Monday, 30 July 2018

Tips for Preventing Diabetes

Diabetes is a growing problem. If you have diabetes in your family or otherwise are at risk, it makes sense to take some preventative steps. Type II diabetes is the most preventable form of the disease. Here are some tips that may help prevent diabetes from developing in your life. 

Proper Diet - Foods That May Prevent Diabetes

Many sources suggest that a diet emphasizing plant foods is important for preventing diabetes. Other foods that may help stabilize blood sugar and keep you from developing full-blown diabetes include the following: 

* Magnesium-rich foods like black beans, spinach, and almonds are said to help prevent diabetes. Interestingly, diabetics are often deficient in magnesium, sources say.

* Onions and garlic are natural blood sugar regulators. Black bean soup with garlic or black bean burgers with onions would be great!

* Stevia is a very sweet, calorie-free herb; the extract is often sold in grocery stores and health food stores as a sweetener. It may lower blood sugar, too, making it a good choice for those with pre-diabetic conditions or those wishing to prevent the onset of diabetes. 


It's important for everyone, but for those who wish to prevent diabetes, exercise is especially essential. For one thing, vigorous activity tends to lower blood sugar. For another, exercise usually results in weight loss if it's practiced regularly and properly. Maintaining a healthy body weight is key to diabetes prevention. 

Just in Case...

There are some possible preventative measures you can take that are controversial, or at least the jury is still out as to whether or not these measures are effective. If they're healthy measures, though, it might pay to err on the side of caution and implement them even if their effectiveness against diabetes is uncertain. Some examples of this type of prevention include:

* Reducing stress, whether through stretching, meditation, prayer, or other forms of stress reduction. Some studies suggest that chronic stress may increase your risk for developing diabetes.

* Reducing high blood pressure may also help prevent diabetes. These two conditions often exist together, and research suggests that high blood pressure may even trigger the onset of diabetes. Keeping your blood pressure under control is a healthy thing to do anyway, so you really can't lose on this one.

* High fructose corn syrup, that sweetener we all love to hate, may or may not be implicated in the development of diabetes. It may be no more of an issue than white sugar. Once again, cutting HFCS out of your diet is not a dangerous thing to do and may even be healthier, so it's a win-win if you cut it out of your diet for whatever reason. 

* Trans fats and saturated fats are usually included on the "do not eat" list for those wishing to prevent diabetes. It's been suggested that these artery-clogging fats can exacerbate or even trigger Type II diabetes symptoms. 

Friday, 27 July 2018

Treatment Options for Diabetes

There is always a significant amount of research going on in the field of diabetes. Scientists are always looking for a cure or better treatment, developing new drugs and equipment, and performing experiments with stem cells and other methods. New treatment options are becoming available all the time. 

As a diabetic, keeping your blood sugar levels steady is key. Once you have that under control, many diabetics like to search out alternative treatments. In conjunction with your physician's knowledge, you may find your health is enhanced by one or more alternative treatments.

Let's take a look at some of the treatment options available for diabetics. 


Those with Type I diabetes will need to take insulin. This can be done in the form of a shot, which the diabetic gives him or herself (except for small children, whose parents could give the daily shots). Another option is an insulin pump, which is outside the body but attached by a small tube. The diabetic enters what he or she eats into the pump, and the pump produces the necessary insulin. 

For Type 2 diabetics, insulin may or may not be necessary. If it is, there are some different options for these diabetics. Inhaled or even oral insulin may be prescribed, or traditional shots or "pens."


In addition to insulin, some diabetics take various medications. Some medications, like Metformin, work by decreasing the glucose that the liver produces, which aids in the body's response to insulin. Others, such as Glipizide and Glimepiride, increase the pancreas's own insulin. This, of course, lowers blood sugar; but presumably it would only be effective if the pancreas still worked somewhat. 

Some newer medications are called DPP-4 inhibitors. These affect the pancreas both by stimulating the secretion of insulin and by reducing the secretion of a hormone called glucagon. Glucagon raises blood sugar.


Some natural substances have been considered for their ability to lower or stabilize blood sugar. Chromium, a mineral that occurs naturally in whole sugar cane, may be low in people with Type II diabetes. Chromium is said to stabilize blood sugar. Other minerals, herbs, and foods that are said to help with blood sugar are:

* Stevia
* Magnesium (diabetics are often found to be deficient in this mineral)
* Essential fatty acids
* Cinnamon
* Ginseng

Acupuncture has also been explored as an alternative treatment for diabetes. 

