Monday, 24 October 2016

Overcoming The Signs And Symptoms Of Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome


 Adrenal fatigue is a common but under diagnosed problem. If you have been feeling extremely tired lately, then the chances are you suffer from the symptoms of adrenal fatigue syndrome. Also what is known as “adrenal insufficiency”.

Adrenal fatigue occurs as a direct result of an adrenal gland malfunction. It is so common that around 80% of the world’s population will experience it, sooner or later.

Although adrenal fatigue can prevent you from focusing on your job or doing basic household tasks, the good news is that you can easily overcome it.

The first and most important step is having it diagnosed, and in order to do that you must acknowledge the signs and symptoms that are commonly linked to adrenal fatigue.

What Are The Most Common Signs Of Adrenal Fatigue?
If you get seven to eight hours of sleep per night, yet you wake up even more tired than you were the night before, then this should get you thinking.

This is actually the first thing people with adrenal fatigue start to notice about themselves.

While it is true that some people need as much as nine hours of night’s sleep in order to fully recharge their batteries, some are doing just fine with only six or seven.

However, if you constantly wake up tired, then you should not overlook that symptom!

The second most obvious symptom of adrenal fatigue is anxiety. If you feel extremely overwhelmed by everything that takes place around you, then there are two potential explanations for that:

You either suffer from adrenal fatigue, or you suffer from what is known as the “burnout syndrome”, which occurs when you work too much and you do not get enough rest.

It often happens that adrenal fatigue-induced anxiety is accompanied by several other signs, such as poor memory or the lack of focus and concentration.

At the same time, the inability to burn fat and lose weight might also indicate adrenal insufficiency, especially if you have lowered your daily calorie intake and you also workout regularly.

If you burn more calories than you ingest, then you should have no problem getting rid of the excess weight. However, if you have hit the infamous “plateau” for more than two weeks, then this might be attributed to adrenal fatigue.

What Can You Do To Overcome Adrenal Fatigue?

If you experience the signs and symptoms mentioned above and you suspect that you might suffer from adrenal fatigue, then the first measure you need to take is adjusting your diet.

Take out all the stimulants and irritants from your diet, starting with caffeine which increases alertness and which is also the main cause of insomnia.

Besides caffeine, you should also cut down on sugar.

Sugar delivers nothing but empty calories
Sugar has no nutritional value
Sugar does not provide any essential minerals and vitamins
Sugar has devastating effects on your physical health that are well-documented
Sugar slowly damages your adrenal glands, and so does fast food!

The second step is giving your body the right fuel, which includes a series of minerals and vitamins, starting with magnesium and the B-vitamin complex.

These two essential nutrients are known to stimulate your adrenal glands and to balance out your blood sugar levels which, in turn, will prevent you from binging on food (and sweets in particular).

Aside from magnesium and Vitamin B12, you should also increase your daily intake of healthy amino acids, such as Omega 3 and Omega 6.

One of the best natural sources of high-quality amino acids is olive oil, which you can easily add to your salads.

Ideally, you should combine the extra virgin olive oil with dark leafy greens, such as:

Along with vegetables
Seaweed in particular is rich in minerals.

Eliminating sugar and caffeine from your diet is not enough to prevent or reverse adrenal fatigue – you must adopt some long-term dietary changes.

 There are numerous natural supplements available on the market that are specifically created to help you fight off adrenal fatigue.

These supplements usually contain various adaptogenic herbal extracts, roots and natural plants such as:

Holy basil

As efficient as these supplements can be, there is only that much they can do, this is why you should consider taking them in conjunction with B vitamins, Selenium and Vitamin D.

Our bodies can naturally produce Vitamin D when exposed to direct sunlight, but we have a hard time satisfying our body’s Vitamin D needs during the winter. Tthis is why supplimentation is essential.

Vitamin D works best when used with selenium and magnesium, which are known to improve the function of your adrenal gland.

It also helps you relieve stress and get a better, deeper and more refreshing night’s sleep.

Speaking of stress, if you have decided to fight off your adrenal fatigue, then you should consider eliminating all the stress factors from your life.

Ultimately, it is pointless to eat healthy foods and to exercise regularly, if you constantly feel stressed and pressured at the end of the day.

Work-related stress is the most common one. If you cannot do anything about it, then you should consider some relaxing, stress-relieving activities, such as yoga or breathing exercises, along with melotherapy or aromatherapy.

Stress is extremely dangerous, both for your mental and for your physical health. This is why you must learn how to manage it effectively.

Jogging, swimming, hiking or simply walking for half an hour a day can help you take your mind off of the daily worries and let off all the steam that has been building up inside you throughout the day.


To conclude, these are the steps you have to follow in order to treat your adrenal insufficiency and prevent adrenal fatigue from wreaking havoc on your personal and professional life.

Get rid of caffeine
Eat more fruits and vegetables
Stay hydrated
Cut down on sugar and empty calories
Remove fast food from your diet

Make sure to exercise to relax and unwind at the end of the day

These are the rules you should live by, if you want to stay healthy, happy and energetic over the years!

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