Monday, 26 September 2016

Swollen Feet Causes, Preventatives & Home Remedie


Swollen feet can be caused by a number of things. They may be the result of too much standing, too much sitting, excessive salt in the diet or a symptom of pregnancy.

On the other hand, they may be an indication of a serious condition such as problems with the kidneys or the heart. Chronically swollen feet may even indicate the presence of a blood clot.

For this reason, if you suffer from chronic swollen feet you should see your healthcare practitioner for a sound diagnosis. It is not wise to simply treat the symptom without understanding the underlying cause.

Conversely, if you have swollen feet because you have spent a day at the fair or have taken a long train or plane trip, there are things you can do to treat the swelling and enjoy some relief.

There are also many things you can do to prevent swelling of the feet and ankles. In this article, we will discuss some of the causes of swollen feet and present some simple remedies you can try at home. Read on to learn more.

Prevent Swollen Ankles & Feet With Healthy Habits

1. Don’t smoke! As we all know, smoking causes a vast and dreadful menu of horrible health conditions. Swelling of the extremities is one symptom of many of the life-threatening diseases that are caused by smoking.

If you smoke now, do everything in your power to stop. If you do not smoke now, naturally you should not start and you should avoid being around people who do smoke.

2. Be sure to stay hydrated! Dehydration can cause swelling of the feet as well as many other negative and uncomfortable symptoms.

It is important to stay well hydrated at all times by carrying along a reusable, stainless steel canteen, bottle or thermos of fresh, filtered water. Avoid purchasing bottled water because it is stale, contains contaminants that are leached from the plastic bottle and will cost you a fortune!

3. Eat well! Eat a healthy, whole foods diet that consists mostly of fresh fruits and vegetables, a quarter high quality fiber and a quarter high quality protein.

This diet, along with plenty of pure filtered water will keep you in tip-top shape and help you avoid all manner of dreadful health conditions and symptoms including swelling of the extremities.

4. Get proper nutrition! Be sure to take a high quality multivitamin that is designed for your activity level, age group and gender. Be especially certain that your multivitamin contains enough magnesium because this will help prevent swelling of the extremities.

If you have experienced problems with swollen ankles and feet, you may be suffering from a magnesium deficiency. In this case, you should take 350 mg of magnesium daily.

5. Limit salt consumption! Avoid all types of processed food because packaged foods all contain far too much salt. Be sure to always taste your food before putting salt on it.

You may not need to add any salt for flavor. Learn how to use healthy spices such as turmeric, red pepper, cumin, chili powder and more to add flavor and excitement to your food and improve your health and your circulation.

6. Take good care of your circulatory system! Be sure to exercise on a regular basis. While it’s always a good idea to partake of vigorous exercise several times a week, you don’t have to overdo it to take good care of your heart and circulatory system.

Be sure to get 15 or 20 minutes of light to moderate exercise every day. This can include walking, swimming, yoga, dancing, cycling and many other forms of light and enjoyable exercise. Good blood circulation will help you prevent swelling of the extremities.

7. Give yourself a break! If you have a desk job, be sure to stand up for a few minutes every half hour or so. It’s a good idea to go for walks on your break times and during lunch.

In between times, simply stand up, flex your feet and do a little walking in place. Doing this for five minutes every half hour will improve your circulation and help you avoid swollen feet and ankles as well as serious problems such as thrombosis.

8. Support your feet and ankles! Compression socks are very handy for providing support to your feet and ankles when you must sit for long periods of time.

Even if you do not wear them for work and other activities, it’s a good idea to wear them for traveling. A good pair of compression socks will keep your feet and ankles from swelling and will also help prevent varicose veins.

9. Put your feet up! Elevating your feet is a good way to prevent and treat swollen feet and ankles. Make it a habit to elevate your feet while you are watching television and while you sleep. By doing this, you engage the power of gravity to help drain excess fluid from your feet and ankles.

Treat Swollen Ankles & Feet Gently & Enjoyably

If you are experiencing swollen feet due to overexertion, excessive sitting or some other single, easily identifiably cause try these simple remedies.

1. Pamper your feet! Old-fashioned Epsom salt is an excellent treatment for swollen feet and for general relief of stress and aching muscles.

 Treat yourself to a warm relaxing foot bath with a cup of Epsom salts several times a week. You can also add Epsom salts or sea salt to your bathwater for a relaxing effect.

2. Treat yourself to a foot massage! After soaking your feet, massage in some healing oils. Coconut oil is a good choice for foot massage because it has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Add a few drops of essential oil for anti-inflammatory and aromatherapy effects. Eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint and lemon oil are all good for reducing inflammation. Oil of lavender and oil of chamomile are both excellent choices in terms of relaxation therapy.

3. Try this stimulating treatment! If you are suffering from swollen feet, try massaging your feet with castor oil and a few drops of mustard oil. Castor oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties, and mustard oil helps generate heat and improve circulation.

Additionally, mustard oil contains magnesium and selenium which will be absorbed by your skin as you massage. After massaging your feet with this combination, wrap them in a warm towel and elevate them for at least half an hour.

See Your Doctor If Problems Persist

If your swollen feet are caused by excessive sitting or standing or some other simple and direct stressor, all of these home remedies should be effective and helpful in prevention and treatment of swelling of the extremities.

If you try these simple methods and they do not work, you should see your healthcare professional right away. Your swollen feet may be symptomatic of a more serious condition.

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