Diet and exercise are important for all diabetics, but these essentials are usually considered "alternative treatments," probably because they do not directly involve drugs or conventional therapy. But exercise and diet are important for keeping blood sugar regulated and maintaining a healthy body weight. 

Monday, 23 July 2018

Diabetes - How to Recognize and Prevent Complications

Learning to recognize the complications of diabetes in yourself and others can save a life. Sometimes diabetes goes unnoticed, and until there's a complication, the person doesn't know he or she has diabetes. If a shrewd friend can see some symptoms before the complications hit, it may give the diabetic an edge on treatment. It's also a good idea to learn some of the signs and symptoms of complications and how to stave them off in yourself. 

Here are some tips to help you prevent and recognize diabetes complications.


There are some specific actions you can take to help avoid complications and keep them from developing.

1. Don't smoke

Smoking is one of the worst things a diabetic can do. First of all, smoking constricts blood vessels, further complicating the compromised circulation that comes with diabetes anyway. Secondly, smoking increases diabetics' risk of cardiovascular disease and even vision problems. So a good step toward staving off these complications is to stop smoking (or don't start!). 

2. Take your medication regularly

To help your body stay on an even keel, it's a good idea to take your prescribed medication as directed. Don't self-medicate. If you want to change medications or try something different, make sure you do so under the care of a professional.

3. Regular check-ups

Getting regular physicals is important, but so are check-ups specifically for your diabetes. Your vision, in particular, should be monitored to prevent vision complications such as glaucoma later on. 

4. Maintain a healthy weight

Eating a healthy, diabetic-specific diet and getting enough regular exercise is key to maintaining a healthy weight. You don't want to crash-diet, but getting on track with the right foods and activity level is a good place to start. 


Recognizing complications early can help, whether it's an urgent, short-term complication or a long-term one. Here are some tips.

Sources say that the body parts most affected by diabetes are:

* Eyes
* Kidneys
* Nerves
* Heart and blood vessels
* Gums
* Feet

Watching for abnormalities in these areas of the body is the first step toward recognizing any complications in that area. 

1. Neuropathy 

Burning, tingling sensations in the hands and feet, sharp night-time pain, and difficulty walking are signs of diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage). Swollen, red feet are also a sign of serious nerve complications.

2. Vision problems

If you have blurry vision, sudden losses of vision, what seems like flashing light or grey, drifting films across your eyes, it could be a sign of diabetic vision complications. Pain and pressure in the eye are also symptoms. 

3. Kidney complications

Diabetics are prone to kidney problems. Signs of kidney complications include fatigue, poor concentration, painful urination, and/or edema (puffy swelling) in the abdomen, around the eyes, or in the ankles and feet. 

4. High and low blood sugar

Symptoms of very low blood sugar may include nausea, extreme fatigue, confusion, emotional imbalance, and ravenous hunger. High blood sugar may cause excessive thirst, headache, and increased frequent urination. High and low blood sugar need to be addressed immediately. 

Friday, 20 July 2018

Types of Diabetes - Know the Difference

Many people know that there is a difference between Type I and Type II diabetes, but they aren't sure just what those differences are. Others may not know that there are actually several other types of diabetes in addition to Types I and 2 and that there are diseases that may mimic diabetes but are not the "real thing." 

Here are some ideas and tips on how to know the difference between the various types of diabetes.

Type I

Also called juvenile-onset diabetes, Type I usually occurs in people under the age of 25. The pancreas, often due to an autoimmune problem (the body attacks its own pancreatic cells) becomes disabled and can no longer produce insulin. Type I tends to run in families and will affect the person for the rest of his or her life. Insulin will be required and perhaps other medications throughout the diabetic's life. 

Type 2

This type of diabetes usually occurs later in life. Its symptoms are similar to Type I - excessive thirst, unexplained weight loss, frequent urination, fatigue, tingling in the extremities, etc. - but unlike Type I, Type 2 can often be managed with diet and exercise, especially if it's caught early. Some sources note that it never really "goes away," but its severity varies. 

