Monday, 21 May 2018

Walking holidays

Are you thinking about doing something different on your next vacation? Do you love exploring the great outdoors? If so, why not consider a walking holiday? It's wonderful to enjoy your surroundings, and keep fit at the same time. Here are three of many exciting suggestions to choose from.


Waterfalling, or waterfall hunting, is the act of hiking down trails and through the wilderness for the purpose of viewing waterfalls. Waterfall tours are very popular in Hawaii, the Sierra Nevada mountains and the upper peninsula of Michigan. All three of these locations offer a landscape that is ideal both for hiking and viewing these wonders of nature. 

It's easy to plot out the course you want to take on your waterfall hunting holiday because there are many established trails running past waterfalls and nearby campgrounds. Whether you're planning a one-day hike or a week-long camping trip, online trail maps and guides indicate what you'll probably encounter along a trail and about how long it will take you to walk it. 

Trail Hikes

While the search for waterfalls provides a great purpose for a hiking trip, there are many other trails, in all parts of the world, which offer a variety of other wilderness experiences. If you happen to be a camping enthusiast, consider this. Many trails are extremely long and can take days or even weeks to complete. In this case, it could mean camping out at rustic campgrounds or along the trail in order to complete your trek. On the other hand, if you're looking more for a day-long or weekend hike, look into hiring a transport service (near your trail) to shuttle you back to your car after a day of hiking. 

Walking Tours

For people traveling to foreign countries, taking a walking tour of the city they're traveling to is a fantastic way to experience both the scenery and culture of that specific location. These tours can take anywhere from a few hours to the entire day. 

These tours tend to focus on sites and locations that pertain to a certain subject, such as a tour of the historic landmarks of Washington DC. Walking tours are generally led by a tour guide who has knowledge of the area and the sites you will be visiting. They can offer information and a perspective you may not get on a self-guided tour. 

Planning Tip

When you Google the term "walking vacation," you'll be presented with hundreds of tour companies specializing in this popular niche. Taking the time to browse several sites is a wonderful way to get ideas - especially if you've never done anything like this before.

Because walking vacations continue to increase in popularity, more unique options are popping up all the time. If you don't want to invest in a already-planned-for-you walking trip, it's a lot of fun to put together your own.

For best results, put some time and effort into the planning stage. Read suggestions and reviews from other travelers. Don't just throw something together without proper research. You want your walking holiday to be an enjoyable one. You don't want it to be a walking nightmare!

Next up, walking safely. You don't want to miss these tips. 

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