As mentioned, eating right is the basis of all good health.
When you take good care of your body by feeding it correctly, you can expect to
avoid all manner of problems such as easy bruising.
Here is a basic outline of the best diet to help your body
detoxify and build strong defences against the slings and arrows of daily
health challenges!
#1 Be sure that your diet consists mostly of fresh fruits
and vegetables.
Organic produce from your own garden is best, but if this is
not available do the best you can by purchasing the highest quality fresh
fruits and veggies from your local farmers market or grocery.
Optimally, your diet should consist of at least half fresh
fruits and veggies.
#2 Add fermented vegetables to your diet. This can count as
part of your veggie content in your diet, but it comes with an added benefit.
Fermented vegetables provide beneficial bacteria and enzymes that promote the
growth of positive intestinal fauna.
This helps to improve your digestion and balance your
overall gut health. Good gut health is the basis of a healthy body.
#3 Get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, which work to support
every system in your body. You need omega-3 fatty acids to coat the myelin
sheath of your central nervous system for better nerve conductivity. You need
them to help reduce inflammation and promote good joint health.
Omega-3 fatty acids help boost your brainpower and keep your
entire system properly lubricated.
For example, people suffering from dry eye report a marked
improvement in their condition when omega-3 fatty acid supplements are added to
the diet.
There are many good dietary sources, and good supplements
include cod liver oil, or if you are a vegetarian, flaxseed oil.
#4 For good skin health supplement with the powerful
antioxidant known as astaxanthin. This supplement helps protect your skin
against the ravages of the sun.
When To See Your Doctor
If you find yourself frequently black and blue and
experience long healing times, give the ideas presented here a try. You should
see some improvement within a month or so. If you do not, consult with your doctor or other health care
practitioner to figure out why you bruise so easily.
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