Type 2 diabetics usually have a functioning pancreas; it just doesn't produce enough insulin, or the insulin it does produce is not processed or recognized by the body (insulin resistance).

Diabetes Mellitus

The above types are both a form of diabetes mellitus. This is the form of the disease most people think of when they hear the term "diabetes."

Diabetes Insipidus

This is a disease that many may not have heard of. While it shares the same first name and even some of the symptoms (frequent urination and excessive thirst, for example), diabetes insipidus is actually quite different from diabetes mellitus. 

Diabetes insipidus is primarily a kidney disease and is often connected to the pituitary gland. This gland makes two hormones: one that stimulates the kidneys to make more urine (diuretic hormone) and one that "shuts off" the production of urine (anti-diuretic hormone). In diabetes insipidus, the kidneys either stop responding to this hormone or something goes wrong with the pituitary gland so that the hormones are not secreted properly. 


MODY, or Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young, is often confused with Type I or II diabetes. But it's neither one - sometimes it's called "Type 1.5." MODY is said to be caused by a single mutated gene that can be passed on from parent to child. MODY itself has varying degrees of severity, with MODY 1 and 3 possibly requiring insulin, sometimes in the oral form only, and MODY 2 not requiring any form of insulin.

Monday, 16 July 2018

Diabetes: What Is It and Who Gets It?

Diabetes is a significant problem in the developed world and is especially prevalent among certain ethnic groups. Yet many people are not really sure what diabetes is, who gets it, and whether or not they are at risk.

The Basics

Diabetes means too much sugar in the blood. Its proper name is diabetes mellitus. The sugar in the diabetic person's system also comes out in the urine, which diabetics produce a lot of - the ancient Egyptians noticed that the urine of certain people attracted sugar-loving insects like ants. The term "diabetes" comes from the Greek physician Arateus, and means "to siphon." The term "mellitus" (meaning "honey sweet") came about in the late 1600s. 

Diabetics need to take steps to control their blood sugar levels, something that is normally done automatically within the body. How this is done and to what extent it is done depends on the type of diabetes that is present. 


There are two basic types of diabetes. Type I diabetes, also called juvenile diabetes, often occurs in childhood. In this type of diabetes, the pancreatic cells are destroyed, either by the body's own immune system or some external damage to the pancreas, such as injury or surgery. Type I diabetics must inject insulin into their bodies since their pancreas no longer produces insulin. Insulin takes the sugar from the blood and gets it into the body's cells where it can be used. 

Type 2 diabetes is far more common and tends to occur in adults. Generally, those with Type II diabetes have a functioning pancreas; it just doesn't produce enough insulin, or the insulin it produces is "ignored" by the body (insulin resistance). Type II diabetes can sometimes be managed with diet and exercise, and insulin injections may or may not be necessary.

Who Gets Diabetes?

Type I diabetes tends to run in families. Type 2 diabetes can also run in families and may occur in at-risk individuals: those who are overweight, sedentary, over the age of 35 or had gestational diabetes in the past. You cannot "catch" diabetes as it is not caused by a pathogen. 

The prevalent opinion among medical professionals is that Type II diabetes can be prevented or minimized through a healthy lifestyle. The theory goes that too much white flour products, white sugar, corn syrup, and other refined sugars and grains cause the pancreas to become exhausted or the body to resist the insulin that is produced. 

Friday, 13 July 2018

What Causes Diabetes?

Chances are, you know someone with diabetes, or someone in your family has it. But what causes it? How does a person develop the symptoms of diabetes?

There are basically two types of diabetes, Type I and Type II. These differ as to their cause and treatment. Here are some ideas about what causes diabetes.

Type I

Type I diabetes is caused by a malfunctioning pancreas. What causes the pancreas to malfunction differs from case to case. It tends to run in families, but some individuals have developed diabetes in childhood when no one in their family has any history of the disease. 

In some individuals, their own immune system attacks the pancreas and destroys its cells, thereby rendering it useless. In others with Type I diabetes, an injury or pancreatic surgery destroys the pancreas to the point that it can no longer produce insulin. 

Type I diabetes has a different demographic than Type II. Children as young as 2 or as old as 22 can be diagnosed with Type I diabetes - hence the alternate name for Type I diabetes: juvenile diabetes. However, older people can certainly develop Type I diabetes, especially if there is an injury to the pancreas. 

