Friday, 30 November 2018

Are The Foods We Eat, Always Safe?

(1) Any substance is taken into and assimilated by a plant or animal to keep it alive and enable it to grow and repair tissue; nourishment; nutriment.

(2) Anything that nourishes or stimulates; whatever helps something to keep active, grow, etc.But does it enable to grow and repair tissue, or give proper nourishment and stimulants to our mind and body? There was a time when this question could be answered with an astounding yes. But this certainly isn't true anymore!

As a good example, in 1880 it was evident in the general population, that there were around 2.8 cases per 100,000 people who were diabetics. Then this rose to around 29.7 cases per 100,000 people in 1949. But then, in that same year, 1949, the manner in which they started keeping statistics was changed, to where the 29.7 cases were now 16.4 cases per 100,000 people. The consequence coming out of this change was to obscure what was actually the incredible rise in diabetic cases over this same period. Of course, during that time period there was no distinction between Type 1, and Type 2 diabetes it was known simply as diabetes.

Today, Type 2 diabetes alone has affected around 10 to 20% of the population; this is up from a low 0.0028% in the 1880's. The cause for this seems to be connected directly to the re-engineering of our once natural food supply. It appears that certain essential nutrients have been removed from our foods for the sole purpose of extending its shelf life. But the problem grew even more intensive and dangerous. 

If we look to the same 100 year period, as we see the diabetes epidemic increase, we must also take note to what occurred within the food industry. As we do this, we have to notice the many coincidences that exist between the almost complete corruption of our food supply and our massive disease epidemic.

As one looks back on the efforts being made to substitute artificial food as the real thing, we will find that it goes back to the time of Napoleon. It has always been the enormous profits as being the motivation factor that is possible with artificial food. It was a Frenchman named Hippolyta Mege-Mouries that invented what is now known as Margarine. 
He did this in order to win a contest that was sponsored by Napoleon III for the invention of a palatable table fat. We patented his invention in England in 1869. Based on today's standards, this Margarine was barely edible. It wasn't until 1874 when Margarine was first introduced in America. It wasn't too palatable, for it consisted of such things as Hog Fat, Gelatine, Fat, Bleach, Mashed Potatoes, Gypsum, and Casein.

It was in 1899 when David Wesson established a vacuum and high-temperature process for deodorizing cottonseed oil. It was the next year when he marketed "Wesson" oil. It took him over ten years to fully develop his hydrogenation process. Then in 1903, William Norman patented the hydrogenation process. This process was used to prevent unsaturated fatty acids from becoming rancid, by turning them into saturated fats.

It was then around 1911 that the artificial fat business actually began to take off. These artificial fats did not spoil and turn rancid as un-refrigerated natural products do. It was also this same year that Crisco came upon the food scene. Even the Jewish community accepted Crisco because it was considered to be "Kosher".

But, it wasn't until the time of WWII that Margarine finally became popular even though it was taking up around 40% of the market, since the 1920's. Formerly prior to WWII, there had been restrictive laws against Margarine which were repealed, and then Margarine became the dietary staple, as was motherhood and apple pie. 

And soon after this, it was followed by Crisco and artificial lard. It was also during this same period that refined oils made great inroads into the marketplace and became attractive to the consumer. It was these refined oils that actually made the manufacturer look great to the housewives of that time. It seems that no one ever noticed that even the insects would not eat of these oils when any was spilled.

But by this time, it was very evident that these artificial oils and other product were here to stay. No one ever seemed to take note or gave any thought to the long-term consequences on the health of the nation that came with these cheap artificial foods. 

The whole period that started in the 1930s up until the present, was increasingly proliferated by a market-driven science, one that was out to change consumer food habits. The complete idea was to wean the consumers away from the animal fat and cold pressed vegetable fat and seeds that had worked and was healthy for generations, and entice them to the newly refined oils. Saturated fat was declared to be bad by salespeople posing as scientists, and as well, by the real scientists that were prostituting their trade.

The American Eskimo, whose diet formally consisted of about 60% animal fat, remained healthy without any signs of diabetes for several generations. But, after they became wealthy from their pipeline revenue, they adopted the typical diet of artificial foods. 

Then within one generation, they had degenerated health-wise, to the same health status that was then considered normal in America.

