Friday, 30 September 2016

13 Signs To Watch For If You Suspect Poor Blood Circulation


 Good blood circulation is vitally important to good overall health because the blood carries oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. If your circulatory system is not working properly, you will experience a variety of negative symptoms.

In this article, we will outline some of the signs to watch for that could indication that your circulatory system is not operating at optimum efficiency. Read on to learn more.

Warning Signs Of Poor Circulation

1. Angina or Tightness In The Chest: Naturally, your heart suffers when your circulation is poor. It does not get the blood flow it needs to function correctly. If you feel a pressure on your chest or a tightening sensation, this could be angina.

This is a sure sign that your circulatory system is not up to par. This is a serious symptom, and you should see your health care professional right away because it could also be a sign of an impending heart attack

2. Numbness In The Extremities: If you find yourself experiencing a tingling sensation in your hands and feet and/or lower legs and forearms, it is a sign that you are not getting adequate blood flow to the extremities.

This will feel as if your limb has “fallen asleep”, but it will happen without any particular reason. If you experience this sensation suddenly in your left arm, it is a sign of a heart attack. Seek medical assistance immediately.

 3. Cold Hands & Feet: In addition to numbness and tingling in the extremities, you will also find that poor circulation causes cold hands and feet.

This is because you are not getting enough warm blood in your extremities and because your body has gone into “conservation mode” which causes your body to focus warmth on your core to keep you alive.

4. Ulceration Of The Skin Of The Lower Legs: Lack of circulation to your extremities can also cause the skin of your lower legs, ankles and feet to develop inflamed sores and patches of rash.

5. Varicose Veins: When your circulatory system is struggling to deliver blood to your body, the veins can become stressed and swollen. This manifests as large and often painful veins in the legs.

Unexplained purple or blue bruise-like splotches also indicate the presence of varicose veins.

5. Swollen Extremities: If you ignore the other indications of poor circulation to your extremities (i.e. numbness, tingling, chill, ulceration and discoloration) you may very well end up with swollen feet and hands.

When your circulatory system is not working properly, fluid settles in your extremities and causes swelling.

6. Mottled & Darkened Areas Of Skin: When your hands and feet are cold and tingly, you may also find that they look bruised. If the skin on your hands and feet appears purplish or bluish, it is a sure sign you are not getting an adequate blood supply to these areas.

This is also true of the skin under your eyes. You may suddenly find that you have dark under-eye circles. This may just be caused by lack of sleep, but if it is caused by poor blood circulation you can tell by simply pressing on the dark area with your fingertip.

After you release pressure, if the area is pale and then becomes dark again it means your circulation is poor.

7. Dry Skin, Hair & Nails: Good blood flow supports the growth of healthy hair and nails and supple skin.

If your skin, hair and nails are in poor condition even with the best of external treatment, it is a sign that they are not getting the necessary nutrients and hydration good blood circulation should bring them.

8. Lessened Appetite: If you just don’t find food appealing, it may be that your digestive tract is not getting enough blood to function properly.

Good digestion is dependent on ample blood flow to support peristalsis and transport nutrients from your intestines throughout your body. Lack of blood flow impairs your digestive function and negatively impacts your metabolism.

9. Digestive Difficulties: In addition to a lessening of appetite, a dearth of blood flow to your gastrointestinal system causes food to be improperly and poorly digested.

If you are experiencing symptoms such as diarrhea or loose stool, nausea and/or acid reflux, this could indicate poor blood circulation. Don’t just treat the symptoms. See your health care professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

10. Frequent Illness: Your immune system is dependent upon a healthy circulatory system. If your blood circulation is impaired, your body cannot benefit from the vitamins and minerals you consume.

This quickly leads to weakening of the immune system and frequent illnesses such as colds and flu.

 11. Excessive & Frequent Fatigue: A slow circulatory system does not provide your muscles with the oxygen and nutrients necessary to maintain adequate energy levels. As your metabolism slows down, you are bound to feel sluggish and lethargic.

This is because your body attempts to adjust to a lessened level of nutrition by dropping into a conservation mode. This is a mechanism that is intended to conserve energy during times of scarcity.

