Friday, 25 December 2015

Monday, 21 December 2015

5 Amazing Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a condition in which the acid in the stomach flows upwards and causes heartburn. It is very common nowadays due to eating disorders and extreme changes in eating habits. While there are a number of over the counter antacids you can easily get, many natural home remedies have been proven equally effective with minimal or no side effects.

Vegetables, fruits, spices and herbs have been traditionally used to treat health conditions. They were the earliest form of medication. While most people rely on modern medication for most of their illnesses, many are now trying natural home remedies, as they have been proven more beneficial. Over the counter medicines can cause very bad side effects when used for a long time; this can be avoided using natural home remedies.


Excessive intake of fat foods
Alcoholic drinks


Burning sensation in the chest
Vomiting or bloody stools
Loss of weight
Dysphagia or narrow oesophagus
Sore throat or dry cough

Following are five remedies that you can try at home:

1. Chewing Gum: Chewing gums accelerate the flow of saliva, which in turn washes out all the extra acid that accumulates in the stomach and offers great relief.

2. Aloe Vera: The Aloe Vera juice is excellent for soothing upset stomach, drinking it can help in getting rid of unwanted stomach acids. It also reduces inflammation in the oesophagus. Drinking half a cup of Aloe Vera juice before meals is recommended.

3. Baking Soda: Adding half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drinking it offers instant relief. This must not be done regularly, as baking soda is high on salt.

4. Carrot Juice: Drinking a cup of carrot juice also offers quick relief. You can also drink cabbage juice as an alternate.

5. Ginger: The mixture of lemon juice and ginger juice is excellent to control acids in the stomach. To get ginger juice, you can crush the ginger and squeeze it. You can also add a small piece of jaggery with the crushed ginger. You will need to suck the mixture until you get the juice into your throat. It will instantly get rid of acidity.

To be healthy it is important to live a healthy lifestyle. Natural remedies are a healthier option when compared to over the counter medication. You can easily find natural remedies for most health conditions currently treated by over the counter medication.

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Thursday, 17 December 2015

Sick Of Being Sick With Heartburn?

That's why I went to my regular doctor, then my gastroenterologist, and then a naturalist to get help. I was miserable. At 54 years old and fairly healthy I had done all I could, and still no relief.

It all started when I had a traumatic stomach event when I radically changed my diet to lose weight. Not a good idea

I had every test imaginable. A CT Scan, a capsule endoscopy (yes, you actually swallow a little camera!) an MRI, stool tests, blood tests, a colonoscopy and an endoscopy.

What I was continually told was to "eat more fiber", stop eating fried foods, stop drinking coffee, stop drinking any alcohol. I did all of these things, and it actually got WORSE.

I was prescribed what's known as proton pump inhibitors. Like Nexium or Omeprazole. I have friends that take these too, and they take one 20 mg pill and get relief. Me? I was up to larger 40 mg pills TWICE a day. Still no relief.

Then I went to a natural practitioner and bought Licorice supplements, slippery elm, a variety of teas. Out a lot of money, but no luck.

Then I'd had it. None of this made any sense. I figured the only way I was going to fix this was to solve it myself.

Here I was trying every natural supplement and was taking 80 mg of Omeprazole to shut off all my acid production. Keep in mind you're really only supposed to take these medications on a temporary basis.

I'm not a doctor, but I know enough to understand that stomach acid is there for a reason. It helps digest food! So if I was shutting all of it off, it must be affecting my ability to digest, right?

If you're at the end of your wits with heartburn, you have to get to the root of the problem. It's counterintuitive, but what I learned is that GERD and acid reflux is actually caused by too little acid rather than too much acid!

Therefore, all of these supplements you read about are only helping mask the underlying problem. They may give you temporary relief (they did not work for me, but they may for you), but the problem doesn't go away.

What helped me was a very deliberate series of steps that finally gave me great relief over a period of two months.

Here's the first one.

Stop eating carbohydrates immediately! That means no bread, no pizza, no pasta, no bagels, and no potatoes. No, it doesn't mean you'll have to do this forever, but you will need to do it for a least a few months.

Why? Because undigested carbs create gas that contribute to heartburn. Take away the fuel, and you're on your way to a healthier gut.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

10 Unexpected Health Benefits of Yogurt!

Yogurt is a great food to consume. It helps with digestion, gives us a good energetic feeling and tastes wonderful. But not many people know that it has many other benefits. After reading all of the below, I'm sure you'll start acting me, and do your best to eat one cup of yogurt every day or two.

Protects your teeth:

The lactic acid in yogurt has a positive and protective effect on your gums and teeth. It can help keep your teeth healthy and pretty and overcome the damage done by other foods and drinks, most commonly - coffee. It's important to note that although it containing sugar, yogurt has no harmful effect on the enamel of your teeth.

Reduces allergy symptoms:

Those of us with seasonal allergies know how hard it can be to do anything once the symptoms start to appear, but a cup of yogurt might be an easy fix to this problem. The probiotics found in yogurt may decrease your body’s reaction to pollen and other allergens, minimizing your allergic reaction.

