Monday, 18 November 2019

Step 6 to 10

Step Six: A Workout Plan 

You need to come up with a good workout and exercise plan and stick to it. The plan should consist of working out for 30 to 40 minutes every day. If you can do an hour of exercise a day, that is great. However, if you have a husband/wife, kids, pets, and two jobs, maybe you can only do thirty minutes a day and that is fine as well. Whatever your time commitment may be, developing the most efficient workout for you is crucial.  

Step Seven: Choose the Exercises 

After you have developed a good exercise routine, it is time to choose the exercises you will be doing during that time. 

 Butt and Hamstrings – Deadlifts, hip raises, good mornings, straight leg drifts, step-ups.  

 Quads – Lunges, squats, box jumps, one-legged squat.  Pull (biceps, back, and forearms) – Pull-ups, chin-ups, dumbbell rows, weight rows, inverse body.

  Push (shoulders, chest, and triceps) – Bench, overhead press.  Core (lower back and abs) – Exercise ball crunches, planks, side planks, jumping knee tucks, mountain climbers, hanging leg raises.  

Choose one exercise from each category above for a good workout.  Mind you, these are only some examples of what you can do. 

Step Eight:  Don’t Forget the Fruits 

You cannot leave out the fruits. Go for three to four servings on a daily basis. An ideal option would be oranges, bananas or apples.  

Step Nine: Lean Meat Over Fatty Cuts 

Make sure you choose lean meat option & stay away from meats that are high in fat content. This includes ribs, pastrami, corned beef, steak, ground meat, hot dogs, bologna, bacon, sausages, and other processed-meat choices. 

Step Ten: Procrastination 

Procrastination isn’t going to get you anywhere, is it? You may think it’ll get you somewhere tomorrow, but does tomorrow ever really get here? If you’re serious about getting in shape and welcoming a healthy new you in the mirror, then you have to go to start right now – not tomorrow, but NOW.  

The TLC diet is great for those that are facing cholesterol related issues. By now, so many people have already been convinced by its many multifold benefits. Along with those facing cholesterol-related issues, the TLC diet is also great for those that would like to shed a few pounds from their body, without compromising their health.  

If you are currently taking medications, it would be a good idea to talk to your doctor about the diet plan. Your doctor will be able to assist you by offering tips to practice the diet, without compromising your health. 

Yes, making a lifestyle change can be a pretty big task, but the secret nests in never giving upkeep moving forward and with time, you will no longer look at it as a diet, but more of a lifestyle option. 
Another good idea would be to take on the diet with friends and family. With a group of people, there will be motivation, which is needed to stick to any diet. It also makes for a healthy competition where each will strive for fulfilling results. Apart from motivation, there will also be a healthy sharing of ideas, experiences, and of course, amazing recipes.   

Friday, 15 November 2019

Here are 10 steps to better health with the TLC Diet …

Step One: Commitment 

If you are serious about a healthy, new you, then you must be willing to make a commitment. This diet is something you need to stick to on a daily basis, not just when you feel like it. Yes, I understand, there will be times where you’re hungry, tired, or craving something special. Don’t let that weakness take you over. You may tell yourself that this one time isn’t going to hurt you, but once you start breaking those rules, your entire diet will start to roll down the hill.  

Step Two: Prep the Battlefield 

When I say “battlefield,” I am referring to your kitchen. If you look in your kitchen right now, you’re probably going to find a lot of food in there that doesn’t fit in with this diet. Being that your diet starts right now (not tomorrow, not the next day, or next year), you need to go in there and toss all of the junk away. I know you don’t feel right about throwing food away (if it’s not perishable, you could donate it). Whatever you do, you’ve got to get it out of your house. If you don’t live alone, then you may not be able to do this. If so, put all of the sweets, popcorn, etc at the top shelves when you can’t reach them. Pick a corner of the fridge and that is where your diet food is going to be placed. That is your own sacred corner and it should be respected by everyone in your home. 

Step Three: Fatty Acids 

You need to make sure you consume enough good fats and ensure you keep away from SATURATED fatty acids. Good fats are Omega-3’, Nut’s & Seeds. Unhealthy fatty acids are found in many oils cookies, margarine, shortenings, chips, and snack crackers among many others. 

Step Four: Your Intake  

Saturated or Unhealthy Fat 

You’re probably not able to avoid saturated or unhealthy fat altogether. However, it is important that you keep the intake below seven percent of your overall calorie intake for the day.  

Monounsaturated Fat 

Your intake of Monounsaturated Fat should be about 20 percent of total calories. 


Carbohydrates should take up about 50 to 60 percent of the overall calorie intake. 

Soluble Fiber 

You need to increase the intake of soluble fiber to 5-10 grams on a daily basis. This means you need to consume fresh fruits and vegetables. 


Limit your intake of grains to 6 servings per day. Include rice, cereals, bread and other similar grains.  


Limit your intake of fish, poultry, and meat to two servings per day and no more than that. 


Your daily cholesterol intake should be restricted to 200 milligrams or less. 

Polyunsaturated Fat 

Polyunsaturated fat content needs to be limited to ten percent of total calories.

Restrict your sodium intake to 2500 mg a day. 

Step Five: Stay Away from Fast Food and Junk  

This is one of the most crucial steps  – you need to stay miles away from fast food or junk options. Avoid consumption of fried chicken, fries, burgers, and tacos among others. These junk foods contain a large number of unhealthy fats that you can live without.  

Monday, 11 November 2019

10 Steps To Better Health With The TLC Diet

In today’s world, it appears as if everything comes at a price. Our days and nights are packed full of hectic schedules, an excessive workload, unavoidable deadlines and hours of stress. With so much already on our shoulders, we lack the ability to care about the food we eat at the end of a long day. More often, we are just too tired to cook a healthy meal post-work and end up taking the easier option – processed items and fast food. 

With the increase in technology, everything is only a click or a phone call away. Most people settle for a double cheeseburger with a side of fries or a date with the pizza delivery man in order to hush their roaring stomach at the end of the day. 
 Yes, these food choices offer contentment, but eventually, they will bring forth drastic side effects. Unhealthy food choices lead to various modern-day ailments, such as obesity, diabetes, depression, hypertension, high cholesterol, and other related concerns. Most of these effects start out small, but eventually, they gradually transform into unavoidable chronic conditions. 

If would be a good idea to wake up, take action, and prevent these ailments from taking over your life. For all of those that are facing similar conditions, the guide will introduce you to a suitable solution to combat most of your modern-day problems.  

Today, we are going to introduce you to the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes diet, or for short, the TLC diet.  

This diet focuses on modifying the increasing or already hyped levels of cholesterol. You see, when your body has an excessive level of cholesterol, your heart weakens over time and this causes several fatal conditions, like stroke and heart attack among other serious cardiovascular conditions. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you step up and take charge of your body and health before it worsens beyond repair.  

The diet encourages healthy measures to lower cholesterol levels by means of exercise, diet, and other related methods. At the same time, it brings about successful weight loss. If you’re looking for a good diet that will kick start your way to good health and wellbeing, then the TLC diet should be at the top of your list. 

