiagnosed.

4. Dizzy Spells

Lack of oxygenated blood carried to the brain due to iron deficiency may also manifest as frequent and explainable dizzy spells, much like those experienced from standing up too fast or as a result of hyperventilation.

5. Insomnia

The human body stores reserves of iron in the spleen, liver, and intestines via an intracellular binding protein called ferritin. Ferritin releases iron back into the body to facilitate certain basic functions, one of which is sleep regulation. When the body experiences iron-deficiency and ferritin iron stores become depleted, a person may develop sleep disorders such as insomnia.

6. Dry or Cracked Lips

Ferritin proteins also release iron into the skin for cellular regeneration and growth of new cells. For this reason, dry or cracked skin, especially around the lips is another big indicator of a possible iron deficiency.

7. Brittle or Ridged Nails

Just like with skin, iron is necessary for growth of healthy nail tissue. If you notice that your nails have begun to break or crack very easily or if you develop ridges that run the length (not across) of your fingernails, this may also be a sign that your ferritin iron stores are depleted.

8. “Pins and Needles”

You’re probably familiar with the feeling of “pins and needles” that you get when circulation gets cut off to one body part or another. While this can easily result from something as simple as falling asleep with one limb at an odd angle, poor circulation may also be caused by insufficient iron in the blood and the resulting lack of oxygen reaching your extremities. If you frequently experience burning or tingling in your hands or feet with no good explanation, iron deficiency is a possible cause.

9. Swollen or Sore Tongue

Iron deficiency can manifest in the form of glossitis – soreness, inflammation or discoloration of the tongue. If your tongue appears pale or smooth, it could be to lack of hemoglobin in the blood stream – a result of low iron levels.

10. Trouble Chewing or Swallowing

Glossitis caused by iron deficiency can also make it very difficult to chew or swallow food and water, especially if the tongue becomes very swollen toward the back of the throat. In severe cases, this condition may also affect a person’s ability to speak.

11. Pallor

When your body is iron-deficient, red blood cell levels decline resulting in a visibly paler complexion. This becomes especially noticeable in the face, toes, fingertips, as well as any other areas where blood runs close to the skin’s surface.

12. Unexplained Headaches

Muscles in the face, neck, and shoulders deprived of oxygenated blood due to iron deficiency may become sore or tense, resulting in frequent and otherwise explainable headaches.

13. Sore or Stiff Limbs

Iron deficiency can lead to soreness in the muscles and joints. This may be more noticeable for those who lead very active lifestyles as depleted iron stores result in hindered cellular regeneration and slower muscle recovery.

14. Muscle Cramps

Red blood cells are not only responsible for delivering oxygen to cells throughout the body. They are also responsible for transporting carbon-dioxide and other metabolic wastes out of these tissues. When red blood cell levels drop due to iron deficiency, so does the body’s capacity to expel waste products which may result in frequent and unexplained muscle cramps.

15. Weakness and Lack of Stamina

Iron deficiency may cause a decline in both muscle strength and stamina. Again, lack of oxygenated blood needed to perform aerobic functions means that muscles must resort to anaerobic energy production which is far less sustainable and more taxing on the body.

16. Shortness of Breath

Especially noticeable while exercising, iron deficiency can cause you to feel out of breath must faster than normal as your body’s need for oxygenated blood increases, but supply is limited.

17. Heart Palpitations

Probably the most frightening of all of the symptoms of iron deficiency are heart palpitations – the fluttering sensation in your chest, throat or neck that feels like your heart is beating too hard and too fast. While heart palpitations have several possible causes, when experienced in conjunction with many of the other symptoms on our list, increasing your iron levels may be the key to calming them.

18. Craving Non-Food Items

Definitely the strangest symptom on our list – iron deficiency can cause the development of pica, an eating disorder where a person begins to crave non-food items like paper, dirt, or ice. While most of us will likely fight the urge to snack on potting soil or the corner of an envelope, chewing ice cubes may not seem like such a bad idea. However, this seemingly innocuous behavior could actually be a sign that you aren’t getting enough iron in your diet.

How Do I Know For Sure?

After reading over this list of symptoms, it may seem very clear to you that you are iron-deficient. However, it is important to remember that only a medical professional can perform the tests necessary to absolutely confirm a deficiency.

Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to naturally increase your iron levels. Try adding foods high in iron, calcium, and lean protein to your diet. Cut back on stimulants like caffeine and avoid exposure to cigarette smoke. To discover ten of the best natural remedies to heal an iron deficiency, read our follow up article here: 10 Easy Natural Remedies To Fix Your Iron Deficiency.

Monday, 16 January 2017

17 Foods Your Liver Loves

The liver – together with the kidney – acts as the body’s filtration system, preventing toxins and pollutants from actually circulating all over the organs.

Despite the efficiency of the liver in performing its job, the fact is that too much stress piled on to it can cause severe problems – in some cases, causing this vital organ to fail with its function.