When this happens, you will not have the energy you need to carry out your activities of daily living.

12. Loss Of Interest In Sex: When your body goes into conservation mode, your reproductive system goes into hibernation. After all, if you aren’t getting enough nutrients to support your own life, you shouldn’t be reproducing!

This means that you will simply lose interest in sex. When you do attempt to enjoy sexual activities, you may find your body is just not up to it.

13. Muddled Thinking: Your brain needs a good flow of blood to function properly. If you find that you are not thinking clearly or you are becoming forgetful, it could mean that you are not getting enough blood, oxygen and nutrients in your brain.

What Can You Do?

The best way to make sure your blood is circulating properly is to take care of your overall health. Here’s how!

Don’t smoke! Smoking and using tobacco products of any kind will damage your overall good health and negatively impact blood circulation. If you currently use tobacco products, talk with your health care professional to devise a plan for quitting.
Limit caffeine and alcohol. In small amounts, caffeine and alcohol can have a positive effect on your health. In excess, they can destroy it. If you are not able to enjoy these substances in moderation, it is better to abstain.

Eat right! Avoid junk food, fast food and all packaged foods. Instead, enjoy a healthy, natural, whole foods diet made up of foods that are as close to their original state as possible. Plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, high quality sources of lean protein and fiber will help ensure healthy circulation of blood that is filled with nutrients to nourish your body.

Stay hydrated! We are made up of mostly water, and blood needs a high water content in order to circulate freely and easily throughout your system. Drink eight, eight-ounce glasses of pure, filtered water every day for healthy blood and a healthy body.

Maintain a healthy weight. You don’t have to be model-thin or weight-lifter buff, but you should keep an eye on your weight and keep it within a healthy range for your height and build. It’s easier for your heart to pump life-giving blood throughout your body if your body is the right size!

Keep moving! When you exercise regularly, you encourage your heart to pump faster and your blood to circulate more efficiently. Be sure to get at least 20 minutes of light-light-to-moderate exercise every day. Exercising vigorously for 30 minutes, three times weekly will really improve your cardiovascular health. Choose forms of exercise you enjoy so that you will look forward to your exercise breaks every day.

Following these common sense tips will help improve your overall health, and subsequently, your circulation. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of poor circulation reviewed here, you should see your health care professional for a proper diagnosis.

Review the information presented here and work closely with your health adviser to tailor a circulation improvement plan that is perfect for you.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Swollen Feet Causes, Preventatives & Home Remedie


Swollen feet can be caused by a number of things. They may be the result of too much standing, too much sitting, excessive salt in the diet or a symptom of pregnancy.

On the other hand, they may be an indication of a serious condition such as problems with the kidneys or the heart. Chronically swollen feet may even indicate the presence of a blood clot.

For this reason, if you suffer from chronic swollen feet you should see your healthcare practitioner for a sound diagnosis. It is not wise to simply treat the symptom without understanding the underlying cause.

Conversely, if you have swollen feet because you have spent a day at the fair or have taken a long train or plane trip, there are things you can do to treat the swelling and enjoy some relief.

There are also many things you can do to prevent swelling of the feet and ankles. In this article, we will discuss some of the causes of swollen feet and present some simple remedies you can try at home. Read on to learn more.

Prevent Swollen Ankles & Feet With Healthy Habits

1. Don’t smoke! As we all know, smoking causes a vast and dreadful menu of horrible health conditions. Swelling of the extremities is one symptom of many of the life-threatening diseases that are caused by smoking.

If you smoke now, do everything in your power to stop. If you do not smoke now, naturally you should not start and you should avoid being around people who do smoke.

2. Be sure to stay hydrated! Dehydration can cause swelling of the feet as well as many other negative and uncomfortable symptoms.

It is important to stay well hydrated at all times by carrying along a reusable, stainless steel canteen, bottle or thermos of fresh, filtered water. Avoid purchasing bottled water because it is stale, contains contaminants that are leached from the plastic bottle and will cost you a fortune!

3. Eat well! Eat a healthy, whole foods diet that consists mostly of fresh fruits and vegetables, a quarter high quality fiber and a quarter high quality protein.