Friday, 8 November 2019

What the Heck is the TLC Diet

Hearing the word diet usually inspires thoughts of cutting food, counting calories, and depriving yourself. Diets tend to come in waves, and they tend to be unsustainable – many of them even go as far as being unhealthy if done over a long period of time and can lead to lack of nutrients.  

The TLC diet isn't just a diet, it's a way of changing your lifestyle and eating healthier. TLC stands for Therapeutic Lifestyle Change. It isn't just about restricting yourself to a set number of calories per day or juicing everything before ingesting it. It's about making changes that are better for your body. Sometimes, the things we fuel our body on can cause fatigue, headaches and other unseen dangers and illnesses. The TLC diet is designed to make us feel better and healthier, while still providing us with everything we need to keep moving and to help learn how to be healthier while still enjoying what we eat.  

The idea of the 'diet' is to help control the amount of saturated fat that a person consumes; this can mean cutting down on milk and meats. It also means cutting out nicotine and getting in frequent exercise. All of which benefits overall health, as well as cholesterol.  

The Benefits 

One of the main benefits, medically, that the TLC diet has is reducing cholesterol. It has been recommended by doctors, and by the National Cholesterol Education Programme from the US National Institute of Health.  

As well as helping with cholesterol, the TLC diet can help with weight loss, too, and as it's a change in lifestyle rather than an actual diet, it's easier to sustain, and there's much more chance of the weight staying off and little chance of the person slipping back into their own way of eating. It becomes a way of life and eventually becomes natural.  

It reduces the risk of health problems later in life, making sure that we're taking care of ourselves as we fuel our bodies. It makes sure that we're getting the right nutrients and that we're putting the right kind of food inside our bodies.  

The Negatives 

Depending on how you view it, the negatives might not necessarily be bad things.  

Cutting down on meat is a big one – while protein can be good for you, too much of it can cause unseen problems, such as raising cholesterol. It's recommended while following the TLC diet that only two portions of meat are consumed each day, maximum.  

Another big thing is learning how to read a nutritional label, and understanding everything they put on there. It can be difficult to learn what they mean, especially when they have a habit of being sneaky. Many times, packaging will state a serving size that doesn't represent the full packet. Learning to read these will help you keep your portions under control and ensure that you're not eating more than you think you are.  

Overall, the idea of the TLC diet is to become healthier, leaner and more aware of what we're fuelling ourselves with. Whether the diet has been recommended to you by a doctor, or it's one you've found online, it's never too late to start looking after yourself.  

Monday, 4 November 2019

Is the TLC Diet Safe? 

Being told by a doctor that you have high cholesterol can be scary. It’s attributed to heart conditions and diseases, and strokes. It’s also vital – you need a certain amount of cholesterol to survive. There are two different types – good and bad. Most people find their levels of bad cholesterol is the one that is higher than it should be. 

The TLC Diet (Therapeutic Lifestyle Change diet) was designed to help people lower their cholesterol levels in a healthy, safe way, without having to rely on tablets and teach people how to lead a healthy lifestyle that will aid their body and keep them fit and reduce their risk of heart disease. 

But Is It Safe? 

Yes. Unlike other diets (fad diets, for example), the TLC diet is designed to be sustainable and endorsed by the government as an acceptable way to reduce the levels of high, bad cholesterol in your body. It’s used to maintain a healthy lifestyle and is supposed to be one that is very easy to continue on with even after you’ve got the results you want. 

It isn’t a diet that you follow for a few weeks and then come back off. It’s designed to be a way of changing your life and helping you make the right choices when it comes to food. 

You’re not starving your body of nutrients that you need, and just instead giving it the right ones. Fat, for example, gets a bad reputation, but there have been many studies into the good and bad types of fat in recent years. The TLC Diet helps patients to cut out the bad, high cholesterol types of fats – such as saturated fats – and how to supplement with healthier foods that aid the body. 

Doctors’ Orders 

Doctors have been recommending the TLC Diet to patients as a way of helping them reduce their bad cholesterol and have found that it is much more effective than just medicines alone. As their patients started to make healthier choices and lost weight along the way, the medications they were prescribing became much more potent and performed better within the body. Patients got better results and were shown to be much healthier. 


Decreasing the number of unhealthy foods that you consume, getting in a little more exercise cutting out that expensive nicotine addiction doesn’t spell bad or unsafe. They’re all changes that will help the body feel and perform better than if the problems are ignored. 

Being diagnosed with high cholesterol can be a sign of worse conditions to come and the quicker that you act on the news, and start to change your life, the more chance you have of undoing the damage done and protecting yourself. A few small changes for life could reduce the risk of heart disease, failure, and strokes and have you feeling overall better. 

The TLC Diet is designed to help people stay healthy and ensure they’re getting the right kind of foods they need, as well as making sure it’s reasonable to follow. There’s no increase costs, no hard steps to follow. Just willpower, sensible eating and a few workouts per week.  

Friday, 1 November 2019

Is the TLC diet safe for all ages? 

The TLC diet or “Therapeutic Lifestyle Change” diet is a three-part program that uses physical activity, weight management, and diet to help reduce high blood cholesterol. Have you ever looked at the definition of cholesterol? 

In the definition, it describes it as a waxy fat-like substance. This substance is found in all parts of the body in the walls of cells – this includes everything from the liver and the nervous system to the heart. The body uses cholesterol in order to make bile acids, hormones, Vitamin D and a variety of other substances. 

High cholesterol is no respecter of persons and can affect anyone of any age, race or ethnicity. It is the number one killer of both men and women in America. The higher your cholesterol is the more at risk you are for serious diseases and even premature death. 

Before beginning the TLC diet as with any lifestyle change in your diet you should consult a physician. Sometimes drugs are needed to help reduce blood cholesterol but the TLC program should still be followed. 

The bad news about high blood cholesterol is that anyone can get it but the good news is that everyone can take certain steps that lower their chances of getting it. The TLC diet is one of the main ways and is safe and actually encouraged for all ages from children to adults and for men and women. 

The medical community has stated there are no health risks or serious side effects for the TLC eating pattern. The TLC diet is considered a heart-healthy diet. This means the main emphasis for eating is heavy on fruits, veggies, and whole grains. It is light on saturated fat and salt. This is still considered the best way to maintain cholesterol and blood pressure and prevent heart disease. 

A recent study showed 36 adults following a typical American diet which is high in saturated fat and cholesterol and the other group following the TLC diet which maintains low amounts of cholesterol and saturated fats. After 32 days when the study ended those who participated in the LDL diet decreased their LDL by 11 percent. This study was published in the Journal of Lipid Research in 2003. Although not as much research has been done on the TLC diet regarding diabetes the Journal of Atherosclerosis states that TLC significantly lowers the fasting insulin levels of participants with high cholesterol. 

The best thing about the TLC diet for all age groups is it promotes healthy eating. Many people today have dietary restrictions from religious to personal beliefs. This diet can be structured to fit most needs from vegetarian to kosher to halal. You may also be able to create a low salt or a gluten-free diet with the TLC diet. It is always a good idea to include a multivitamin. TLC is not just a diet but a lifestyle change for anyone wishing to help reduce high cholesterol they have now or to help prevent getting this disease in the future. 