Great pre or post workout snack:

Yogurt is rich in carbohydrates that can either help re-fuel you throughout your workout, or replace the energy lost after you are done. The potassium and sodium found in it can also help replace those electrolytes you sweat out and keep you feeling fresh even after a hard workout.

Fights the common cold:

The common cold will always be there, not much you can do about it. But there's still hope for preventing it in time. Research proved that yogurt can strengthen your immune system, making your T-cells stronger and more active. They are more prone to beat the sickness out of you before it drags on too long.

Prevents yeast infections:

If you are given a prescription for antibiotics, you might want to consider yogurt to protect yourself.  Using antibiotics usually raises the chances of yeast infections and the yogurt’s active cultures can help balance pH levels and prevent this uncomfortable problem.

Reduces the risk of high blood pressure:

A recent study, conducted over the course of 15 years, revealed that 30% of volunteers that took at least 2% of their daily calorie intake from yogurt, were less ly to develop high blood pressure. That's only from 2%.

Helps prevent osteoporosis:

All milk and dairy products are in general a great source of calcium, and help build healthy bones. Look for yogurts with added vitamin D for a greater help in keeping your bones strong and healthy.
A great source of energy:
Aside from the energy provided by the carbohydrates in yogurt, it also contains B vitamins which are just what your body needs when you feel you could use a little pick-me-up.

Builds muscle:

Yogurt contains all of the essential amino acids necessary to build muscle and other tissues in the body. It is a complete protein, which means it is also a welcome addition to our diet as they support all the necessary biological functions of the human body.

Helps you lose weight:

As stated in the last point, Yogurt helps build muscle and this means that it helps burn fat. The high amounts of protein will also help you stay fuller for longer periods of time while reducing your need for snacks and unhealthy foods.

So now that you know all of these amazing facts about yogurt, it's time to go out there and get some!

But what kind of yogurt should you get? I'd recommend:
Greek yogurt is a preferred kind, it is generally higher in protein and lower in sugar then other natural options.

You should also look for yogurt with live or active cultures, they are what improves the good bacteria in your gut.

Lastly, keep an eye open on the sugar content in your yogurt. Many kinds of yogurt contain added sugars and artificial sweeteners you do not want. Stick between 12-18 grams of natural sugar per serving and you're free to sit back and peacefully enjoy a cup of the good stuff!

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Facts About Fiber That You Need To Know!

13 Facts About Fiber That You Need To Know!

Your mom has probably been nagging you to eat more fiber, and while you have a vague idea that fruits and veggies have fiber, you’re not 100% percent sure what it is or why you need it. Well, here’s what you need to know!

1. Fiber is a type of complex carbohydrate that the body cannot digest.

Your body breaks down most carbs into glucose, which it uses for energy. However, fiber consists of such complex carbohydrates that the body cannot digest them, so they pass through the system undigested.

 2. Fiber has 0 calories and no nutrition.

Since your body cannot digest fiber, it does not add to your calorie count or nutritional intake.
3. The main benefit of fiber is that it keeps your digestive system healthy, preventing constipation and flatulence.

We’ll spare you the gross details, but fiber basically keeps your digestive system going, and lack of it could lead to some very uncomfortable bathroom episodes.

4. Adults require about 30 grams of fiber every day.

Most of us don’t get as much fiber as we need, so we need to step up our intake.

 5. The older you get, the more fiber you require.

Your digestive system is padded with muscles that help get the food you eat from Point A to Point B. However, as you get older, these muscles get weaker, so your system needs more fiber to be able to process food.

 6. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains are rich in fiber.

Some of the richest sources of fiber include corn, celery, carrots, bananas, peas, broccoli, apples, oranges, pears, beans, lentils, avocados, whole wheat foods, brown rice, oatmeal and almonds.

 7. Whole fruits are better than fruit juice any day, because when you drink juice you lose out on fiber!

When you make juice, you tend to strain out all the pulp and throw it away, however that’s actually precious fiber that you’re missing out on. A cup of apple juice for example, is made with about 3-4 apples. Each apple contains roughly 3.75 grams of fiber, so that’s 12-15 grams of fiber that you’re losing!

 8. Meat and dairy products have no fiber.

Meat, eggs, milk and other dairy products contain no dietary fiber at all.

9. There are two types of fiber – soluble and insoluble fiber.

 Soluble fiber dissolves in the stomach, creating a sticky gel-like substance that traps sugar and fats and slows down their absorption. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve; instead it absorbs water and grows in size. Oatmeal is a good example to help us understand the two types of fiber. If you’ve ever cooked oatmeal, you’ve probably noticed that as it cooks, it absorbs water and grows in size. This is because of the insoluble fiber. You’ve probably noticed that your porridge has a gluey consistency. This is due to the soluble fiber.

 10. Eating plenty of fiber every day can also help you lose weight.

To begin with, fibre takes time to pass through your system and keeps you full for longer, so you’ll probably eat less at mealtimes. It also has a lower energy density, which is good for overweight people, and it slows down the absorption of sugar from your intestine. Studies show that people who eat more fiber tend to be slimmer than those who don’t.