This diet, along with plenty of pure filtered water will keep you in tip-top shape and help you avoid all manner of dreadful health conditions and symptoms including swelling of the extremities.

4. Get proper nutrition! Be sure to take a high quality multivitamin that is designed for your activity level, age group and gender. Be especially certain that your multivitamin contains enough magnesium because this will help prevent swelling of the extremities.

If you have experienced problems with swollen ankles and feet, you may be suffering from a magnesium deficiency. In this case, you should take 350 mg of magnesium daily.

5. Limit salt consumption! Avoid all types of processed food because packaged foods all contain far too much salt. Be sure to always taste your food before putting salt on it.

You may not need to add any salt for flavor. Learn how to use healthy spices such as turmeric, red pepper, cumin, chili powder and more to add flavor and excitement to your food and improve your health and your circulation.

6. Take good care of your circulatory system! Be sure to exercise on a regular basis. While it’s always a good idea to partake of vigorous exercise several times a week, you don’t have to overdo it to take good care of your heart and circulatory system.

Be sure to get 15 or 20 minutes of light to moderate exercise every day. This can include walking, swimming, yoga, dancing, cycling and many other forms of light and enjoyable exercise. Good blood circulation will help you prevent swelling of the extremities.

7. Give yourself a break! If you have a desk job, be sure to stand up for a few minutes every half hour or so. It’s a good idea to go for walks on your break times and during lunch.

In between times, simply stand up, flex your feet and do a little walking in place. Doing this for five minutes every half hour will improve your circulation and help you avoid swollen feet and ankles as well as serious problems such as thrombosis.

8. Support your feet and ankles! Compression socks are very handy for providing support to your feet and ankles when you must sit for long periods of time.

Even if you do not wear them for work and other activities, it’s a good idea to wear them for traveling. A good pair of compression socks will keep your feet and ankles from swelling and will also help prevent varicose veins.

9. Put your feet up! Elevating your feet is a good way to prevent and treat swollen feet and ankles. Make it a habit to elevate your feet while you are watching television and while you sleep. By doing this, you engage the power of gravity to help drain excess fluid from your feet and ankles.

Treat Swollen Ankles & Feet Gently & Enjoyably

If you are experiencing swollen feet due to overexertion, excessive sitting or some other single, easily identifiably cause try these simple remedies.

1. Pamper your feet! Old-fashioned Epsom salt is an excellent treatment for swollen feet and for general relief of stress and aching muscles.

 Treat yourself to a warm relaxing foot bath with a cup of Epsom salts several times a week. You can also add Epsom salts or sea salt to your bathwater for a relaxing effect.

2. Treat yourself to a foot massage! After soaking your feet, massage in some healing oils. Coconut oil is a good choice for foot massage because it has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Add a few drops of essential oil for anti-inflammatory and aromatherapy effects. Eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint and lemon oil are all good for reducing inflammation. Oil of lavender and oil of chamomile are both excellent choices in terms of relaxation therapy.

3. Try this stimulating treatment! If you are suffering from swollen feet, try massaging your feet with castor oil and a few drops of mustard oil. Castor oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties, and mustard oil helps generate heat and improve circulation.

Additionally, mustard oil contains magnesium and selenium which will be absorbed by your skin as you massage. After massaging your feet with this combination, wrap them in a warm towel and elevate them for at least half an hour.

See Your Doctor If Problems Persist

If your swollen feet are caused by excessive sitting or standing or some other simple and direct stressor, all of these home remedies should be effective and helpful in prevention and treatment of swelling of the extremities.

If you try these simple methods and they do not work, you should see your healthcare professional right away. Your swollen feet may be symptomatic of a more serious condition.

Friday, 23 September 2016

10 Top Natural Remedies for Swollen Ankles Legs and Feet


 Many people accept swollen ankles, feet and legs as a normal part of everyday life, and very often this is true. However, it is wise to understand that this swelling could be a sign of serious illness.

For this reason, it’s important to take note whenever your feet, ankles and legs swell. It is equally important to know what to do about it so that you can take quick steps to resolve the problem.