Monday, 28 October 2019

Is the TLC Diet For Me? 

Do you have high cholesterol? Has your doctor told you they’re worried about the risk of heart disease in your future or that something needs to change? 

If yes, the TLC diet is designed for you. If no, the TLC diet will help keep it that way. 

People who don’t have high cholesterol or heart conditions will still benefit from following the lifestyle change. Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) means making the right kind of changes for your body and ensuring you’re giving it the best chance at survival and staying fit. By following the diet, you aren’t taking any risks or putting yourself in danger. You’re helping your body by giving it the nutrients it needs without the risk of putting too much in there.   Are you looking to be healthier? 

The TLC diet not only helps with reducing cholesterol, but it has helped people lose weight and generally feel better. Healthier. Eating processed foods, or giving our body too much and clogging it down with the bad fats can leave us feeling tired. Too much sugar leaves us dependent and fatigued when we’re running low. 

Making healthy choices and sticking to them gets your body back into its natural rhythm, and eventually, you’ll feel more energized – more awake. All thanks to the foods that you’re putting in your body. 

Do you suffer from headaches? Tiredness and achy muscles? People don’t tend to realize just how much impact food has on our bodies. Eating the wrong thing can lead to crankiness, imbalances, and drowsiness. Eating the right things? You’ll feel much better on a healthy meal plan than you ever will on a cup of coffee. The perks last much longer, and help give you the best shot at a long life. 

Do you have the motivation to make changes? 

The TLC diet isn’t a fad. It’s not a diet you follow for two weeks, drop your dress size for that big event and then get right back to your usual eating habits. 

The idea behind it is to make changes that you can stick to. Initially, any type of change is difficult. You need to be serious about making a change and stick to it. If you have the will power and motivation to look after your body, then the diet is absolutely for you. There are no age restrictions or rules on who can and cannot follow the diet. 

Work hard and it’ll pay off in the long run. 

Do you want to feel better? 

As already mentioned, the wrong foods can make your body feel slow and run down. Eating right and healthy can revitalize you and make you feel full of energy. If you want a way to give yourself more energy, without sacrificing hours of the day away in bed, the TLC diet can help you. It’ll make you feel better, healthier, and in most cases it can help drop a few pounds too, leading to a whole new energetic version of yourself. 

The TLC diet is there for anyone who wants a change, is determined, and wants to stay healthy or improve their health. There’s no reason not to try it. 

Friday, 25 October 2019

A Day in the Life of the TLC Diet

Starting a new diet can be scary – you instantly crave all the things you very recently had access to. You feel like you’re depriving yourself. Everything turns into ‘I can’t have that’, rather than politely declining it because you don’t want it. Everyone has been there. Everyone has woken up on the dreaded Monday, where they swore no more cupcakes and more lettuce, and instantly regretted their decisions. 

Dieting doesn’t have to be miserable. 

A typical day on the TLC diet will be different, potentially, to what your days used to be like but they don’t have to be bad. 


Mornings are a great time to revitalize yourself. You don’t need to go on a thirty-minute jog but absolutely get in a quick routine. A five-minute warm-up followed by a few bodyweight exercises to tone, and then cool down and off you go with your morning. 

With TLC, breakfast doesn’t need to be complicated. A bowl of cereal with fat-free, or low fat, milk is fine. It provides complex carbohydrates, and tend to be low in fat. You’re also definitely still allowed your coffee – just go light on sugar, or without it entirely if you can. 


Diets and limp lettuce tend to be conjoined, but they absolutely don’t have to be. Lunch can be anything from a tuna salad sandwich (with dressing!) or a low sodium vegetable soup. You can experiment with your own recipes and throw together something you won’t dread eating a few times a week. 

If you work at a desk, try and get out for a walk – even if it’s just around your office building, get your legs moving and try and get in a little exercise. Diet and activity go hand in hand in ensuring a healthier lifestyle. 


The – for many – main meal of the day is important. For a lot of people, it’s something to look forward to once you get home. Something like grilled skinless chicken breasts, with roasted vegetables, stays in line with the diet, tastes good and gives you many needed nutrients. If you’re worried about bland taste, drizzle with olive oil, and rub herbs into the chicken, or even coat the vegetables. 


Most diets prohibit snacking, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a treat every now and then. Try and keep it healthier – don’t reach for the potato chips – but indulge your taste buds a little. Greek yogurt with a small portion of berries is a good, sweet example. It tastes good, it’s filling and you’ll be doing your body a favor. 

There are many great ways to stick to a TLC diet plan without worrying about what you’re no longer allowed. For many foods, moderation is key. Meat is acceptable, just limit your intake of it, reduce your dairy and sugars, and you’ll start giving your body the tools to repair the damage and bring down your cholesterol without having to depend on tablets and pills from your doctor.  

Monday, 21 October 2019


Well, we have reached the pinnacle of our beginners guide on the TLC Diet and I want to congratulate you for making it this far. In this final part we will be summarizing the main points we have covered so far and hopefully put to ease any questions or doubts you may have. 

Tips To Start Today  

At first, it’s not going to be easy – no diet is easy, regardless of who you are, above all else, however, the major thing to consider is sources of fat in your diet and monitoring saturated fat levels to lower your cholesterol.  

While this seems difficult, after about a week or so, you’ll start to pick up on the routine and before you know it, the TLC diet will naturally become a part of your lifestyle. 

Here’s a little bit of advice for you – put some time and effort into making your meals. You may even want to enroll in a nice yoga class (there may be one going on right now in your area). If you cannot find a yoga class, you can find many yoga videos online, which will allow you to practice yoga in the comfort of your own home. 

Also, it may help if you have a nice support system going on. The more friends you have that will take part in this diet with you, the better off you’re going to be. 

In the end, don’t let anything get in your way and remember the benefits of the TLC diet! You can also reward yourself. Rewarding yourself will give you something to look forward to. Just don’t reward yourself with food – go for a new shirt or something along those lines. 

Well, that’s it, you’ve reached the end. Wish you all the best in your journey to reduce your cholesterol levels by following the TLC diet.   
 Let Food Be Thy Medicine And Medicine Be Thy Food 

Before starting any new diet you must check with your GP

Good luck

Friday, 18 October 2019

Getting Physically Active

I’m going to tell you right now if you want to be healthy, you need to get out there and get physical.  

Regardless of your age, it’s never too late for you to start exercising, so don’t ever use your age as an excuse – there’s 70 years old’s out there doing extraordinary things with a bit of fitness! 

In fact, the older you are, the more you should exercise. No, I’m not joking. Unless your doctor has advised against it, there’s no reason not to. Exercise isn’t going to have a negative impact on your body. Of course, before you get physically active, you should speak with your doctor to get the “go ahead,” this way, you will feel better. 

You just need to learn how to fight through that laziness for the sake of your own health and get your body to start moving. Trust us, even the smallest of changes in your lifestyle can lead to a 
huge change in your body, so don’t hesitate to start a good exercise regimen and stick to it. 

At first, you’re not going to like exercise, but eventually, as it becomes a part of your lifestyle, you’re going to enjoy it.  

