Friday, 30 June 2017

Handy Hints That Will Help You Manage the Disease

If you have been recently diagnosed with diabetes, then you know how overwhelming the news can be. You will feel frustrated and you will also feel as if you have completely lost control of your life. This is a natural reaction from people being diagnosed with diabetes.

Living with diabetes is hard. Because this disease has no cure available yet, you can effectively manage it in order for you to live a more normal and full life. The key to treating diabetes is by effectively managing the blood sugar level. Also, you have to follow certain tips in order for you to make your life as a diabetic easier.

The first thing that you need to do in order to manage diabetes is by being knowledgeable about the disease. You can’t fight what you don’t know. So, by knowing the disease, you will be able to know how you can manage it and treat it.

You also need to eat regularly. You have to have three meals a day and also a snack after each meal. This will help regulate your blood sugar level and prevent you from experiencing hypoglycaemia or low blood sugar level. Skipping meals can lead to unpleasant symptoms associated with hypoglycaemia where the worst thing that can happen to you is going on a diabetic coma.

If you go somewhere, always carry something sweet with you. This will allow you to correct low blood sugar levels. An example of snacks would be fruit juice, raisins, soda, and hard sweets. These foods will be able to correct low blood sugar but all these things should be taken in small amounts.

You know that you are a diabetic but do other people know this? If you go somewhere where no one knows that you are diabetic, you should have something to tell them that you are in case you get involved in an accident or you experience going on a diabetic coma. Wear a medic alert bracelet that states that you are diabetic. This will inform people and medical professionals about your condition, which can potentially save your life.

Regularly visiting your physician is also recommended. By doing so, your doctor will be able to regularly monitor your condition and help you manage diabetes. Always keep in mind that you shouldn’t take any chances when it comes to your health.

Exercise is also very important if you are diabetic. You need to do regular but fairly moderate exercise. Try walking for 30 minutes every day. This will help regulate your blood sugar levels and also keep your heart healthy. In addition to this, you need to choose an exercise that is not hard on your feet. Getting cuts, blisters and foot infection can spell trouble. Go for gentle walking, swimming, or cycling. The last thing you want as a diabetic is getting your feet injured. If you do, you may become a perfect candidate for amputation.

 Lastly, know the symptoms of blood sugar fluctuations. Watch out for excessive thirst, extreme hunger, sudden weight loss, frequent urination, moodiness, and nausea, gum and bladder infections. Blurred vision and itching and tingling sensations on the hands and feet are also signs that you should watch out for.

These are some of the handy hints that you should remember if you or someone you know is diabetic. By following these tips, you can be sure that managing diabetes will be easy.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Exercise Tips To Help You Properly and Effectively Manage Diabetes

Exercising is one of the keys to having a healthy body. It doesn’t only make you look better, but it will also help you feel a lot better. If you don’t exercise, then you will eventually risk getting diseases that can really affect your life. Inactivity can lead to heart related diseases and it can also lead to diabetes.

First of all, type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease of lifestyle that many people are experiencing today. This disease is affected by a lot of factors, such as your weight and your activity levels. These two things are in your complete control and you need to do the right thing in order for you to effectively manage the disease.

Exercise does help diabetes. It can reduce your body's insulin requirements in many ways. The first is that exercise will be able to increase the body's sensitive to insulin. What this means is that the cells in your body will be able to better absorb insulin. Exercising can also help enhance the use of blood glucose in your body.

What this means is that it will be able to lower the blood glucose levels in your body, which can possibly reduce the amount of medication you need in order to treat and manage the disease. If you have type 2 diabetes, exercising regularly can even eliminate the need for constant medication, especially if you accompany exercise with a healthy eating plan.

You also need to keep in mind that diabetics have higher risks of high blood pressure and acquiring heart related disease as well as stroke. This is why it is more important for you to exercise now in order for you to reduce the risk of heart related diseases.

Through exercise, you will also be able to improve circulation, especially in the legs and arms. This is where people suffering from diabetes usually have problems and with exercise, it will be able to help.