This is where the word “detox” comes in. The idea is to “flush” out the toxins in the body by following a certain diet and limiting / stopping the amount of toxin-infested materials from entering your system until all the others are completely removed.

Unfortunately, this fosters the idea that you’ll have to: 

1 starve yourself to perform a detox and 
2 you’ll have to confine yourself to an unappetizing liquid diet.

Although those are one way to do a liver detox, that’s not the only one. If you really love your liver and want to take care of it, you can simply up your intake of liver-loving food items like:

1 – Water

Yes –it’s not food, but you’ll be amazed at just how well water can help flush your system and rejuvenate the liver and kidney. Water is the ultimate flushing product – it acts as a powerful hydrant that aids with the distribution of vitamins while getting rid of toxins through sweat, urine, and bowel movement. Unfortunately, very few people actually drink the required 8-glasses a day but this is a very minimum effort considering all the benefits you’ll get! Note though that if you’re going to drink water, it’s best to focus on those that have been specially filtered for drinking purposes.

2 – Green Tea

Another liver-loving drink is green tea. Although technically not food, green tea contains antioxidants which can help get rid of any toxic material in your intestines. You can add some lemon into the mix if you’re not happy with how green tea tastes.

Specifically, go for milk thistle and dandelion root since these are the ones best for liver protection. As much as possible, go for non-powder green tea.

3 – Fruit Infused Water

This one is incredibly popular nowadays and has been circulating in Facebook for months. Basically, you’ll soak favorite fruits in water overnight and use it as your basic hydrant for the day.

It doesn’t really change the taste of water much, but the infusion process allows for the transfer of vitamins and minerals in the water! The best option is usually lemon infused water with some peppermint, but the choice is really up to you.

4 – Avocado
Avocado is currently one of the most popular detox fruits today. They aid with the production of glutathione and manage to provide tons of vitamins and minerals with each serving. Keep in mind though that they’re best eaten fresh with no other additions that could cause imbalance.

5 – Apples

The adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is true. In this case, apples are loaded with pectin which is used by the liver for handling toxins that pass through it every day. With more pectin in your diet, the higher the toxin load your liver can clean out in a given day.

6 – Artichokes

High in cynarin, these vegetables manages to protect the tissues of the liver even as it increases bile flow for better digestion. Aside from being a very powerful antioxidant, artichokes can also help you lose weight through increased metabolism.

Note that all cruciferous and leafy green vegetables are actually counted as perfect for the liver – kale, spinach, etc.

7 – Beets

Beets have a way of cleansing and purifying the blood which lowers the amount of work your liver has to do. Plus, it’s also rich in fiber, capable of making you feel full for longer periods of time! Beets are a popular ingredient in making juice cleansing recipes today but eating them as solid fruits will give you more access to their goodness!

8 – Turmeric

Turmeric doesn’t just make food taste good, it also helps remove enzymes that cause dietary problems.

9 – Citrus

Basically, all types of food items high in the vitamin C are perfect for the liver. Studies show that vitamin C can help prevent fatty liver disease.

10 – Onion

Much like garlic, onions also contain minerals that promote the health of liver tissue as well as aid with the removal of toxins. No needs to try complicated onion recipes – just add this product in some of your food items and eat them with relish to gain the positive effects!

11 – Coffee

Yes – coffee is healthy for the liver, but only in small amounts. Sticking to black coffee without too much sugar is always a good idea. Study shows that coffee aids with the production of bile, plus it also comes with a host of other health benefits. If you want some flavor in your coffee, add some lemon wedges in the cup.

 12 – Cilantro

A powerful herb that can be added to almost all types of food preparations, cilantro is also a well-known liver-loving product What’s great about this is that you can plant this in your backyard and just pick some up whenever they’re needed!

13 – Asparagus

Perhaps one of the best diuretics known to man – asparagus helps with the production of urine which is one of the body’s natural ways of flushing out toxins. If your urine production is quite low, try munching on these stalks to promote liquid flushing.

14 – Tomatoes

Tomatoes are popular for their cancer-fighting lycopene content, but they’re also rich in glutathione known for improving liver function.

15 – Walnuts

If you’re looking for a healthy liver-loving snack, walnuts are it! They’re high in omega-3 fatty acids which help with liver protection. Note though that they’re high in calories too so be careful.

16 – Olive Oil

Olive oil is credited with so many health benefits today and as it happens, it also works wonders for the liver! Specifically, flax seed, hemp, and olive manage to suck toxins circulating in the body and flush them out quickly and efficiently.

17 – Garlic

Add a bit of garlic each time you eat – perhaps grating the material and sprinkling some of them in your recipes. Garlic is known for its high sulfur compounds which helps reactive the liver. This manages to boosts the organ’s function, making it easier for the liver to handle and flush out toxins.