In this article, we will discuss some common causes of swelling in the lower legs and feet and introduce some smart ideas for helping you cope with this common problem. Read on to learn more.

The Causes of Swollen Extremities Are Many and Varied

Sometimes swollen feet, ankles and legs may be the result of overdoing it. If you have to stand for long periods of time or spend the whole day walking, gravity is going to take its course. Blood tends to pool in the extremities under these conditions.

Sitting for extended periods of time (e.g. at work, on an airplane, train or bus) can also cause swelling of the extremities. In any case, it’s important to get plenty of rest and to elevate your feet to help encourage better circulation.

Dehydration also plays a part in causing swelling of the extremities. It’s smart to always keep a stainless steel water bottle or canteen filled with fresh, filtered water by your side.

This is especially true if you will be spending a lot of time outdoors in the sunshine. Staying well-hydrated can help you avoid a great many health problems, including swollen feet, ankles and legs.

When To Seek Medical Attention

If it seems that your feet and lower legs become swollen for no reason, this could be cause for concern. This is especially true if the swelling is accompanied by other symptoms such as:

* Difficulty Breathing
* Chest Pain
* Cyanosis
* Fever

If any of these symptoms are present, you should seek medical attention immediately. A trip to the emergency room is not an overreaction.

Additionally, if only one leg is swollen or is more swollen than the other, this could indicate a serious problem. For example, you may be experiencing deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Again, a trip to the emergency room is not out of order in this case.

There are also medications that can cause swelling of the feet, ankles and legs. Among them are:

* Medications for Hypertension
* Birth Control Pills
* Antidepressants

When you see your doctor regarding swollen extremities, he or she will probably review any medications you may be taking. Be sure not to leave anything out.

Try The “Press Test”

When determining the seriousness of your condition, one test you should perform is the “press test”. Press on the swollen area with your fingertips.

When you remove your fingers, the area may appear white but should soon return to normal color and resume its level of puffiness.

If the area stays white and remains pitted, it could be a sign of a serious medical condition such as problems with your kidney, liver or heart.

It’s easy to see that any time you experience swelling in your feet, ankles and legs it’s important to look at the entire situation to evaluate the cause.

The swelling may be temporary and harmless, in which case you can treat it with simple home remedies such as rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE). If you try this treatment with little or no result, you should see your doctor.

12 Things You Can Do To Avoid Swollen Legs and Feet

Developing good lifestyle habits can go a long way toward preventing swelling of the extremities in all circumstances. Here are a dozen things you can do every day to improve your circulation and prevent the discomfort of swollen feet, ankles and legs.

# 1 – Get In The Habit of Exercising Regularly

Good blood circulation is vital to prevention of swelling of the extremities. When you exercise every day, you improve your circulation and in turn, prevent having blood pool up in your feet, ankles and legs.

You don’t have to engage in extremely strenuous exercise to reap these benefits. Just remember to stretch and flex your feet and circle your ankles several times per hour whenever you must sit for long periods of time.

Get up and walk around every 20 minutes or so when you are at work or even when you are traveling on an airplane or other public conveyance. Just simply standing and moving your feet a little bit will help you to improve your blood circulation.

#2 – Use Compression Hosiery

If you have a very sedentary job or you must travel for a long period of time (e.g. an international flight) you may wish to wear compression stockings or socks.

The firm support you receive from these garments will help prevent blood pooling in your legs. Wearing compression hosiery can also help prevent varicose veins and ease any leg inflammation you may already be suffering.

#3 – Exercise for Fun!

In everyday life, be sure to engage in enjoyable exercise that will be easy to turn into a habit. Good examples include taking nature walks, cycling, swimming, dancing and yoga.

Swimming is especially good if you already experience swelling and inflammation in your extremities.

When you swim, it’s easy to exercise your feet and legs a great deal without putting a lot of pressure on them. The massaging action of the water also helps your circulation and reduces swelling.

#4 – Practice Inverted Yoga Postures

Yoga practice does not have to be intensive or strenuous either. Simply adding a couple of easy inversion poses to your everyday routine will go a long way toward reducing swelling and improving circulation. One excellent example is the “legs-up-the-wall” pose.