As scientific studies increased, several misleading studies came out regarding artificial fats and the oil companies asserted the value of "polyunsaturated" or "monounsaturated" oils to one’s health. There is no law that says they must tell you the truth, that these are really "trans fats"; so they will not tell you, that a "polyunsaturated trans-fat" and a "monounsaturated" trans-fat, are poisonous. 

A polyunsaturated Cis, or natural fat, is a desirable and necessary part of a healthy diet. So now you know!

So, due to all of this, it becomes more evident that the health trend will continue to worsen, and more and more people will continue on the path of becoming Type 2 diabetics. That is, without some kind of dietary change, such as the living food program.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Stevia...A Gift from Nature

Stevia is a shrub native to Paraguay and Brazil and has been used by the native Guarani Indians for over 1500 years. The Guarani’s used stevia as a natural herbal sweetener to sweeten their bitter drinks such as mate and for medicinal use to treat diabetes and hypertension. It nourishes the pancreas but does not raise normal blood glucose levels, making it safe for diabetics and hyperglycaemic. 

Stevia lowers high blood pressure but does not affect normal blood pressure. Stevia contains an abundance of phytonutrients and trace minerals. 

The herb also contains no calories or carbohydrates and its antibacterial properties help prevent tooth decay. Stevia is an ideal natural sweetener alternative for sugar and artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. As the herb has no calories or carbohydrates, it acts as a great weight loss aid and digestive aid and helps minimize cravings for sweets, fatty foods and helps with addictions to tobacco and alcohol. Stevia is useful for healing a variety of skin problems. The whole leaf can help soften and tighten the skin and smooth wrinkles. Stevia supreme liquid can be used on acne outbreaks, eczema and lip, and mouth sores. Studies show that stevia prevents gum disease and prevents cavities.

The Upper Canada Stevia Company is proud to offer only high-quality stevia products. We use only high rebaudioside a content stevia extract in our products. Rebaudioside A is the sweetest and purest part of the leaf. We offer safe, and secure online shopping, excellent customer service and guaranteed next business day shipping on all in-stock items.

The Upper Canada Stevia Company offers worldwide stevia bulk, stevia wholesale, and stevia retail sales. Our product line includes -   whole leaf powder, stevia powder, liquid stevia, and a spoonable blend. The Upper Canada Stevia Company offers a stevia to sugar conversion chart plus a carbohydrate and calorie counter and a stevia recipe forum to swap ideas on cooking with stevia and baking with stevia.

Our stevia recipe forum includes sections on cakes, cookies, bread, and drinks. The stevia recipe forum also includes a general forum to swap stevia information and comments. Check out the Government reports, research and studies in our stevia links section.

Friday, 23 November 2018

Some very useful fruits for diabetes


This popular sub-acid fruit one of the most valuable of all fruits has been found beneficial in the treatment of diabetes of its rich pectin content. Pectin is a natural therapeutic ingredient found in the inner portion of the rind and the pulp. It aids in detoxification of the body by supplying the glucuronic acid needed for the elimination of certain harmful substances. This food element reduces the body’s insulin requirements by approximately 35 percent.
The apple is also considered valuable in depression. The various chemical substances present in the fruit, such as Vitamin B1, phosphorous and potassium, help the synthesis of glutamic acid, which controls the wear and tear of the nerve cell. This fruit acts as a very effective tonic and recharges the nerves with new energy and life.


The grapefruit occupies a high place among citrus fruits because of its favor, its appetizing properties, and its refreshing qualities. It is a well-known authority on nutrition, believes that it is a splendid food for diabetics and if this fruit were taken more liberally, there would be much less diabetes.

According to Dr. Riley, any person suffering from high blood sugar should take grapefruit three times a day. A person who does not have high blood sugar, but a tendency towards it, and wants to prevent it, should also use the fruit three times a day. Simultaneously, consumption of starches, sweets, and fats should be reduced and diet made rich in fruits, vegetables and juices. Two weeks of this grapefruit rich diet will bring down sugar level in individuals not taking insulin. In those who take insulin regularly, it takes longer.

Jambul Fruit

The jambul fruit also known as rose apple is grown all over India. It too possesses anti-diabetic properties. In the indigenous system of medicine, these fruits are regarded as a specific remedy against diabetes because of its effect on the pancreas. The fruit, the seeds, and fruits juice are beneficial in the treatment of this disease. The jamboline’ contained in the seeds in believed to check the pathological conversion of starch into sugar in case of increased production of glucose. The seeds are dried and powdered. This powder mixed with water, taken three or four times daily reduces sugar in the urine and allays thirst.