You also need to keep in mind that stress can raise blood glucose levels. And, everyone knows for a fact that exercising helps reduce stress levels. So, if you want to keep your blood glucose levels from spiking, you have to reduce stress through exercise.

Lastly, one great benefit of exercise for diabetics is that it will be able to significantly improve the quality of life.

The next step is by knowing the right exercises for diabetics. You need to remember that the best exercises for diabetics are cardiovascular and aerobic exercises. However, you need to choose an exercise that is not hard on the feet as injuring the feet may lead to more serious problems especially for diabetics.

So, go for gentle walking, swimming and cycling. These exercises will be able to work your heart and circulatory system. You can also try playing racket sports, such as tennis. Just make sure that you wear proper fitting shoes in order to prevent injuries on the feet.

Before you start exercising, it is wise to consult your doctor about it first. This way, you will be able to know what kind of exercise you should do and for how long each day.

These are the things that you need to remember about being diabetic and the importance of exercising. Through exercise, you will be able to manage the disease effectively and let you live a full and normal life.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Eating Well To Eating Well To Effectively Manage Diabetes

Diabetes or not, eating healthy food is recommended for everyone. However, if you have diabetes, you need to remember that eating healthy food is not just a requirement, but it should be part of your everyday life. Living with diabetes is hard. You need to drastically change the way you live your life especially when it comes to your diet.

There is basically no need to prepare separate meals for people with diabetes and for people who are not suffering from this disease as the diabetic diet is recommended for everyone. Healthy eating can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Having a healthy eating plan is recommended for all people suffering from diabetes. But, for people suffering from type 1 diabetes, special considerations should be taken. You have to remember that people with type 1 diabetes requires matching the amount of insulin they take to the carbohydrates in the food they eat.

This is why it is highly advisable for people with type 1 diabetes to consult a dietician who is experienced in working with people with type 1 diabetes to help them prepare a healthy and suitable meal plan that they can work with.

Eating regularly is important for people suffering from diabetes. Instead of eating three large meals a day, it is important to spread it evenly throughout the day. Or, you have to have three meals a day and a snack after each meal.

Generally speaking, the diabetic diet should be low in fat, sugar, salt, and carbohydrates. Also, the diet should be high in vegetables, whole grains, and fruits.

If you regularly exercise, it is very important that you should match the amount of food you eat to the amount you burn each day. You shouldn’t put too much fuel in your body that you won't burn. This is very important in order to get the right balance of blood glucose level in your body.

If you go out for a walk, always bring with you a snack bag. Always have something sweet with you, such as sodas, and hard candies. This will help you if you feel that you are experiencing hypoglycemia setting in.

Never skip meals if you are diabetic. This will wreak havoc in your blood glucose levels and can result in potentially dangerous complications, such as hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels. The worst thing that can happen to you if you skip meals and experience hypoglycemia is diabetic coma. This is one symptom that you don’t want to experience and this is also a symptom that can be life threatening.

Alcohol intake is possible if you are diabetic. But, try to limit it to one glass of wine a day or one bottle of beer a day. Also, try to have at least two alcohol-free days every week. If you are trying to lose weight, forget about beer. Instead, try whiskey as this doesn’t contain any alcohol.

Also, it is best to drink alcoholic beverages with a meal or some food that contains carbohydrate.

These are the things that you have to remember as a diabetic. By following a strict diabetic diet, you can be

Monday, 19 June 2017

Information On Diabetes - Super foods for diabetics

I been asked my times which food are best for diabetes.

I have been suffering from diabetes for last 41 years. There has been so many changes made the diabetic diet for last few years. Below you will find information about food which are good for diabetics.  

Citrus fruits are a rich source of vitamin C, which aids in keeping your heart in good condition. Stick to whole fruits instead of juice as they slow sugar absorption.

Karela (Indian Veg) lowers the blood-sugar level as it contains a high dosage of `plant insulin.

Garlic is a rich source of potassium and also contains zinc and sulphur, which are components of insulin. Take about three to four flakes of crushed garlic daily.