To perform this pose, simply lie on your back with your hips very close to the wall and prop your legs up straight with the soles of your feet facing the ceiling. Rest in this position for 15 or 20 minutes a day.

Legs-up-the-wall pose helps prevent and reduce swelling in your extremities and improves circulation throughout your body. It even helps boost brain activity by increasing blood circulation to the brain. Inversion poses also help improve your digestion and boost your immune system.

#5 – Put Your Feet Up!

Get in the habit of elevating your legs even when you’re not practicing yoga. Whenever you are relaxing and watching TV, listening to music or reading be sure to elevate your legs so that they are higher than your heart.

When you do this for half-an-hour, three times daily you are sure to notice a big reduction in the amount of swelling in your lower extremities.

You can also elevate your feet while you are sleeping by placing a pillow under your ankles. Alternately, try putting a brick under each leg of the foot-board of your bed. This will elevate the entire foot of your bed a couple of inches.

This simple adaptation improves your blood circulation and helps to drain excess fluid from your lower extremities. This prevents pooling of stagnant blood in the lower extremities and facilitates elimination of toxins from your body via your urinary tract.

#6 – Enjoy a Foot Massage Every Day!

When you are resting your swollen feet and legs, it’s also a good idea to massage them. Engaging in a little gentle, firm massage every day for 15 or 20 minutes can help improve your circulation.

Massage encourages toxins to leave the area to be whisked away in your bloodstream and eliminated through urination and sweating. Massaging your own feet and legs is definitely helpful. Getting someone else to do it is even better!

#7 – Give Your Feet a Spa Treatment!

Soaking your feet at the end of the day can also be extremely helpful, especially if you invest in a nice foot spa that can provide you with heat, bubbles and massage. 15 or 20 minutes of foot soaking coupled with aromatherapy or an Epsom salt treatment can be extremely relaxing and beneficial.

If you do invest in a foot spa, be sure to read all instructions and make certain that additions such as essential oils and Epsom salt will not damage the mechanism.

#8 – Boost Your Magnesium Levels

Simply soaking your feet in a tub of warm water with a few tablespoons of Epsom salt can be extremely relaxing and beneficial. Epsom salt causes the water to apply more pressure to your feet which helps with swelling.

Additionally, when you soak in water that has been treated with Epsom salt you take in a healthy dose of magnesium through your skin.

Magnesium is excellent for helping to reduce inflammation. It also helps correct a wide variety of health problems that may cause swollen extremities.

Supplementing with 350 milligrams of magnesium orally every day is advisable in all circumstances. You can also add magnesium oil to the oil you use for foot massage.

#9 – Watch Your Salt Intake

Be sure to eat well and avoid over-salting your food. Although your body does need some salt (and sea salt is best because it delivers other minerals, as well as sodium) it is easy to overdo it.

Excessive salt in your system can cause water retention, which in turn causes swelling of the extremities. Be sure to always taste your food before salting it and avoid processed foods which are always high in salt content.

#10 – Reduce or Eliminate Caffeine

It is also wise to avoid excessive caffeine consumption. Caffeine can also cause your body to retain fluids. Remember to drink plenty of pure, filtered water to counteract the adverse effects of both excessive sodium and caffeine.

Try adding some lemon or lime juice to your freshwater for variety and to add antioxidant properties.

#11 – Maintain a Healthy Weight

If you are overweight, following a healthy, whole foods diet that is low in salt will help you attain and maintain the right weight level.

This will also help you avoid swollen feet, ankles and legs. Excess weight puts undesirable pressure on your bones, joints and muscles. This can lead to inflammation and swelling.

#12 – Above All Else, Don’t Smoke!

If you have a health problem and you smoke, you can be certain that your smoking is contributing to your health problem. Smoking is one of the most detrimental habits (if not the most) in which you could possibly engage.

Smoking is costly and detrimental to every aspect of your health and the health and well-being of those around you. If you smoke, you must prioritize quitting as the most important aspect of reducing swelling in the extremities and improving your overall health.

