1. A clean home - Keep your household sparkling with this
natural all-purpose cleaner. Mix two cups of water with two teaspoons of tea
tree oil and store in a spray bottle. It cleans many surfaces without staining,
and, in fact, lifts stains. It leaves materials such as
wood, linoleum, stone, and ceramics sparkling.
2. Remove mildew and mold - Mildew and mold sprout quickly
and can become a problem fast. Tea tree oil has antifungal properties and
cleaning the affected area with it can not only superficially remove the dirt
but also kill off the underlying bacteria, ensuring that the mold doesn’t come
back. Mix one cup apple cider vinegar with a few drops of oil.
3. Fresh laundry – You can happily dismiss the overpriced,
chemical detergents that can be hard on clothing material and embrace tea tree
oil. Keep your laundry soft and give it a lovely fresh and natural scent. Use
or make unprocessed laundry soap along with 2-3 drops of tea tree oil, which
has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can quickly disinfect fabric
4. Eliminate unpleasant odors - Often unwanted odorous
smells float around the home and it’s hard to determine where they’re coming
from. Get rid of these unpleasant smells by spraying with an essential oil mix.
Mix a spray bottle with water and several drops of this oil. It works well on
litter boxes and garbage bins. Since tea tree oil is antiseptic, it disinfects
the sprayed areas too.
5. Keep your toothbrush clean – Your toothbrush helps keep
your mouth germ free but since it’s often wet, damp or warm it’s logical that
bacteria and other germs might form on it. Tea tree oil can sterilize your
toothbrush from unwanted germs that might stick to the bristles or handle.
Apply two drops of the oil to the brush and rub clean with your finger.
Afterwards rinse the brush thoroughly.
Skin problems
6. Treat acne - Get rid of unpleasant skin blemishes with
tea tree oil without any ill side effects. Many treatments for acne use
peroxide, which dries the skin. Tea tree oil doesn’t strip the natural oils
from the skin so you won’t experience dryness. Apply the oil to a cotton ball
and use this to treat acne or pimples.
7. Relieve the suffering caused by boils and blisters -
Reduce the period of time you suffer from these uncomfortable skin problems
with some tea tree oil. When applied daily, this essential oil speeds up the
recovery time and can offer soothing relief. Dip a cotton ball in the oil and
apply this directly to the boil or blister. You can repeat this treatment 3 to
5 times a day. The oil’s antiseptic properties also reduce your chances of the
blisters or boils becoming more infected.
8. Get rid of warts - Warts are uncomfortable and
embarrassing. Luckily you don’t have to live with them. Apply two drops of the
oil directly on the wart, once in the morning and once before bed. You can
cover the area with a bandage to ensure the oil stays in place.
9. Relieve symptoms of ringworm - Ringworm is another
skin ailment that causes intense itching. Use tea tree oil to relieve the
itching sensation. Apply a couple of drops directly to the affected area and do
this three times a day. If you have sensitive skin, mix the tea tree oil with
clove oil. The oil’s antifungal and antibacterial properties can also fight
this bacterial skin infection.
10. Soothe sunburn - Sunburn is an unfortunate pain that
just won’t quit. Sooth the stinging sensation it causes with this natural
relief. Create a paste of 1 drop tea tree oil with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil,
and massage onto the burning area. The tea tree oil helps remove the sting, and
can reduce any blistering or peeling.
11. Soothe psoriasis - This itchy skin condition can be
treated with prescription medication, but sometimes these fail to fully keep
the irritating symptoms from making life uncomfortable. You can soothe the
scratching sensation with a tablespoon of clove oil mixed with 10 drops of tea
tree oil. Gently massage this mixture into your skin. Apply three times a day
to help reduce the painful itching.
Other aches or pains
12. Keep the bugs from biting - One of the annoyances of
enjoying the great outdoors is that bugs think your skin and blood taste nice.
While humans find tea tree oil pleasant, insects can’t stand the smell. Prevent
bugs from attacking your skin by creating a natural repellent. Combine one
quart of water with 15 drops of tea tree oil. You can store this mixture in a
spray bottle and periodically
spray yourself. You’ll find yourself enjoying a bug-free outdoor
spray yourself. You’ll find yourself enjoying a bug-free outdoor
13. Help with an earache - Earaches are painful and hard to
treat. They can make it difficult to sleep or concentrate during the day. This
soothing essential oil can help with this. Warm two tablespoons of the oil and
drop them into your ear. You will notice an immediate difference. Make sure not
to overheat the water as you don’t want to burn your inner ear. You can apply
this treatment several times during the day, repeating as necessary.
14. Nail fungus killer – Tea tree oil can naturally kill the
fungus associated with athlete’s foot, nail fungus or eczema. Cut and file down
the nail, and clean the affected area thoroughly. Apply the oil directly. This
treatment will not work in one day and so you need to apply it twice a day for
up to two months. After the oil dries up, you can apply a paste of cornstarch
on the affected area to prevent the fungus from spreading.
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