Types of Exercises: 

 Walking 

 Jogging 

 Swimming 

 Yoga 

Those are only for types of exercise you can take part in. Honestly, you can easily create your own exercise routine that is fun for you.  

Just look on youtube for at-home exercise programs and you will find a multitude of fun and easy to perform programs. 

For making any change to your daily Exercise check with your GP

Monday, 14 October 2019

Smart Choices, Eating Out And Social Events On The TLC Diet

During the first couple of days of your TLC diet, you may be under the impression that it is difficult to follow. However, if you stick at it for longer than a fortnight, it’ll become easier and easier for you to follow, eventually becoming a habit.  

As we mentioned earlier in the book, there may be times when you’re too busy, or you may be going out with friends to a restaurant. During this time, you may be tempted to let the diet go.  

The key to sticking with the diet is to prepare yourself for every possible situation you can think of. It is important that you try to make sure you always have access to healthy food, regardless. As long as you have healthy foods available at all times, you will be able to eat healthily.  

This means you should take part in smart shopping, know how to cook your food and you should know exactly what to eat when you’re eating out and attending social events.  

Once you are able to handle all of that, it will be easy for you to eat healthily, regardless of where you may be. You’re not going to have any excuses to run to the nearest fast-food chain or eat chocolate.  

The way you cook is a big influence on how healthy your food is going to be. The right cooking technique can make a health ingredient even healthier. On another note, the wrong technique can make things a lot worse. Take deep frying as an example – you’re taking a vegetable and turning it into a giant sponge of fat. If you want to stay healthy, then you need to learn healthy cooking techniques.  

Cooking Techniques

Cook using low-fat methods. Avoid using too much butter and oil. There are certain techniques that are preferred by advocates of the TLC diet.  

These cooking techniques include:  
 Grilling 

 Steaming 

 Boiling 

 Roasting 

 Baking 

 Poaching 

It is okay to sauté or even do some light frying, but keep your use of oil and butter low. You may want to invest in a good nonstick pan that will allow you to cook without using butter. 
Eating Out On The TLC Diet 
What you choose to eat during your outing all depends on the type of restaurant you choose.  
Here, I am going to list Chinese restaurants and Italian as those seem to be pretty popular. 
If you chose to eat out at a Chinese restaurant, stay away from the fried rice and go for food that doesn’t contain MSG. Chinese cuisine consists of a lot of vegetables, but many times, their cooking styles are no good. Thankfully, on the menu, you’ll be able to find barbecues, roasted and steamed food. 
If you chose to eat out at an Italian restaurant, don’t eat too much bread. When you choose bread as a side dish, it can be easy to overindulge. Eating too much, however, can do more harm than good. If you chose pizza, go for ones that are packed full of vegetable toppings and choose half the amount of cheese. Sometimes, these restaurants overload the pizza with processed meat like pepperoni, bacon, and sausage.  
If you’re going for pasta, choose the red sauce because this is healthier than any cream. 

Before starting any diet you must check with your GP

Friday, 11 October 2019

TLC Diet Transformation -More Recipes

Grilled Eggplant Slices With Chopped Fennel    


1 large eggplant  
A ½ cup of chopped fennel  
1 tbsp of olive oil  
1 tsp of chopped parsley 

Preparation: Peel the eggplant and cut into 3 equal slices. Bake it in a barbecue pan without oil. When done, spread olive oil over it, sprinkle with fennel and parsley. (These eggplant slices are great cold, so you can leave them overnight in a refrigerator) 

Turkey Fillet With Walnuts And Maple Syrup   


3 turkey fillets  
A ½ cup of walnuts 
1 tsp of maple syrup  
A ¼ cup of water  
1 tbsp of olive oil salt to taste 

Preparation: Fry the fillets in a barbecue pan, over a low temperature, for about 15 minutes, or until tender. Remove the pan from the heat and add water, maple syrup, and walnuts. Mix well and fry for another 5-6 minutes until the water evaporates. Stir constantly. Allow it to cool for a while before serving. 

Beef Chop With Pineapple And Tumeric    


1.5 pounds of beef chop, boneless  
2 tbsp of coconut oil  
1 tbsp of olive oil  
A ½ cup of coconut milk  
1 tsp of turmeric  
¼ tsp of pepper  
1 medium pineapple, peeled and chopped  

Preparation: Wash and dry the meat. Cut into bite-size cubes. Combine the meat with coconut oil, coconut milk, turmeric, pepper, and pineapple. Mix well and set a side for 15 minutes. Use a large wok pan to heat up the olive oil. Remove the meat and pineapple chops from the marinade and fry for about 5-7 minutes on each side. Now pour in the remaining marinade, cover the wok pan and cook for 30 minutes over a medium temperature. The marinade will become thick and the meat soft. Remove from the heat and serve. 

Salmon With Zucchini    


1 pound of sliced salmon fillets  
2 small zucchinis  
6 Brussels sprouts  
3 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil  
¼ tsp of pepper  

Preparation: Peel and slice zucchinis into 0.5-inch thick circle shape slices. Cut salmon fillets into bite-size pieces. Heat up one tbsp of olive oil in a large skillet and add your salmon fillets. Fry them up for about 10 minutes, or until they are nice and crispy. When done, move them to a plate covered with a kitchen paper to soak up the grease. Set aside. 

Cut the Brussels sprouts in half. Combine with zucchini slices in a large bowl and add 2 tbsp of the remaining olive oil. Move the vegetables to the skillet and cook until the Brussel sprouts are tender. This should take no more than 10 minutes. Add your salmon fillets to the skillet, cover and allow it to rewarm. Serve and enjoy. 

Before making any changes to your diet check with your GP

Monday, 7 October 2019

Cooking The TLC Way – Sample Meal Options

In this section, I’m going to introduce you to some delicious TLC recipes. 

Breakfast Smoothie 


1 cup of fresh blueberries 
A ½ cup of chopped baby spinach  
1 cup of avocado, chopped  
2 tbsp of almonds, minced 1 cup of coconut milk  
A ½ cup of ice cubes (optional) 

Preparation: Wash and drain the baby spinach. Combine with other ingredients in a blender and mix for about 30 seconds. Serve cold. 

Fruit Salad.


1 cup of berries  
A ½ cup of pineapple cubes  
A ½ cup of chopped apple  
5 mint springs  
1 tbsp of fresh lime juice  
1 tsp of lime zest ¼ cup of water  
1 tsp of cinnamon  
1 tsp of agave syrup 

Preparation: In a small saucepan combine a ¼ cup of water, mint spring, fresh lime juice, and lime zest. Allow it to boil over medium temperature and cook for about 2-3 minutes. Remove from the heat and cool. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine 1 cup of berries, a ½ cup of pineapple cubes and a ½ cup of chopped apple. Add agave syrup and mix well. Pour the lime mixture over the salad and let it stand in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Remove from the refrigerator and sprinkle with 1 tsp of cinnamon before serving. 

Before making any changes to your diet check with your GP

Friday, 4 October 2019

Dietary fat is different than your body fat.

