Monday 18 November 2019

Step 6 to 10

Step Six: A Workout Plan 

You need to come up with a good workout and exercise plan and stick to it. The plan should consist of working out for 30 to 40 minutes every day. If you can do an hour of exercise a day, that is great. However, if you have a husband/wife, kids, pets, and two jobs, maybe you can only do thirty minutes a day and that is fine as well. Whatever your time commitment may be, developing the most efficient workout for you is crucial.  

Step Seven: Choose the Exercises 

After you have developed a good exercise routine, it is time to choose the exercises you will be doing during that time. 

 Butt and Hamstrings – Deadlifts, hip raises, good mornings, straight leg drifts, step-ups.  

 Quads – Lunges, squats, box jumps, one-legged squat.  Pull (biceps, back, and forearms) – Pull-ups, chin-ups, dumbbell rows, weight rows, inverse body.

  Push (shoulders, chest, and triceps) – Bench, overhead press.  Core (lower back and abs) – Exercise ball crunches, planks, side planks, jumping knee tucks, mountain climbers, hanging leg raises.  

Choose one exercise from each category above for a good workout.  Mind you, these are only some examples of what you can do. 

Step Eight:  Don’t Forget the Fruits 

You cannot leave out the fruits. Go for three to four servings on a daily basis. An ideal option would be oranges, bananas or apples.  

Step Nine: Lean Meat Over Fatty Cuts 

Make sure you choose lean meat option & stay away from meats that are high in fat content. This includes ribs, pastrami, corned beef, steak, ground meat, hot dogs, bologna, bacon, sausages, and other processed-meat choices. 

Step Ten: Procrastination 

Procrastination isn’t going to get you anywhere, is it? You may think it’ll get you somewhere tomorrow, but does tomorrow ever really get here? If you’re serious about getting in shape and welcoming a healthy new you in the mirror, then you have to go to start right now – not tomorrow, but NOW.  

The TLC diet is great for those that are facing cholesterol related issues. By now, so many people have already been convinced by its many multifold benefits. Along with those facing cholesterol-related issues, the TLC diet is also great for those that would like to shed a few pounds from their body, without compromising their health.  

If you are currently taking medications, it would be a good idea to talk to your doctor about the diet plan. Your doctor will be able to assist you by offering tips to practice the diet, without compromising your health. 

Yes, making a lifestyle change can be a pretty big task, but the secret nests in never giving upkeep moving forward and with time, you will no longer look at it as a diet, but more of a lifestyle option. 
Another good idea would be to take on the diet with friends and family. With a group of people, there will be motivation, which is needed to stick to any diet. It also makes for a healthy competition where each will strive for fulfilling results. Apart from motivation, there will also be a healthy sharing of ideas, experiences, and of course, amazing recipes.   

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