Friday, 10 March 2017

Top Benefits of Eating Avocado Seeds

Avocado fruits are known for their array of health benefits.

Powerful Antioxidants

Avocados are already known as powerful antioxidants, but studies show that the pit actually offers so much more. Specifically, it provides for 70% more of the edible parts, giving you the opportunity to flush out more toxins through a smaller serving.

Fiber Content

The fiber content of avocado pit also makes it perfect for individuals who have constipation. The amount of fiber in avocado is actually very high and could provide individuals with the necessary amount they need, not just for digestion but also for controlling high levels of cholesterol.  Studies show that avocado pits contain the same type of fiber as oatmeal which is known for being heart-friendly.

Anti Tumors

Definitely one of the best benefits of avocado pit is its ability to prevent the instances of tumors. Although currently unused with humans, the study was already conducted with rats and mice, the results being incredibly positive.  It might not take long before this test is tested on humans to see whether avocado is a possible defense against cancer or even the growth of benign tumors.

Boosts the Immune System

Further studies show that eating avocado seeds can help boost your immune system. If you’re the type of person constantly having minor problems that invade your life nonetheless, daily intake of even a small portion of the pit can provide you with the health boost you need.

Prevent Bone Diseases

As a person grows older, their bones start to take its toll on their health. The bone weakens and although drinking milk is always a good source of calcium, there is also another excellent source of the said mineral: avocado pits.  Just grind them up and liberally sprinkle the item on your food/drink and this should provide sufficient help for teeth and bone growth.

Antimicrobial Properties

Yes – avocado seeds can also prevent microbes from settling on your body. Studies show that it contains both antifungal and antimicrobial properties, allowing individuals to avoid some of the most common health issues today.  This fact was published in March 2009, specifically citing problems like Candida and fungi as ones being addressed by the properties of avocado pit.

Reduces Inflammation

Arthritis is a common problem among many seniors – a condition wherein the joints swell up, leading to pain and discomfort during movement. Avocado seeds however act as powerful antioxidants that specifically work against joint pain.  With just a few servings of the shredded pit every day, the joint pain should slowly lower down, making it easy for you to move.

Helps with Weight Loss

Another plus that people will definitely love is the product’s ability to help with weight loss.  Specifically, avocado seed helps curb cravings so that you will not find yourself suddenly wanting to eat something sweet and tasty in large amounts. With this kind of help, you will be able to shed fat faster without actually missing out on some of the most vital nutrients and minerals for a healthy body.

Better Skin

You probably know how the avocado flesh can be used as a mask for a healthier and glowing skin. The pit provides the same benefits but without having to apply the material on your face. Instead, all you have to do is eat the pit on a daily basis and your skin will show the positive effects of the product.  This happens because the antioxidant properties of the avocado helps flush out any radicals that may be damaging the skin. This leads to better flexibility, fewer skin tone problems, and fewer occurrences of pimples.


Perhaps one of the best benefits of the seed is as a revitalizing agent. Essentially, this means that you will experience an excellent energy boost with the intake of the pit through regular means.  If you have had a bad day and experiencing lots of stress, simply preparing yourself an avocado shake with some of the pits inside should be able to help get rid of any anxiety you have.  To top it off, the seed also helps with diarrhea and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract due to its astringent properties.

 Processing Avocado Seed for Eating

Now the next question here is: how exactly do you eat avocado seed? It might seem unorthodox, but the seed is completely edible and can be taken in a number of ways.

To start however, remove it carefully from the center of the fruit and just slice it in the center or whack it really hard until it cracks. To actually use the seed, just take your pick on some of the suggestions below:

Avocado Pit Smoothie

The avocado pit is bitter so using it as a single ingredient in a smoothie is never a good idea. However, you can chop up the pit into very small pieces and adding it to whatever smoothie or shake you happen to be making.

 The real flavor of the drink masks the bitterness of the seed but adds a certain texture to the overall flavor. Think of the pit powder as a supplement that you can simply sprinkle all over the smoothie to boost its effect.

Sprinkle On Food

If you manage to grate avocado pit into very small pieces – or perhaps successfully turn it into powder, then sprinkling it on food is another good way of ingestion. Try putting it in your favorite recipes; perhaps use it as an ingredient for dips and sauces.

The amount of avocado pit powder should be small enough that the taste will not matter, but you will definitely reap the benefits of this addition!  Of course, if you are going to eat the avocado pit, you might as well make sure that the avocado flesh is included in your diet.
The good news here is that avocado is every bit as nutritious as the pit, therefore allowing you to gain more health benefits with just one fruit!

Today, you will find lots of fresh avocado in grocery stores – or you can try growing a tree yourself if the weather permits it!

Sources: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

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