It appears that the lack of knowledge of nutrition scares most to think dietary fat is bad. It can be considered word and image association where you hear the word “fat” and automatically associate it with the fat on your belly. Automatically you think, “Uh oh, I don’t want any more fat on my stomach, I don’t want that food if it has fat.” So, is a low-fat diet a solution for all ills?  

Well, before answering this question, it is important to find whether you are eating healthy fats or not. Healthy fats include seeds, nuts, and unrefined oils and naturally occurring fats in vegetables and meats. The key lies in maintaining moderation and optimizing nutritional benefits. Experts recommend that fats and oil should suffice for at least 10–40 percent of your regular energy needs. 

Though fats have earned a poor reputation for their effect on heart health and obesity, some fat is ESSENTIAL for health and wellbeing. 
Fats help in the absorption of carotenoids and fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E, K Supply essential fatty acids needed by the body, which it cannot make on its own, such as omega-3 – which is unsaturated fat that we must consume from our diets mainly found in fish. Fats have the potential to harm as well as help our health; depending on their fatty acid composition, their nutritional value, and their condition.  

When used in a natural, unadulterated state, fat offers optimal nutritional benefits. On the other hand, a very low- fat diet can compromise our health and ability to lose weight.  
Fatty Acids    

When you eat food, the fat comprised in the food is known as fatty acids. Typically considered “good fats,” fatty acids are known as the building blocks of many cellular structures and hormonal patterns in the human body.    
 Healthy Nuts, Seeds, Fats, And Oils. 

Healthy Nuts & Seeds To Consume: Almonds, Pistachios, Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Sesame Seeds Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Sunflower Seeds, Macadamia Nuts, Cashews, Peanuts, Pumpkin Seeds, Chia Seeds. 
Fats and oils to use Almond Oil, Red Palm Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Grapeseed oil, Sesame Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil Hemp, Coconut Oil, Safflower Oil. 

These fatty acids help in the transfer of oxygen to different parts of the body through the bloodstream. These fats help keep skin healthy, thus preventing signs of early aging. These promote cell membrane development and are essential for strong organs and tissue.  

They help the body process cholesterol and rid the arteries of plaque or cholesterol build-up. Fatty acids boost the functioning of adrenal and thyroid glands, thus helping regulate weight. 

Before starting any diet you must check with your GP

Monday, 30 September 2019

What Can You Eat?

The TLC program is based on consuming a wide array of different foods but in doing so, getting a proper ratio of nutrients to fuel your body effectively. Food choices are not restricted per se but must be consumed in a limited amount. These amounts are sometimes a percentage of your total calorie intake for each day.  
 Saturated fat Less than 7 % of total calories 

 Polyunsaturated fat Up to 10 % of total calories
 Monounsaturated fat Up to 20 % of total calories 

 Carbohydrate 50 % to 60 % of total calories  

 Soluble fiber At least 5 to 10 grams a day  

 Protein Approximately 15 % of total calories 


The biggest part of the TLC diet program is about fats and is where we are going to focus our attention on in this beginners guide. If you get the correct amount of good fats in your diet most things will fall into place (Carbs, Protein & Fiber). 

These fats can help you fight those cholesterol levels, or help you feed them. You have to learn what fat actually is in order to defeat it – get to know your enemy before fighting it!  

Fat seems to be a dreaded word for most of us. But have you ever wondered why there is so much hue and cry about fat? First, I need you to understand this.  

Before starting any diet you must check with your GP

Friday, 27 September 2019

TLC Nutrition Overview - Getting Your Nutrients & What To Eat

To lower your cholesterol levels, there’s no getting around the fact that you must do something about the food you eat.  

The TLC program's major focus is to create a nutritious way of eating that will provide the correct nutrients and will reduce the amount of saturated fat you eat.  

These Saturated fats are the fats that elevate your cholesterol levels. First, you want to reduce the foods high in saturated fats, like fatty cuts of meat and whole milk products you eat.  

You will also have to replace some of the animal fats and choose some healthy, monounsaturated oils – olive oil, for example.  
 Another good option is choosing a fatty acid supplement like Omega-3. These fats will keep good cholesterol up and lower the bad one.  

The types of food you eat can be as important as their calorie content. What is good for one person may not be the same for the other. It is thus important to understand your metabolic system and nutritional needs. 

What are the calories?   There is so much hype surrounding calories these days. All of us know that in order to lose weight, we must burn calories. But what exactly are calories? In simple words, calories are units of energy in food or drinks required by the body to perform its functions. The amount of calories needed by your body depends on the amount of energy required by your body to keep warm. 

This is exactly what your body needs, irrespective of your activities. Typically, the larger an individual, the greater their caloric need is or their basal metabolic rate – which is the amount of energy expended by a body at rest. The basal metabolic rate remains the same daily.  

If your body needs, in the example, 2,000 calories today, it will require the same amount tomorrow and the next day and so on. The basal metabolic rate varies from person to person, depending on the body size and amount of work you do. 

Before starting any new diet you must check with your GP

Monday, 23 September 2019

Major Benefits Of the TLC Diet

Are you starting to think the TLC diet is for you? Well if so then take a look at the major benefits if you decide to follow this way of eating … 

1. Easy to Follow 

The diet is simple and easy to follow   There are no special kinds of foods that you need to cook. There is no need to learn a new recipe. You don’t need to buy special and expensive ingredients. The diet is simple, straightforward and inexpensive.   The meals are easy to prepare. Since you don’t need to strictly follow a specific meal plan, you have the freedom to modify the recipes per what is available for you. 

 Since this diet will allow you to modify your meals, it is also possible to adjust it if you are vegetarian or if you want it to be gluten-free. The important thing is to learn how to eat generally within the guidelines of the diet. Once you know and understand the basic principles which make the diet so effective, it will undoubtedly be much easier for you to modify the diet in accordance with your individual needs. 

2. It is Proven Effective 

The diet is healthy and proven effective   The effects of the TLC diet are long-term. This is because rather than providing a quickfix solution to the problem, the TLC diet encourages positive changes in a person’s lifestyle. The true secret of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is knowing how to keep eating healthy and how to continue exercising for a long time. Rather than a race, think of health as a marathon. It cannot be rushed and it must be taken slowly but surely. 

3. Educates People 
The TLC diet actually educates people.   With the TLC diet, a person is made aware of what he or she should eat and drink. A person learns how to choose what is healthy. This means knowing how to shop for healthy items, how to read labels and how to prepare meals in a healthy way. A person will also know how to compute how much-saturated fat he or she is recommended to consume. Unlike some other diets, you will not be told what you should eat in every single meal. Therefore, it is up to a person to choose his or her meals according to what he or she learns. 
Well, those are just a few of the main benefits gained by following the principles of the TLC Diet. 
In the next part, we will look more specifically at what to eat and how to get your proper nutrients in. 

Before starting any diet you must check with your GP

Friday, 20 September 2019

Why Does Cholesterol Matter?

For the past few decades or so, cholesterol was always seen as the enemy. It was seen as the reason for heart failures and it was blamed for many things. People feared cholesterol, and the rule in every household was to keep it as low as possible.  

While there are certain studies which now claim that cholesterol should not be demonized, it should still be monitored well to ensure that a person’s body will continue to function well.    