Components in cinnamon promote glucose metabolism and reduce cholesterol. It has been found that in people with diabetes; just 1/2 teaspoon a day can significantly lower blood sugar levels.

Research has shown that Maitake mushrooms lower blood sugar as it acts as an alpha glucosidase inhibitor and may be beneficial for managemet of diabetes.

Green leafy veggies are nutrient-rich, low in carbohydrates and calories. Studies show that they lower the risk of type-2 diabetes.

Bamboo shoots offer high energy sans any fat or cholesterol and are a terrific source of dietary fibre. They also contain magnesium.

Berries are full of antioxidants, vitamins and fibre. Anthocyanins, found in berries, have been shown to impede cancer cell growth, reduce risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Chicken breasts are low in saturated fat and calories. A 3-ounce serving of skinless chicken breast has 142 calories and 3 grams fat.

Fatty fishes such as Salmon, albacore tuna, mackerel, halibut and herring are high in omega-3 fatty acids. These help unclog arteries and improve levels of both triglycerides and HDL in diabetics.

Beans are good source of fibre and are rich in nutrients. They slow digestion and maintain blood sugar level after a meal.

Nuts are packed with `good` fats that not only help fight heart disease, but also help reduce insulin resistance. Nuts are also rich in fibre, magnesium and vitamin E.

Low-fat milk and yogurt not only provide protein but also give calcium, which aids in weight loss. People who take them regularly are less likely to become insulin resistant.

Whole-grain foods are rich in fibre and nutrients such as magnesium, chromium, folate and omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that a diet rich in whole grains may help lower the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Olive oil is loaded with antioxidants and monounsaturated fats, like oleic acid. These ‘good’ fats reduce the risk of heart disease and help keep blood sugar steady by reducing insulin resistance.

Posted by: Chander Menghani <>

Friday, 16 June 2017

The Best Weight Loss Tips

Little drops of water they say make an ocean. This statement can be very relevant when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The truth is that a single or a given isolated unhealthy action may not land you in a state of difficulty health wise. However, consistent action of these unhealthy deeds is what will cause you to suffer from pains later if left unchecked.

That is why wise smokers will quit smoking even they have not developed any known disease related to their smoking habits. In like manner smart people do not wait to become obese before they give a thought on how to manage their weight. They usually follow the best weight loss tips while living their lives on a daily basis. You will find below tips that will help you live a healthy life.

Avoid too much of sugar.

A lot of people get addicted to sugary foods that they find it difficult to wean themselves off from them. It is important to note that excessive sugar consumption can lead to obesity.

Obesity in children nowadays is primarily due to the excessive sugary foods they consume. Apart from added sugar not having any known nutritive value, it can also constitute serious liver problems.

Diabetes is a common disease that is known to be caused by excessive sugar, which can also lead to heart disease. The fact is that added sugar is a poison that we must all avoid in order to stay healthy.

Energy drinks not for you.

Two common ingredients that feature prominently in most of the energy drinks are caffeine and sugar. Both are not good for your health. While sugar can cause a host of health related issues for you, caffeine on the other hand can lead to high blood pressure.

Detoxify your body.

There are a lot of pollutants that we consume everyday knowingly or unknowingly through the food we eat and the air we breathe. This is because our environments are heavily polluted.

To be able to regain back your body, it is important to get rid of these impurities from time to time. One way of detoxifying your body is through healthy eating.

This can be achieved through eating plenty of vegetables and fruits, drinking plenty of water every day. Drinking lemon juice and vegetable juice are good ways of detoxifying the body.

Detoxification of the body is one way to lose weight and it is very useful for the body.

Say no to alcohol.

Anybody who wishes to lose weight must learn to stay away from alcohol. When you consume alcohol it increases your calories level and causes accumulation of fat in the body. Alcohol helps in reducing metabolism and as such increases your ability to add up weight.

Exercise as much as possible.