Strong, Healthy Legs and Feet Will Carry You Through A Long and Healthy Life
If you want to stay active and healthy throughout your life, taking good care of your feet and legs is essential. Follow the 12 smart tips presented here to be certain of staying ambulatory, independent and free of swollen extremities as you enjoy your life and grow older gracefully.



Monday, 19 September 2016

What Are The Health Benefits Of Zucchini, Is It Good For You?

Health benefits of zucchini

What’s the real story on the health benefits of zucchini? This member of the Cucurbitapepo family of vegetables, Zucchini is a wonderful squash vegetable of the summer season. Rich in water content, the vegetable is juicy and bright green.

It is believed to have originated in Central America and Mexico, but the vegetable is now extremely popular across different parts of the world for its delicious taste and amazing health benefits.

Nutrition Content of Zucchini

Zucchini or Courgette is extremely rich in water content. Hence this vegetable is very low in calories and extremely beneficial for those looking to reduce or control weight.

It helps in cutting down the calorie intake and yet satisfies hunger making one feeling full for long. One medium sized raw zucchini along with its skin contains only 31 calories.

Due to lower caloric value, even the carbohydrates provided by Zucchini is quite less. A medium sized zucchini delivers 7 grams of carbohydrates in total to the body.

Of these, 2 grams are delivered in the form of dietary fiber and 3 grams are delivered in the form of sugar. There is also 2 grams of plant protein found in this vegetable.

Zucchini is also a rich source of Vitamin C and a single raw medium sized piece of this vegetable can provide for 56% of daily requirement of Vitamin C.

It is also rich in Vitamin K and B-6 and provide for 11% and 21% of daily requirement of both respectively.

Zucchini also contains good quantities of riboflavin and folate. In smaller quantities, it also contains Vitamin A, E, thiamine and nicin.

How Does Eating Zucchini Impact Our Health?

Due to its easy availability, especially during summers, Zucchini is a very commonly consumed vegetable in most of the households. Most of the time, the health benefits it offers go unnoticed and unrecognized.

With better awareness of its health benefits, motivation can be derived to enjoy eating this simple looking vegetable.

Helps In Controlling And Reducing Weight

Zucchini is a good source of water and dietary fiber. Hence it is the perfect food when it comes to weight control.

Especially for those who are unable to lose weight through exercising, reducing the calorie intake by substituting high calorie food with sizeable portion of Zucchini can work wonders.

The fiber satisfies hunger and helps in burning away excess fat in the body.

The water content of Zucchini also provides hydration to the body reducing the cravings to eat often.

It is believed that inadequate hydration can make one crave for food, especially sweets. Eating zucchini reduces such cravings and hence control weight.

Lowers The Cholesterol Levels In Body

The fiber in zucchini helps to reduce the cholesterol levels in body. The Vitamin A and C found in Zucchini prevents the cholesterol from oxidising the blood vessels. This in turn delays the beginning of atherosclerosis which can harm the health of the heart.

Zucchini is also very rich in potassium that is essential for maintain good heart health. The potassium obtained from zucchini maintains the fluid levels of body and improves the heart rate.

The lowering of cholesterol combined with the benefits of potassium keep the heart healthy for long.

Aids The Development Of Unborn Babies

Zucchini is a rich source of folates that breaks down the amino acids. Consuming 100 grams of Zucchini provides 6% of daily requirement of folates.

Folates help in division of cells and synthesis of DNA. They play a vital role in the development of fetus and development of the baby.

Eating Zucchini regularly before pregnancy can help avoid neural tube defects in developing fetus.

The Vitamin C in Zucchini is a very good anti-oxidant and helps keep the mother and baby healthy during pregnancy.

The flavonoids such as carotenes, lutein etc. present in zucchini help eliminate the free radicals in the body that promote aging and also the development of diseases.

Helps In Maintaining Overall Good Health

Zucchini is one vegetable that has an array of nutrients that are essential for maintaining overall good health.

It is a rich source of manganese and vitamin C which regulate the health of internal organs such as liver and stomach.

The summer squash is rich in minerals such as potassium, copper and phosphorous that act as electrolytes for the body and eliminate free radicals.

The sugar, carbohydrates and fiber make zucchini the perfect food that provides good energy to the body.