Here’s a little surprise, you actually need cholesterol in your body. It is essential to life and is needed by cell membranes. 

It is classified as a lipid and it is found in most animals. Even though it is a fat, it is essential to certain metabolic processes. In fact, most of our cholesterol is produced by the liver and most of the cells in our bodies. It helps in many biological processes like the absorption of vitamin D.    
 Cholesterol is useful but it has to be controlled. Health experts recommend that cholesterol should not exceed 5.5 mmol per liter. Those with pre-existing risk factors should aim for lower cholesterol. Unfortunately, a huge number of us ignore these numbers and recommendations. Most of us have a high cholesterol count. 

If a person has too much cholesterol circulating in his or her bloodstream, it can get quite dangerous. Too much cholesterol can cause blood vessels to narrow, and eventually, be blocked. When blood vessels are blocked, it can lead to many different diseases like stroke or various heart diseases.    

There are many factors which affect a person’s cholesterol levels. Some people are more likely to have high blood pressure because of genetics and family background. Others may have it because of a related medical condition like an underactive thyroid gland, overconsumption of alcohol and obesity. Some risk factors are more dangerous than others and should be taken in to account.  
 It is important to look at a person’s overall lifestyle in order to figure out the best possible solution to the problem.  

Perhaps the most noticeable and controllable factor in preventing high blood pressure is monitoring a person’s diet. While people’s bodies might react differently even if they eat the same thing, switching to more health-conscious food choices will very likely improve a person’s health conditions. Generally speaking, those who eat foods that are low in saturated fat can really help improve a person’s overall health.    

The majority of those who have high blood pressure do not show the symptoms of the condition. People over twenty years of age should ideally have their blood pressure checked at least once every year to ensure that they are in good condition.  

They should even take the tests more often if they are in the high-risk group. Consult your doctor or health care provider to find out how often you should take the test. 

Before starting any diet you must check with your GP

Monday, 16 September 2019

All About Cholesterol

Again, and again, food and diet have been named as the major culprit for causing health problems around the world.  

High blood pressure or Hypertension is now a very big problem. It is considered the number one killer in America, and perhaps in many other countries around the world.  

Undoubtedly, a person with high blood pressure is facing many risks in relation to health. There are many complications and diseases associated with having high blood pressure.   The truth of the matter is this trend is quite unsurprising. With the fashion in which we are eating nowadays, it is easy to see why high blood pressure is a problem. 

Considering the current eating trends around the world, it is inevitable that health has suffered. We all eat too much of the wrong things. The fast-food culture is proving to be surprisingly strong. Many of us prefer to eat junk food because it is convenient and easily available.  Children are growing obese and adults are growing unhealthy. Our current culture makes it difficult for us to make healthy choices. The current lifestyle choices of modern man are often very unhealthy. 

Furthermore, it gets even more confusing for people nowadays because there is so many flies by night diet trends and diet rules. It gets difficult to figure out which diets are truly beneficial to your health and which ones are just a passing fad.  

There is an abundance of different kinds of diets to choose from, it gets difficult to pick which one will be right for you. 

Many people are concerned about their appearance but are not truly concerned about their health. In effect, you have teenagers who choose to starve themselves in order to look like the people they see in magazines. Health is more than just about having a nice body. It means having a body which functions properly. 
High blood pressure is a serious problem. It prevents your body from functioning properly, and it might also lead to the development of other diseases. 

The number of people who are suffering from high blood pressure is growing by the day and it’s surprising that we aren’t taking this problem as seriously as we should. Many are already suffering and many more will suffer if the proper steps are not taken. 

If you know that you have high blood pressure, don’t ignore it! It can lead to serious complications which could possibly damage your health and your body permanently. If you don’t get the proper medical attention that you need, you might end up with very serious problems. 

The good news is that there is no reason for you to panic. You can easily take control of the situation if you can make a commitment to a healthier lifestyle. 

Before starting any diet you must check with your GP

Friday, 13 September 2019

What Exactly Is The TLC Diet?

This diet focuses mainly on modifying the increasing or already hyped levels of cholesterol.  

When the body contains an excessive level of cholesterol, over time it weakens the heart and causes several fatal conditions, like a sudden heart attack and stroke among other serious cardiovascular conditions.  

It is highly recommended to take charge of your body and health before it worsens beyond repair. 

This diet encourages healthy measures to lower cholesterol levels by means of diet, exercise, and other related methods. It also 

brings successful weight loss in its wake. For all those struggling with weight loss or health conditions, the TLC diet is a great way to kick start your way to good health and wellbeing.  

The Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes diet was initially coined by the NATIONAL Heart, lung and blood institute in the year 2001. Due to its beneficial nature, the diet has also been approved and encouraged by the American Heart Association.  

The diet aims at reducing the LDL levels of cholesterol, also known as the bad cholesterol, which is held responsible for triggering cardiovascular complications.  

The diet focuses mainly on healthy food options that have been coupled with suitable exercise and required lifestyle changes to help speed the process of recovery without any medications.  

It not just keeps the LDL levels in control but also works towards providing the body the right level of HDL or the good healthy cholesterol that is required by the body for proper functioning, induced growth, and development.  

Although the diet does bring about some weight loss in its process, the goal is improved health by controlling cholesterol more than focusing solely on losing weight. 

Well, that’s a quick overview of what the TLC diet is, over the next few chapters we will cover exactly what cholesterol is, the benefits of starting a TLC diet program and what foods you need to include in your everyday diet. 

Before starting any diet you must check with your GP

Monday, 9 September 2019

The Need For Health In The Modern Age

There are many important reasons as to why you should get in shape today. What “getting in shape” means to me is you have strength, a baseline cardiovascular capacity, muscular endurance and flexibility, which all leads to a healthier life.  

Believe it or not, the 21st-century conditions could be damaging your health and you don’t even realize it. Let’s have a look at some of these modern-day health conditions being experienced … 

Toasted Skin Syndrome 

Have you ever heard of this? Have you ever balanced your laptop on your knees for a long period of time? Believe it or not, It can leave you with discolored skin! 
The heat is generated by your laptop, it causes a rash that is similar to someone that has huddled to close to a heater in order to stay warm.  Mind you, this has nothing to do with dieting or exercise – this is just showing you how our health is being affected in the modern age by technology.  

Time Poverty 

Oh yes, good old time poverty – so many of us is a victim of this. With family, work, running a home, and trying to take care of everything, we hardly find time to sit down and pause for a nice breath of fresh air. The more we rush, the further we struggle to meet deadlines we have imposed. The result? Our health. We deal with everything from insomnia, stress, depression and poor diet, which leads to obesity and many other health-related issues. Many of us are simply doing too much and in return, this is taking a major toll on our health and well-being. 

Living in Fear 

Many will refer to this as “the 21st-century fear.” Here we are, constantly staring at the threat of floods, disease, crime, hurricanes, terrorist attacks, toxic chemicals in food and so much more. We’re constantly focusing on those fears. We have become so worried about the things that “might” happen to the point that we have stopped enjoying a life that is taking place in front of us. As you may already know, too much worry isn’t good for your health.  