The benefit of frequent exercise is something you cannot ignore. You can start by engaging yourself with indoor exercises and later with outdoor exercises. It is pertinent that your exercises must go hand in hand with good eating habit; otherwise you may not get the desired result.

Achieving a drastic weight loss is something that can be very hectic to realize, but having the consciousness of eating healthily and exercising regularly makes the objective achievable.

For more tips on how to live a healthy life and lose weight with ease visit

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Monday, 12 June 2017

A Peep Into Healthy Eating

Every human being is different. That is the reason even fitness experts assess people before suggesting to them fitness regimen or diet regimen that suits them.

But at the same time, there are certain things that are common to everyone. One such common thing is that there are certain general diet rules that are applicable to everyone. Therefore, when you have decided to eat the right foods to lead a healthy life, you must first know these common rules.

In fact, the first step towards achieving your aim of putting in place the right diet regimen for you is to know these common rules that are basic to healthy eating. Let us now have a look.

1. Your diet should mainly consist of fiber foods

Researchers have conducted several studies to prove the benefits of fiber foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, items made of wholesome grains, etc. These researches have revealed that fiber foods can amazingly keep a number of diseases at bay. They include even chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart and cardiovascular ailments, obesity, and so on.

Fiber foods are low-calorie foods and hence, you need not fear if they will increase your weight. WHO has released a report in which they have provided convincing evidence to prove that those who consistently eat fruits, vegetables and items made of wholesome grains face decreased risks of obesity.

On the other hand, high-calorie foods like processed foods containing high amounts of fat and sugar will certainly lead to overweight and obesity.

Further, fiber foods contain various other nutrients as well and hence, they reduce the risks of insulin resistance and diabetes. The best benefit is that you will feel full if you eat these foods but at the same time, you need not worry about weight gains as they contain fewer calories.

Researches have also proved that if you eat 3 to 5 servings of fresh vegetables and fruits a day, you will not face risks like stroke, heart diseases, etc. If you eat more than 5 servings, the risks are even less. Simply put, the more the intake of vegetables and fruits is, the less are the risks of stroke and heart diseases.

2. Say 'no' to processed foods and processed meats

A report released by IARC, otherwise called The International Agency for Research on Cancer, that is a wing of WHO, reveals that processed meats can be the main cause of colorectal cancer. The report also says that red meat can "probably" cause cancers of colon and pancreas as well as prostate cancer.
Further, a study has proved that obesity can cause various types of cancers and hence, you must make it a point to avoid processed foods and processed meats that can make you obese.

3. Reduce intake of sugar.

A survey reveals that the sugar intake of an average American is 22 teaspoons a day. But the recommended quantity according to the American Heart Association is 6 teaspoons and 9 teaspoons of sugar for women and men respectively. This means if you have the habit of frequently drinking sugared beverages or fruit juices or eating cakes, pastries, cookies and daily desserts such as ice creams, you will be consuming more sugar than what your body requires. Excessive intake of sugar will lead to obesity and weight gain. Remember also that not all fruit drinks are entirely fruit juices.

4. Drink plenty of water.

Many of us overlook the health benefits of water. Water is undoubtedly the healthiest drink and it contains zero calories. If you drink one or two glasses of water about 30 minutes before your meal, you will consume less of food and so, water can help in bringing down your calorie intake also.

If you drink plenty of water, your system will remain hydrated. So, you will be able to stay alert which means your brain will function more efficiently. You will not feel fatigued also if you remain hydrated. The habit of drinking sufficient water daily can help you in preventing health issues such as constipation, kidney stones, etc.

5. Consume less salt.

Remember that salt is as dangerous as sugar. While excessive consumption of sugar can lead to issues like diabetes, obesity, weight gain, etc., excessive intake of salt can cause high blood pressure, that is also called "hypertension." So, it is necessary that you have to cut back on your sodium intake.

Health organizations like the American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommend that our sodium intake should be less than 2,500 milligrams a day. But a survey reveals that an average American consumes 3,478 milligrams a day. There is no wonder many Americans are suffering from issues like hyper-tension.