Type 2

Type II diabetes may have some hereditary factors, too, but not to the clear-cut degree that Type I does. In Type II, the body becomes resistant to the insulin that the pancreas is still producing. Or, Type II diabetics have a functioning pancreas but the organ does not produce enough insulin. Older individuals and those who are overweight are considered more at risk for developing Type II diabetes than those with a healthy body weight and lifestyle. 

What Triggers It?

An auto-immune disorder might trigger Type I diabetes, as the body's immune system can inexplicably attack the pancreas and destroy its cells. There might also be some other way that the pancreas gets damaged, which is not age specific.

Type II diabetes may be triggered by unhealthy, sugar-rich diets and a sedentary lifestyle. The pancreas may simply become exhausted trying to keep the blood sugar down in response to the constant influx of sugar from the diet. 

Other possibilities for triggers include high blood pressure and stress. While it's not directly proven as a causal factor, individuals with high blood pressure are statistically more likely to develop diabetes than those with normal blood pressure. 
Stress as a causal factor has a similarly unproven status, but it is often thought by medical professionals that prolonged, unrelieved stress increases the risk of diabetes. Sometimes the stress is caused by trauma or emotional disturbance, somehow making the individual susceptible to developing diabetes. 

Monday, 9 July 2018

Walking while you work

More and more individuals are taking the initiative to walk extra distances at work, in an effort to get healthier. Depending on your job description and the location of your workplace, it may be easier to accomplish than you think. The following suggestions are provided to help you get started.

Start with Your Commute

When you’re ready to add walking to your work routine, the best place to start is your morning commute. If parking is available a half-mile or so from your workplace, drive there a little early and walk the rest of the way. If your house is close enough to work, you can even walk the entire distance. Doing this even a couple of times a week lets you get plenty of walking in. That is, as long as you don’t mind getting up a bit earlier. 

Get Up and Stretch

Your muscles need a chance to stretch every now and then, particularly when you spend hours a day working at a desk. Every hour or so, go grab some coffee, take a trip around the room or stroll around your office building, for at least five minutes. Not only does this help keep your body active, but stepping away from your work periodically can also stop you from feeling bored or fatigued before the end of the day. 

Form a Walking Group

You may be able to find a few co-workers who are interested in doing a bit of walking with you. Asking around at lunch and breaks or posting a notice in a cafeteria or break room, are all great ways to find potential walking buddies. Walking with a group of people makes exercise a much more social (and less tedious) experience, and also helps to encourage you to stick to your routine. 

Store Fitness Gear at Work

If you want to take your workplace workout to the next level, you may want to consider keeping some fitness gear at work. One essential and easy to store a piece of gear is a good pair of running shoes, so you have comfortable shoes for walking during breaks. A small set of weights is also a smart idea, both to hold while walking and to curl during the time on the phone. 

Consider a Treadmill Desk

For hardcore fitness enthusiasts, treadmill desks are a growing trend that allows you to walk while working on a computer or going over paperwork. These treadmills have a workstation built in that keeps your computer right at your fingertips during your walk. 

Because your attention will be shifted away from the machine and onto your work, these treadmills tend to have more safety features than traditional treadmills do, such as a low maximum speed and motion indicator bars painted onto the belt. 

If you've never thought about incorporating some kind of walking routine into your workday, why not give it a try? Start out small and work your way up, if you feel more comfortable that way. Remember, every step you take leads to a healthier you! Hope all my tips will help you in some foam.

Friday, 6 July 2018

Walking safety tips

Walking is a fun and easy way to get your heart pumping and to explore the world around you. But, like many other physical activities, there are some risks involved. Here are a few things you can do during your next hike to make sure that you or your walking group stay safe and have a good time.

Walk on the Sidewalk

When walking near roads or high-traffic streets, the sidewalk is absolutely the safest place to be. Not only will you be well out of the way of any passing cars, following the sidewalk also means you’ll be crossing the road at the safest places. Drivers will expect you to cross at an established crossing, and they may not be prepared to watch for pedestrians in the middle of a long stretch of road. 

If you’re walking alongside a road and no sidewalk is available, make sure you walk toward oncoming traffic. This way, you can see cars as they approach and take evasive action if necessary.