It also helps to clear the body and eliminate the wastes which is key to good health. It also washes away the cancer causing toxins from the colon.

 Helps In Treating Diseases

Due to the various nutrients that are combined together in zucchini, it plays an important role in keeping away diseases.

The folate, Beta-carotene and Vitamin C present in zucchini keep the body clear and flushed of impurities and disease causing foreign bodies.

The beta-carotene and vitamin C found in zucchini also have anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing the impact of certain diseases such as osteoarthritis, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

Consuming zucchini regularly helps reduce the swelling caused due to arthritis. Even the aching pain caused due to rheumatoid arthritis is reduced by eating zucchini due to its high copper content.

How To Buy A Good Zucchini?

While zucchini has a lot to offer to general health and well-being, the benefits of this vegetable can be derived only when it is eaten fresh.

It is best to purchase zucchini that is tender and juicy. The one that has flowers attached to it is the best to purchase as they are very fresh.

While buying zucchini, check if it is sleek and firm. The skin of zucchini should be bright and smooth. The weight of it should be slightly on the heavier end due to the juiciness.

Zucchini is a commonly available vegetable but most of the times the health benefits it offers are ignored.

Relish this tender delight either in a salad or cook it in pasta, the nutrients from this vegetable can prove to be of immense help in keeping body fit and disease-free.

Friday, 16 September 2016


Cola is the world's most popular soft drink, with about 1.7 billion serving of cola products consumed every day. Although the drink is popular, and seemingly refreshing, its effects on your health may be serious and in many respects non-reversible. Here's what happens to your body when you drink an ice cold glass of cola.
Let's begin with the ingredients of cola. One can of cola has about 10 teaspoons of sugar, 150 calories, 30-55 milligrams of caffeine and is loaded with harmful artificial flavors and coloring. The major culprit in the cola ingredient list, however, is high-fructose corn syrup, and we'll tell you why.

High fructose corn syrup is derived from fructose, a cheaper sweetener made from corn. The harmful thing about fructose is not only its high sugar content, which has been linked with diabetes and a number of other liver problems, but its effect on your metabolic rate, meaning the pace at which you absorb and digest food. So although you may think that a can of cola will help you better digest the food you are eating, it may actually inhibit your digestive process. Of course, this amount of sugar has other effects on your health, so it is best to shy completely away from high fructose corn syrup!

Cola also contains phosphoric acid. Acid is, of course, the last thing that we want to be putting in our bodies because it harms the body's ability to use calcium and can lead to a softening of teeth and bones, and eventually osteoporosis.

So what happens in your body after you drink a glass of cola...
In the first 10 minutes: The 10 teaspoons of sugar in the can of cola begin to hit your body. This is actually the total daily amount of sugar you are meant to consume, so you would imagine that your body needs to prepare itself. You don't immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because the phosphoric acid cuts the flavor and allows you to keep it down.
After 20 minutes: Your blood sugar levels begin to spike, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat, and there's plenty of sugar at that particular moment.
After 40 minutes: Your body has completely absorbed all of the caffeine. Your pupils begin to dilate, your blood pressure rises, and as a response your liver dumps even more sugar into your bloodstream.
After 45 minutes: Your body ups is dopamine production that stimulates the pleasure centers of your brain. This is actually the same way that heroine works!
After about 60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, giving a momentary boost to your metabolism. Also, the caffeine's diuretic properties come into play, making you feel the need to relieve yourself.

Finally, once all of these processes stop and the cola has seemingly passed through your system, you will experience a sugar crash. This may make you irritable or sluggish, and maybe leave you feeling thirsty as you have already gotten rid of all of the water in the cola. At this point, you will probably reach for your next cola and then it's back to the beginning.
So before you reach for your next can of cola remember that one moment of refreshing taste has a long list of consequences that can have serious effects on your health.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Natural Cancer Prevention

CANCER prevention with adequate and timely SLEEP?

The Fact of Melatonin

Please make it a point to sleep early...That is how God has made us...  Sleep at night and work during the day...

Today I learnt something new... A natural cancer vaccine.