Researches conducted in the United States reveal the saltiest foods are processed foods, packaged foods and those prepared in restaurants. So, you must avoid eating processed and packaged foods. Similarly, you should go for home-cooked foods instead of those prepared in restaurants.

"Embrace These Parenting Behaviors For the Sake of Your Children's Future" is the new hub post I have written. Please visit. to read it.

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Friday, 9 June 2017

How to Achieve a Healthy Diet

Here's an important factor that has a huge impact on your overall fitness level and general wellness: your diet.

What is a "diet?"

The word "diet" means "a collection of food items that a person regularly eats."

Every person has a current diet. If you know someone who eats cheesy potatoes and cheeseburgers six days a week, that's still considered a diet (admittedly, a very unhealthy one).

If you want to slim down and tone up, start by examining the composition of your present diet to determine how many calories you are consuming per day. Analyzing your current diet can also reveal if you are getting enough essential nutrients, water and dietary fibre.

What is a quality diet?

A quality diet provides a balanced mix of macronutrients and micronutrients in the right amounts. Here is a quick recap of the essential nutrients that our bodies need to function normally:


Protein - Protein repairs and builds muscle tissues. People who regularly perform cardio and weight training need sufficient protein to build lean muscle mass.
Both male and female bodybuilders consume large quantities of protein-rich food to ensure that fat stores are kept to a minimum and that muscle size and strength are maintained.

Carbohydrates - Carbohydrates are the main fuel of the body. Our bodies transform carbohydrates into glucose, a usable form of sugar. The body can also store glucose in the muscles.
When glucose is stored in the muscles, it's transformed into a substance called glycogen.
It may be more difficult to lose weight if you completely remove carbohydrates from your diet because the body needs carbs as its primary energy source.

Fat - Fat performs numerous important functions in the body, including vitamin absorption, transport and storage.
It also creates a padding around the muscles that acts as a shock absorber. Fat also improves a person's thermoregulation and prevents too much heat from escaping the body especially during cold weather.

Excess calories from food are stored in our fat tissues. When we lose weight, we don't actually "burn off" fat cells. Our fat cells simply shrink as the excess fat is burned off through exercise and other physical activities.

Water - Keeping your body hydrated is easy! All you will ever need is pure water. My personal rule for hydration is equally easy to remember. If you're thirsty, reach for water 99% of the time.
If you drink soda, start reducing your daily consumption and replace it with water. You'll soon feel more energized because your body is not under the constant influence of diuretics found in soda.

Dietary Fiber - Dietary fiber plays a crucial role in maintaining cardiovascular and digestive health.
Fiber has the ability to block some of the lipids or "bad cholesterol" from being absorbed by the body.
Insoluble fiber on the other hand (fiber that cannot be digested by the body) acts as a cleaning machine inside the colon and helps you clear your colon effortlessly.


Vitamins - Vitamins are used by the body to maintain normal growth and development. Vitamins also enhance major and minor functions within the body such as eyesight and skin growth.

Minerals - Minerals are inorganic substances derived from the food we eat. The body cannot naturally create minerals.

You have to make sure that you are getting enough minerals from your diet. Essential minerals include calcium, iron, potassium and zinc. Minerals naturally occur in meats, vegetables and fruits.

How do you know if you are getting enough nutrients?

Losing weight does not mean you have to sacrifice your nutrition. Weight loss actually comes naturally when you modify your diet and add more of the best food on the planet like beans, legumes, green leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, etc.

Superfoods like spinach and broccoli provide only a modest amount of calories in every serving so it would be challenging to "overeat" when your diet is comprised of at least 85% healthy, whole food. Usually, it's the nutrient-deficient food items like candy bars and hamburgers that are responsible for caloric overload in a person's diet.

Be mindful of what you eat (even when you're just snacking) and you just might discover the food items that are making you gain weight!

For more tips and strategies on how to lose weight permanently and be healthy and happy, get your free copy of The Quick-Start Weight Loss Handbook at

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