We may not be able to help you with toasted skin syndrome, other than tell you not to place your laptop on your lap for a prolonged time, but we may be able to help you with time poverty. This is where the TLC diet is going to come into play.  

You see, in the modern-day scenario, everything comes at a price. Our days and nights are filled with hectic schedules, unavoidable deadlines and innumerable hours of stress and excessive workload. With so much already on our plate, we cease to care about the food what we consume at the end of a long tiring day.  

Most often, we are too tired to cook a healthy, nutritious meal post-work and end up opting for the easier option: fast food and processed items. With the blooming technology, everything is just a click or a phone call away.  

As we previously stated, most people settle for a comforting double cheeseburger, pizza or fries to hush their roaring stomach every day. Although these food choices offer oodles of contentment and comfort, eventually they bring forth drastic side effects. Over time, with continuous consumption, unhealthy food choices lead to several modern-day ailments, such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, depression, anxiety, high cholesterol, and other related concerns.  

Most of these complaints start out small but gradually turn into unavoidable chronic conditions. The best idea is to wake up, take action and prevent such ailments from deteriorating your health and fitness further.  
For all those facing similar conditions, this short beginners guide brings a suitable solution to combat most of our modern-day problems. It introduces the concept of the TLC Diet or the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes program.  

Before starting any diet you must check with your GP

Are you ready? Let’s get started… 

Friday, 6 September 2019

TLC diet a little mental exercise

Let’s start this beginner guide on the with TLC dieth a little mental exercise. When you go out, look around you and tell me what you see. I bet you will see an abundance of fast-food restaurants and guess what’s in front of them? You guessed it…A never-ending line of people.  

Fast food joints are known for serving up a dish of unhealthy food – unhealthy food that people continue to consume. Why? Because they can! People choose fast food because they live a busy life and are under the impression that they can’t go home and cook a healthy meal because it will take hours to do.  

This unhealthy lifestyle leads to obesity. 

The health risks of being obese include: 
 Heart disease 
 Type 2 diabetes 
 Osteoarthritis 
 Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease 
 High blood pressure 
 Stroke 

Reasons People Are Unhealthy 

 Most work available is white-collar 
 Children now spend more time playing digital games instead of playing outside 
 The foods low-income families can afford are unhealthy 
 The serving sizes of unhealthy drinks have increased 
 People buy more fast food and prepare fewer meals in their kitchen 

This list could go on and on … 

There’s an old Chinese proverb that does a good job at explaining why we need to watch what we put in our mouths. “When you’re thirsty, it’s too late to dig a well.” What this is saying is that you
should not wait until you have an illness to start a diet, because by then, it may be too late. 

Watch out for more information on the next blog.

Before starting any diet you must check with your GP

Monday, 2 September 2019

Diabetes – Symptoms And Cures

Useful information if you have been diagnosed that you have diabetes  

Diabetes is of three main types – insulin-dependent diabetes or the Type 1 diabetes, Non-insulin dependent diabetes or the Type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes mellitus. A person’s eating habits and viruses can cause Type 1 diabetes. Heredity, obesity, high blood pressure, and lack of proper diet cause Type 2 diabetes, which is very common. 

The gestational diabetes mellitus is caused as a result of heredity, increased maternal age, fitness 

Diabetes is of three main types – insulin-dependent diabetes or the Type 1 diabetes, Non-insulin dependent diabetes or the Type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes mellitus. A person’s eating habits and viruses can cause Type 1 diabetes. Heredity, obesity, high blood pressure, and lack of proper diet cause Type 2 diabetes, which is very common. 

The gestational diabetes mellitus is caused as a result of heredity, increased maternal age, fitness and more reasons. It may cause the mother to develop permanent diabetes. This characteristic may get transferred to the child at a later age. 

There are certain symptoms with the help of which you can detect diabetes. Excessive urination, constant thirst, loss of weight, excessive starvation, nausea, extreme tiredness, infections, irritability, and tiredness are some of them. 

The importance of insulin comes to light when a person suffers from diabetes. Insulin is a hormone that allows blood sugar or glucose to enter body cells. Diabetes affects a person’s capability to make insulin. Due to diabetes, the glucose remains in the blood itself. This high rate of sugar in the blood may cause harm to your eyes, nerves, kidneys, heart and blood vessels. 

Other than heredity reasons, you can easily avoid Type 2 diabetes by following some simple steps. For those people who are overweight, reduce the rate of consuming food. Overweight people have the risk of developing diabetes. Try to consume grilled or baked food instead of fried food. Cut down on fatty meals. While having food, check its Glycemic Index. While drinking milk, opt for the skimmed milk instead of the full-fat milk. Exercise is a very effective way, which ensures that you stay in a healthy way always. 

It is best to cure diabetes before it attacks your health. To cure diabetes, it is important to know its symptoms. Extreme thirst not only after exercise and a stroll in the hot air but always is a symptom. Even after drinking water, if you have a dry mouth if you have to urinate frequently if you have unexpected weight loss, and you feel lethargic all the time, check with a doctor. It could be a symptom of diabetes. 

Blurry vision, slow healing cuts, and sores, extreme itching or soreness in the genital or yeast infection can be

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Diabetes: What Type Of Insulin Is Right For Me?

Rapid onset-fast acting insulin

Rapid onset-fast acting insulin always looks clear. It is fast acting and starts to work within one to 20 minutes. It peaks about one hour later and lasts from three to five hours. When you use this type of insulin, you must eat immediately after you inject.

The two rapid onset-fast acting insulin types currently available are:

1. NovoRapid (Insulin Aspart)
2. Humalog (Lispro).

Rapid onset-fast acting insulin always looks clear. It is fast acting and starts to work within one to 20 minutes. It peaks about one hour later and lasts from three to five hours. When you use this type of insulin, you must eat immediately after you inject.

The two rapid onset-fast acting insulin types currently available are:

1. NovoRapid (Insulin Aspart)
2. Humalog (Lispro).

Short-acting insulin

Short-acting insulins always look clear. They begin to lower blood glucose levels within half an hour, so you need to have your injection half an hour before eating.

Short-acting insulin has a peak effect at two to four hours and lasts for between six and eight hours. Short-acting insulin types currently available include:

1. Actrapid
2. Humulin
3. Hypurin Neutral (bovine - highly purified beef insulin).

Intermediate-acting insulin

Intermediate-acting insulins always look cloudy. They have either protamine or zinc added to delay their action. These insulins begin to work about 90 minutes after you inject, peak at four to 12 hours, and last for 16 to 24 hours.

Intermediate-acting insulins currently available include:

1. With protamine added – Protaphane, Humulin NPH and Hypurin Isophane (bovine).

Preventing Diabetes

You'll need to keep an eye on your blood sugar levels and take treatment for your diabetes for the rest of your life. If you don't have good control of your blood sugar you'll be at risk from damage to the blood vessels and nerves, with problems such as deterioration in eyesight, stroke, kidney disease and infections.

As your doctor has already explained, careful diet and pills are all that is needed in most cases. If you're overweight, simply eating less and losing weight can be enough to allow the insulin to work more effectively.