Dress for the Environment

When you’re planning a trip on foot, wearing the proper attire for the climate is just as important as any other preparation. In hot weather, shorts and a t-shirt or tank top will reduce the risk of overheating. In cold weather, you may want a coat or jacket depending on how severe the weather is, and long, insulated pants or jeans. 

The time of day you'll be traveling is another factor to consider before leaving your home. During daylight hours it's recommended that you wear brightly colored clothing so you can be easily spotted by drivers and other pedestrians. At night, however, drivers are less likely to see pedestrians and don’t expect to see people walking around in the first place, so it is highly recommended that you wear reflective material and light-colored clothing. 

Know the Signs of Fatigue

Walking for extended periods can take its toll, especially in the heat of summer. Heat exhaustion, brought on by our bodies being overheated and dehydrated, is an issue walker commonly face. The best way to avoid heat exhaustion is to bring plenty of water with you. If you feel a sudden onset of dizziness, muscle cramps, headache, nausea or weakness, stop in a cool place to rest immediately. 

Bring Along Emergency Gear

If you have a severe allergy to something that could potentially be triggered by an environmental condition such as a bee allergy or a certain pollen, it goes without saying that you should bring an emergency pack containing whatever medication has been prescribed to you. 

This also includes people who are prone to asthma attacks and people who are taking any medications to treat or reduce the risk of any life-threatening issues. And as always, in case of an emergency, having a cell phone or signal whistle to flag down passers-by is recommended for any pedestrian.  

As long as you bring along everything that you need and are careful to pay attention to your surroundings, walking or hiking is a perfectly safe way to exercise. Remember to cut down on distractions such as cell phones and portable media players as much as possible, as these can take your attention away from the world around you.

Rather than plan time after work to take a walk, why not walk while at work. That's what's coming up next.

Monday, 2 July 2018

Walking holidays

Are you thinking about doing something different on your next vacation? Do you love exploring the great outdoors? If so, why not consider a walking holiday? It's wonderful to enjoy your surroundings and keep fit at the same time. Here are three of many exciting suggestions to choose from.


Waterfalling, or waterfall hunting, is the act of hiking down trails and through the wilderness for the purpose of viewing waterfalls. Waterfall tours are very popular in Hawaii, the Sierra Nevada mountains and the upper peninsula of Michigan. All three of these locations offer a landscape that is ideal both for hiking and viewing these wonders of nature. 

It's easy to plot out the course you want to take on your waterfall hunting holiday because there are many established trails running past waterfalls and nearby campgrounds. Whether you're planning a one-day hike or a week-long camping trip, online trail maps and guides indicate what you'll probably encounter along a trail and about how long it will take you to walk it. 

Trail Hikes

While the search for waterfalls provides a great purpose for a hiking trip, there are many other trails, in all parts of the world, which offer a variety of other wilderness experiences. If you happen to be a camping enthusiast, consider this. Many trails are extremely long and can take days or even weeks to complete. In this case, it could mean camping out at rustic campgrounds or along the trail in order to complete your trek. On the other hand, if you're looking more for a day-long or weekend hike, look into hiring a transport service (near your trail) to shuttle you back to your car after a day of hiking. 

Walking Tours

For people traveling to foreign countries, taking a walking tour of the city they're traveling to is a fantastic way to experience both the scenery and culture of that specific location. These tours can take anywhere from a few hours to the entire day. 

These tours tend to focus on sites and locations that pertain to a certain subject, such as a tour of the historic landmarks of Washington DC. Walking tours are generally led by a tour guide who has knowledge of the area and the sites you will be visiting. They can offer information and a perspective you may not get on a self-guided tour. 

Planning Tip

When you Google the term "walking vacation," you'll be presented with hundreds of tour companies specializing in this popular niche. Taking the time to browse several sites is a wonderful way to get ideas - especially if you've never done anything like this before.

Because walking vacations continue to increase in popularity, more unique options are popping up all the time. If you don't want to invest in an already-planned-for-you walking trip, it's a lot of fun to put together your own.

For best results, put some time and effort into the planning stage. Read suggestions and reviews from other travelers. Don't just throw something together without proper research. You want your walking holiday to be an enjoyable one. You don't want it to be a walking nightmare!

Next up, walking safely. You don't want to miss these tips.