 11. Fibre is essential for diabetics. In fact, it can even help prevent Type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is all about controlling your blood sugar levels, and since fibre helps slow down the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestine into the blood, it is essential for diabetics. Research shows that eating a high-fiber diet can help reduce your chances of getting Type 2 diabetes considerably.

12. Fiber also reduces your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Fiber lowers your cholesterol levels by binding to the bile in your system and preventing your intestines from using it for digestion. This forces your liver to use the cholesterol in your blood to produce more bile. And voila, lower blood cholesterol!

Fiber also lowers your blood pressure significantly. Several research studies have found that eating fiber regularly can lower both your systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure levels.

13. Fiber can prevent cancer, especially colon cancer.

By flushing things out of your colon on time, fiber prevents a build-up of toxins and thereby protects you against correctional cancer. Preliminary studies also show that fiber can prevent other types of cancer as well.


Wednesday, 2 December 2015

The Many, Many Uses of Corn starch

Corn starch is one of those mysterious items you have in your pantry. It only costs a dollar, so you probably bought it at least one time and now you're unsure what it’s good for. Well in case you're out of ideas, I'm going to show you why this cheap item is actually one of the best materials to have around the house, can make your life much easier.

In the kitchen

1. Thicken sauces: A touch of cornstarch can help thicken sauces, soups and stews. It's a healthy gluten-free option for deliciously thick food. Add half a tablespoon per cup of liquid, and whisk in a tablespoon of cold water to create a slurry, which can be added to hot liquid.

2. Fluff eggs: Add a sprinkling of cornstarch to eggs before you whip them. This helps the eggs become fluffier.
Laundry tricks

3. Remove leather stains: Get rid of any spilled oil or grease on your favorite leather jacket by sprinkling cornstarch over the stained section. Let it set in overnight and rub it off gently with a damp paper towel in the morning.

4. Homemade spray starch: Save money by making your own spray starch for wrinkle-free shirts. Make up the starch from household items. Start by heating 2 cups of water in a small saucepan. Add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and whisk, then bring to a boil. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar as a disinfectant and 10 drops of essential oil for a fresh scent. When it cools, store in a spray bottle and  shake well before use.

Household cleaning

5. Clean windows without leaving streaks: Since cornstarch is a natural abrasive, it can help clean windows and mirrors without leaving any messy streaks. I recommend adding a tablespoon of cornstarch to this homemade window cleaner:
In a spouted measuring cup, mix together 1 cup of white vinegar and 1 cup of water. Add 1/4 cup of lemon juice and a few drops of essential oil. Pour this mixture in a spray bottle. After you use the solution to clean the windows and mirrors,  wipe with a paper towel. Your windows will become completely transparent.

6. Grease-free carpets: If you have stains on your carpet, pour cornstarch over the greased areas. Let this set in for 20 minutes and then vacuum. The fine powder will absorb the grease.
7. Polish silver: Instead of buying expensive and strong-smelling silver cleaners, use a mix of cornstarch and water to make your silverware shine like new.

8. No more squeaky floors: Cornstarch can stop the awful noises caused by cracked floors. Sprinkle the floor with cornstarch and then sweep. The powder will work itself into the nooks and cracks, ridding you of any squeaks or creaks.

9. Clean wooden furniture: Regular household cleaners can leave a residue that builds up over time. You can buff away any grease marks from your beloved wooden furniture or household items with cornstarch.  Remove these stains by mixing equal parts water and cornstarch, and then rubbing them strongly on the wood.
10. No more stinky shoes: Cornstarch is very absorbent. It can soak up those awful smelling sneaker or pump odors. Sprinkle a bit inside the soles and let it set in overnight. Shake and pass a damp cloth inside before wearing them.

11. Give your old books a fresh whiff: Sprinkle cornstarch over musty smelling books and soon you’ll notice how fresh these old volumes smell.
Cosmetic secrets
12. Chafing: Prevent the burn of chafing by rubbing a pinch of cornstarch on the problem area before you get dressed. It will prevent the sweating and lubrication that usually cause this condition.

spoon of corn starch

13. Body powder: Save some money by making your own body powder. You can do so by mixing cornstarch with essential oils. Mix one cup of cornstarch with a few drops of your favorite essential oil, and then shake to produce a body powder you'll love.

14. Dry shampoo: This can be a real time saver if you don’t have a minute to spare for a shower. Apply cornstarch to your hair by dusting it along the crown of your hair and the base of your neck, then rubbing it in gently. After applying, brush it out, or else it will leave your hair with a grey tinge.

15. Natural deodorant: First wipe your underarms with rubbing alcohol or soap to get rid of any unpleasant smells. You can then apply cornstarch. This absorbs moisture and keeps the area dry.

16. Soothe sunburns, bug bites and bees stings: Applying a paste of water and cornstarch over the sensitive area can offer a natural relief to burns and bites. The paste will need to dry before the effect takes place.