God placed in each and everyone of us a gland in our head called the Pineal gland. It is considered to be the biological clock of the human body and it is also connected to the sight nerve. It is small like the size of a pea. Everyday after sundown this gland starts producing a substance called Melatonin which runs in the bloodstream and protects the body from cancer.

This gland works only in the dark so if the eye is exposed to light the gland does not work because it thinks night has not come yet...

So if you stay up at night in the light, you are depriving your body from this daily vaccine...*

Our parents and grandparents who used to sleep early in the night and wake up early in the morning did not suffer from cancer or any of the disease we hear about today.*

God has placed this daily vaccine in our body to protect us so let's put it to use by sleeping early.

The gland starts working from after dark until two hours before sunrise !!!

Must read and share this miraculous physiology God designed inside humans.


Friday, 9 September 2016

16 Further Uses for Tea!

There's nothing like a hot cup of tea, especially on a cold day. Not only does tea warm the body and give us inner peace, it also fights cancer, lowers the risk of stroke and helps our cells fight aging. However, if you thought that is where the usefulness of this drink ends, you are sorely mistaken...

1. Tired Eyes

Tired and red eyes can be caused by irritation, too much crying or simple tierdness. While ice bages or cucumber slices are a workable solution, tea bags get you the same results but are also warm and pleasant. Put them in hot water, allow them to cool a bit and then place them on the eyelids like a compress

2. Improving the taste of meat

Meat tastes great when properly cooked, but when not, it can become stale, hard and dry. Here is an effective solution to the problem: Use used tea bags to make a marinade that will restore its flavor. Soaking hard meat in black tea can also soften it again.

3. Cleaning wood surfaces

Tea can be a great and gentle cleaning material for wood floors and surfaces. Wipe the wood surfaces or furniture with a clean cloth soaked in cool tea water, then use a clean and dry towel to prevent stains.

4. Removing fat and dirt

The astringency of the tea will reduce the fatty buildup in pots and pans. Just soak the used tea bag in the container you wish to clean.

5. Cleaning Rugs

Clean moldy and dirty rugs by spreading some used (dry) tea leaves on it. Leave them be for 10 minutes and then vacuum the rug. If these are delicate carpets, you can brush the tea leaves gently away.

6. Cleaning fatty fingerprints from glass

Tea can remove those pesky fingerprints from glass, and make it shine. Just rub a moist tea bag on the glass surface, then use a spray bottle filled with tea water and wipe.

7. Cleaning the toilet

Use tea to remove stubborn stains in the bottom of the toilet. Soak several bags of tea for several hours in the toilet water and then remove them gently and brush the sides.

8. Getting rid of fish smell

To get rid of that overpowering smell of fish, wash your hands in tea water.

9. Air freshener

Bags of tea can absorb those bad odors in the pantry, in your shoes or in your car. Put a few tea bags on a tray and put them in the closet, shoe or car. Let them absorb the odors.alt

10. Getting rid of bad foot odor

If you suffer from stinky feet, soak them for 20 minutes in a tea bath. Use black tea for extreme caes. The stringency in the tea will close the sweat glands that give off the smell and that tanin will kill the bacteria.

11. Removing warts and blisters

Soak a tea bag in water and put it on the blister for 20-30 minutes. Make sure to throw away the bag afterwards.

12. Diminishing mouth ulcers

Get your mouth wounds to heal faster by gently biting a used tea bag. The healing powers of the tea will reduce the pain, shring the blood vessels and stop the bleeding.

13. Treating burns

If you suffer from a really bad case of acne or irritated skin from a burn or sun tanning, use used tea bags to bring relief. Wash the areas burnt with a cold tea bag, but if most of the skin needs it, make a bath of tea water

14. Treat acne

Many find that washing your face with a cool brew of green tea is an effective solution for acne.

15. Avoiding fleas

To turn back fleas from your dog or cat, spread some dry and used tea leaves around the place they sleep.

16. Softening and dying your hair

Washing your hair with a cup of tea can make it shiny and soft to the touch. However, if your hair is light colored, it may turn it darker, which is perfect if you want to dye it.

Posted by: Sun seeker