Why Use Insulin Pumps?

The number of people using insulin pump therapy to manage their diabetes is growing rapidly; roughly 250,000 people around the world use an insulin pump. Their reasons for choosing the pump are many, but generally "pumpers" all agree that it gives them tighter control and more flexibility -- both in terms of their schedule and lifestyle. This control and flexibility include advantages such as:

1. Eating what you want, when you want
2. Worrying less about low blood sugars ("hypoglycemia")
3. Living life on your terms, not a schedule of snacks and shots

There are many scientific studies that demonstrate that insulin pump therapy results in better outcomes for teens and adults with type 1 diabetes. There are also studies that show that insulin pump therapy works well in toddlers and pre-school children.

Monday, 26 August 2019

Diabetes: Health 'Coaches' Will Help To Combat Rising Diabetes Cases

Pennsylvania has a moderate rate of increase in diabetes hospitalizations, accounting less than 1 percent over the last two years, however, diabetes is a serious problem in this region. An amount of 8 percent of adults of this state is affected by diabetes, which is 1 percent above the 7 percent of people affected throughout the country. Moreover, patients from various counties in Western Pennsylvania have high rates of end-stage kidney disease, one complication of diabetes.

The above-mentioned situation along with the continuous growth rate in diabetes hospitalizations which increased 9 percent in the past five years to 23,725 during 2004, make them create a new health program to reduce health care costs through an initiative of health coaches. 

According to a study from the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council, hospitalizations generated more than $673 million in hospital charges last year alone, although 40 percent of these are paid by health plans. 

The main idea of this new initiative is to lower the health care costs associated with employees with diabetes and to keep them out of the hospital, but on the job at the same time. 

This initiative will start in January and will provide “health coaches” to 4,200 diabetic employees at 10 companies in the region, under a program that will be launched by the Pittsburgh Business Group on Health, a coalition that includes human resources and benefits executives from 62 area companies. 

In the new program, employees who volunteer to participate will have counseling sessions with pharmacists about using diabetic medications. Health coaches will check patients are getting the tests needed to monitor their condition and are following recommendations about diet and exercise.

Pennsylvania has a moderate rate of increase in diabetes hospitalizations, accounting less than 1 percent over the last two years, however, diabetes is a serious problem in this region. An amount of 8 percent of adults of this state is affected by diabetes, which is 1 percent above the 7 percent of people affected throughout the country. Moreover, patients from various counties in Western Pennsylvania have high rates of end-stage kidney disease, one complication of diabetes.

Friday, 23 August 2019

Walking while you work

 More and more individuals are taking the initiative to walk extra distances at work, in an effort to get healthier. Depending on your job description and the location of your workplace, it may be easier to accomplish than you think. The following suggestions are provided to help you get started.

Start with Your Commute

When you’re ready to add walking to your work routine, the best place to start is your morning commute. If parking is available a half-mile or so from your workplace, drive there a little early and walk the rest of the way. If your house is close enough to work, you can even walk the entire distance. Doing this even a couple of times a week lets you get plenty of walking in. That is, as long as you don’t mind getting up a bit earlier. 

Get Up and Stretch

Your muscles need a chance to stretch every now and then, particularly when you spend hours a day working at a desk. Every hour or so, go grab some coffee, take a trip around the room or stroll around your office building, for at least five minutes. Not only does this help keep your body active, but stepping away from your work periodically can also stop you from feeling bored or fatigued before the end of the day. 

Form a Walking Group

You may be able to find a few co-workers who are interested in doing a bit of walking with you. Asking around at lunch and breaks or posting a notice in a cafeteria or break room, are all great ways to find potential walking buddies. Walking with a group of people makes exercise a much more social (and less tedious) experience, and also helps to encourage you to stick to your routine. 

Store Fitness Gear at Work

If you want to take your workplace workout to the next level, you may want to consider keeping some fitness gear at work. One essential and easy to store a piece of gear is a good pair of running shoes, so you have comfortable shoes for walking during breaks. A small set of weights is also a smart idea, both to hold while walking and to curl during the time on the phone. 

Consider a Treadmill Desk

For hardcore fitness enthusiasts, treadmill desks are a growing trend that allows you to walk while working on a computer or going over paperwork. These treadmills have a workstation built-in that keeps your computer right at your fingertips during your walk. 

Because your attention will be shifted away from the machine and onto your work, these treadmills tend to have more safety features than traditional treadmills do, such as a low maximum speed and motion indicator bars painted onto the belt. 

If you've never thought about incorporating some kind of walking routine into your workday, why not give it a try? Start out small and work your way up, if you feel more comfortable that way. Remember, every step you take leads to a healthier you!

Friday, 16 August 2019

Walking safety tips

Walking is a fun and easy way to get your heart pumping and to explore the world around you. But, like many other physical activities, there are some risks involved. Here are a few things you can do during your next hike to make sure that you or your walking group stay safe and have a good time.

Walk on the Sidewalk

When walking near roads or high-traffic streets, the sidewalk is absolutely the safest place to be. Not only will you be well out of the way of any passing cars, but following the sidewalk also means you’ll be crossing the road at the safest places. Drivers will expect you to cross at an established crossing, and they may not be prepared to watch for pedestrians in the middle of a long stretch of road. 

If you’re walking alongside a road and no sidewalk is available, make sure you walk toward oncoming traffic. This way, you can see cars as they approach and take evasive action if necessary.

Dress for the Environment

When you’re planning a trip on foot, wearing the proper attire for the climate is just as important as any other preparation. In hot weather, shorts and a t-shirt or tank top will reduce the risk of overheating. In cold weather, you may want a coat or jacket depending on how severe the weather is, and long, insulated pants or jeans. 

The time of day you'll be traveling is another factor to consider before leaving your home. During daylight hours it's recommended that you wear brightly colored clothing so you can be easily spotted by drivers and other pedestrians. At night, however, drivers are less likely to see pedestrians and don’t expect to see people walking around in the first place, so it is highly recommended that you wear reflective material and light-colored clothing. 

Know the Signs of Fatigue

Walking for extended periods can take its toll, especially in the heat of summer. Heat exhaustion, brought on by our bodies being overheated and dehydrated, is an issue walkers commonly face. The best way to avoid heat exhaustion is to bring plenty of water with you. If you feel a sudden onset of dizziness, muscle cramps, headache, nausea or weakness, stop in a cool place to rest immediately. 

Bring Along Emergency Gear

If you have a severe allergy to something that could potentially be triggered by an environmental condition such as a bee allergy or certain pollen, it goes without saying that you should bring an emergency pack containing whatever medication has been prescribed to you. 

This also includes people who are prone to asthma attacks and people who are taking any medications to treat or reduce the risk of any life-threatening issues. And as always, in case of an emergency, having a cell phone or signal whistle to flag down passers-by is recommended for any pedestrian.  

As long as you bring along everything that you need and are careful to pay attention to your surroundings, walking or hiking is a perfectly safe way to exercise. Remember to cut down on distractions such as cell phones and portable media players as much as possible, as these can take your attention away from the world around you.

Rather than plan time after work to take a walk, why not walk while at work. That's what's coming up next.