In Ayurveda, the inner bark of the jambul tree is considered valuable in the treatment of diabetes. The bark is dried and burnt, to produce a white colored ash. This ash is pestle in the mortar, strained and bottled. The diabetes patient should be given. The diabetes patients should be given about two grams of this ash in the morning on an empty stomach and two grams each in the afternoon and in the evening an hour after meals.

The seeds of the jambul fruits are considered beneficial in the treatment of excessive urination. The powder of these seeds in doses of one gram each, in the morning and evening is effective in controlling this condition.

Monday, 19 November 2018

Meat and Meat Foods

One of the most important nutrition guidelines to follow is to “eat less saturated fat.” A quick and simple way to do that is to eliminate meat products. They are high both in saturated fat and cholesterol content. People with diabetes have a greater risk of heart disease earlier in life. The practically useless calories added by saturated fats contribute to above normal body weight and obesity, putting a diabetic at greater of heart disease.

Flesh foods are extremely harmful to diabetes. They increase the toxaemic condition underlying the diabetic state and reduce sugar tolerance. Most diseases of the human body are caused by autointoxication of self-poisoning. The flesh of animals increases the burden on the organs of elimination and overloads and system with animal waste matter and poisons. Chemical analysis has shown that uric acid and other uric poisons contained in the animal body are almost identical to caffeine and nicotine, the poisonous, stimulating principles of coffee, tea, and tobacco.

The renowned journal Lancet, reports that a patient of diabetes must be persuaded to consume fewer animal foods. However, in cold countries where meat and meat products constitute the bulk of the diet, patients of diabetes should limit their intake of animal products to eggs and a white meal like fish and poultry. Even their use of should be kept to the minimum; all red meat and red meat products should be eliminated from the diet.

Friday, 16 November 2018

Avoid fats, meat and meat foods to control diabetes


The excessive use of fats has been linked to the development of diabetes. A recent study at the University of Colorado Health Science Centre, USA found that intake of an extra 40g of the fat day increases the chances of developing diabetes by three times. Fat rich diet, especially one saturated with animal fat, seems to damage the insulin’s effectiveness. 

Research at the University of Sydney in Australia measured the saturated fatty acids in the muscles cells of older non-diabetic men and the women undergoing surgery and found that higher the presence of saturated fatty acids in the cells, the greater the insulin resistance. On the other hand, higher tissue levels of polyunsaturated fats, particularly fish oil, indicated better insulin activity and lower resistance. Fish oil differs from animal fats in that fish oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. 

One of the fatty acids called omega-3 is especially good for the heart—it lowers cholesterol and protects from atherosclerosis. In fact, the researchers also reported that intake of omega-3 fish oil to the subjects effectively overcame their insulin resistance.

In another study, Jennifer Lovejoy, assistance professor at Louisiana State of University, USA, studied and the eating habits and insulin activity among 45 non-diabetic men and women. About half of them were obese and the remaining half of normal weight. In both cases, higher fat consumption increased insulin resistance. This indicates, says Dr. Lovejoy, those even normal individuals who decrease their insulin efficiency and boost their vulnerability to diabetes.

Monday, 12 November 2018

Foods that help control diabetes

In 1550 BC, the famous Ebers Papyrus advised treating diabetes with high fiber wheat grains. Not much has changed since then. Plant foods are the drug of choice for treating diabetes. There are large numbers of scientific research findings to confirm the effectiveness of plant foods in managing this disease. Through the centuries, more than 400 plants have been identified, used, and prescribed as diabetic remedies. 
Raw onions and garlic have been long been favorite anti-diabetic drugs in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The vegetable bitter gourd and the herb ginseng have been widely used for treating diabetes since the ancient time in India and China. Common mushroom is widely used in parts of Europe to lower blood sugar. Barely bread is a popular treatment for diabetes in Iraq. Other foods, used in different countries, in the treatment of diabetes include beans, cabbage, cinnamon, coriander seeds, cucumber, fenugreek seeds, Indian gooseberry, and lettuce.
All these foods have anti-diabetic properties. Scientific research has confirmed that most of these foods, or their compounds, either lower blood sugar or stimulate insulin production. Some of the more important foods that help to lower blood sugar or stimulate insulin production in diabetes patients are discussed here.
Artichoke is a tuberous root with a top like a sunflower. This vegetable contains good amounts of potassium, a fair amount of calcium and some iron and sulfur, all of which are needed by the body for maintaining good health.

Artichoke is beneficial in the treatment of diabetes because of its high insulin content. A fully ripe artichoke is said to contain more than two percent of insulin. Ripe artichokes are generally available only during autumn or fall. The insulin is converted into sugar in winter. Artichokes are most effective when eaten raw in salads. It cooking is required; they should be boiled, unpeeled, in a small quantity of water for about 10 minutes. Artichokes can be effectively combined with other vegetables.

Friday, 9 November 2018

Always remember no Special Diets are required

Healthy eating for people with diabetes is no different than for everyone else. People with diabetes do not need to prepare separate meals or buy special foods, so relax and enjoy healthy eating with the rest of your family.

Just make sure you keep a close eye on how much crabs you are allowed.  Take control of fats you use, it is good for all the family to keep crabs & fat under control.  

Making a few changes in your lifestyle will help you and your family in long run.

Monday, 5 November 2018

You must remember the following points, which are your lifelines:

(1)  Maintain the normal blood glucose level.
(2) You have the possibility of heart and liver diseases. Limit your food items from this point of view.
(3) Maintain the desired level of weight.

With all the emphasis on diet, research on the influence of various types of foods on diabetes patients is still going on unabated. Researchers in this area are the most confused lot. They are certain about the effects of some items of food. Vague opinions also float. For example, the researchers are sure that cooked foods raise blood glucose higher than the raw foods. Whether foods with sugar raise blood glucose higher than the foods with starch, is still uncertain!  Diabetes care will, perhaps, be a hot subject for all time to come—so far, diabetes is alive and kicking!

Friday, 2 November 2018

Exercise for Diabetics

The two most common forms of diabetes are referred to as Type 1 and Type 2.  Type 1 diabetes, also known as adolescent diabetes, differs from Type 2 in that the body stops producing insulin altogether.  Type 2 diabetes is generally diagnosed in older adults and occurs as the body stops producing enough insulin or the individual becomes resistant to their own insulin. 
With either form of diabetes, we lose our ability to adequately utilize sugar.  Blood sugar levels increase due to the body's difficulty in transporting sugar into the cells and out of the bloodstream.  There are various ways to lower blood sugar levels including exercise, diet, and medications. 
Exercise is a very important part of diabetic management for both any type diabetics.  For the Type 1 diabetic, regular exercise helps to maintain insulin sensitivity, helps prevent accumulation of excess weight, and increases the use of glucose by muscles, thereby lower blood sugar levels.  While there is currently no way to prevent Type 1 diabetes, it may be possible to prevent Type 2 diabetes. 
Things to consider when attempting preventing the onset of Type 2 diabetes are regular exercise, supplementation with vitamins and herbs that help prevent insulin resistance, and proper weight control. 
Exercise not only helps directly in diabetic management by lowering blood sugar levels and maintaining insulin sensitivity but also helps minimize many of the complications that can arise in a diabetic individual. Studies have shown that walking for 30 minutes per day can substantially diminish the possibility of developing Type 2 diabetes. 
 Diabetics tend to develop circulatory problems and exercise can certainly help lower blood pressure and improve circulation throughout the body.  Since individuals with diabetes tend to have poor blood flow to their lower extremities and feet, better circulation is of great benefit. 
There are some risks associated with exercise, but the potential benefits greatly outweigh the risks.  Since exercise does lower blood sugar levels, people with diabetes should measure their blood sugar both before and after exercising.  Since your body uses more sugar while exercising and makes you more sensitive to insulin, there is a risk of blood sugar becoming too low and causing hypoglycemia. 
When exercising it is important to let others know that you are diabetic. They should be informed what to do in case of hypoglycemia.  You should always carry candy or fruit juice to treat low blood sugar levels should they occur.  During and after exercise sessions, you should pay close attention to how you feel since rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, feeling shaky, or hunger can signal that your blood sugar levels are becoming too low. 

Exercise is a critical part of diabetic management and treatment.  Exercise helps blood sugar control when the muscles use more glucose and the body become more sensitive to insulin.  Exercise also helps to prevent and minimize common diabetic complications including heart problems, high blood pressure, and circulatory deficiencies.  All diabetics should include a regular exercise program as part of their overall management plan.