Monday 28 May 2018

Walking while you work

More and more individuals are taking the initiative to walk extra distances at work, in effort to get healthier. Depending on your job description and the location of your workplace, it may be easier to accomplish than you think. The following suggestions are provided to help you get started.

Start with Your Commute

When you’re ready to add walking to your work routine, the best place to start is your morning commute. If parking is available a half-mile or so from your workplace, drive there a little early and walk the rest of the way. If your house is close enough to work, you can even walk the entire distance. Doing this even a couple of times a week lets you get plenty of walking in. That is, as long as you don’t mind getting up a bit earlier. 

Get Up and Stretch

Your muscles need a chance to stretch every now and then, particularly when you spend hours a day working at a desk. Every hour or so, go grab some coffee, take a trip around the room or stroll around your office building, for at least five minutes. Not only does this help keep your body active, but stepping away from your work periodically can also stop you from feeling bored or fatigued before the end of the day. 

Form a Walking Group

You may be able to find a few co-workers who are interested in doing a bit of walking with you. Asking around at lunch and breaks or posting a notice in a cafeteria or break room, are all great ways to find potential walking buddies. Walking with a group of people makes exercise a much more social (and less tedious) experience, and also helps to encourage you to stick to your routine. 

Store Fitness Gear at Work

If you want to take your workplace workout to the next level, you may want to consider keeping some fitness gear at work. One essential and easy to store piece of gear is a good pair of running shoes, so you have comfortable shoes for walking during breaks. A small set of weights is also a smart idea, both to hold while walking and to curl during time on the phone. 

Consider a Treadmill Desk

For hardcore fitness enthusiasts, treadmill desks are a growing trend that allow you to walk while working on a computer or going over paperwork. These treadmills have a workstation built in that keeps your computer right at your fingertips during your walk. 

Because your attention will be shifted away from the machine and onto your work, these treadmills tend to have more safety features than traditional treadmills do, such as a low maximum speed and motion indicator bars painted onto the belt. 

If you've never thought about incorporating some kind of walking routine into your workday, why not give it a try? Start out small and work your way up, if you feel more comfortable that way. Remember, every step you take leads to a healthier you!

Friday 25 May 2018

Walking safety tips

Walking is a fun and easy way to get your heart pumping and to explore the world around you. But, like many other physical activities, there are some risks involved. Here are a few things you can do during your next hike to make sure that you or your walking group stay safe and have a good time.

Walk on the Sidewalk

When walking near roads or high-traffic streets, the sidewalk is absolutely the safest place to be. Not only will you be well out of the way of any passing cars, following the sidewalk also means you’ll be crossing the road at the safest places. Drivers will expect you to cross at an established crossing, and they may not be prepared to watch for pedestrians in the middle of a long stretch of road. 

If you’re walking alongside a road and no sidewalk is available, make sure you walk toward oncoming traffic. This way, you can see cars as they approach and take evasive action if necessary.

Dress for the Environment

When you’re planning a trip on foot, wearing the proper attire for the climate is just as important as any other preparation. In hot weather, shorts and a t-shirt or tank top will reduce the risk of overheating. In cold weather you may want a coat or jacket depending on how severe the weather is, and long, insulated pants or jeans. 

The time of day you'll be traveling is another factor to consider before leaving your home. During daylight hours it's recommended that you wear brightly colored clothing so you can be easily spotted by drivers and other pedestrians. At night, however, drivers are less likely to see pedestrians and don’t expect to see people walking around in the first place, so it is highly recommended that you wear reflective material and light-colored clothing. 

Know the Signs of Fatigue

Walking for extended periods can take its toll, especially in the heat of summer. Heat exhaustion, brought on by our bodies being overheated and dehydrated, is an issue walkers commonly face. The best way to avoid heat exhaustion is to bring plenty of water with you. If you feel a sudden onset of dizziness, muscle cramps, headache, nausea or weakness, stop in a cool place to rest immediately. 

Bring Along Emergency Gear

If you have a severe allergy to something that could potentially be triggered by an environmental condition such as a bee allergy or a certain pollen, it goes without saying that you should bring an emergency pack containing whatever medication  has been prescribed to you. 

This also includes people who are prone to asthma attacks and people who are taking any medications to treat or reduce the risk of any life-threatening issues. And as always, in case of an emergency, having a cell phone or signal whistle to flag down passers-by is recommended for any pedestrian.  

As long as you bring along everything that you need and are careful to pay attention to your surroundings, walking or hiking is a perfectly safe way to exercise. Remember to cut down on distractions such as cell phones and portable media players as much as possible, as these can take your attention away from the world around you.

Rather than plan time after work to take a walk, why not walk while at work. That's what's coming up next.

Monday 21 May 2018

Walking holidays

Are you thinking about doing something different on your next vacation? Do you love exploring the great outdoors? If so, why not consider a walking holiday? It's wonderful to enjoy your surroundings, and keep fit at the same time. Here are three of many exciting suggestions to choose from.


Waterfalling, or waterfall hunting, is the act of hiking down trails and through the wilderness for the purpose of viewing waterfalls. Waterfall tours are very popular in Hawaii, the Sierra Nevada mountains and the upper peninsula of Michigan. All three of these locations offer a landscape that is ideal both for hiking and viewing these wonders of nature. 

It's easy to plot out the course you want to take on your waterfall hunting holiday because there are many established trails running past waterfalls and nearby campgrounds. Whether you're planning a one-day hike or a week-long camping trip, online trail maps and guides indicate what you'll probably encounter along a trail and about how long it will take you to walk it. 

Trail Hikes

While the search for waterfalls provides a great purpose for a hiking trip, there are many other trails, in all parts of the world, which offer a variety of other wilderness experiences. If you happen to be a camping enthusiast, consider this. Many trails are extremely long and can take days or even weeks to complete. In this case, it could mean camping out at rustic campgrounds or along the trail in order to complete your trek. On the other hand, if you're looking more for a day-long or weekend hike, look into hiring a transport service (near your trail) to shuttle you back to your car after a day of hiking. 

Walking Tours

For people traveling to foreign countries, taking a walking tour of the city they're traveling to is a fantastic way to experience both the scenery and culture of that specific location. These tours can take anywhere from a few hours to the entire day. 

These tours tend to focus on sites and locations that pertain to a certain subject, such as a tour of the historic landmarks of Washington DC. Walking tours are generally led by a tour guide who has knowledge of the area and the sites you will be visiting. They can offer information and a perspective you may not get on a self-guided tour. 

Planning Tip

When you Google the term "walking vacation," you'll be presented with hundreds of tour companies specializing in this popular niche. Taking the time to browse several sites is a wonderful way to get ideas - especially if you've never done anything like this before.

Because walking vacations continue to increase in popularity, more unique options are popping up all the time. If you don't want to invest in a already-planned-for-you walking trip, it's a lot of fun to put together your own.

For best results, put some time and effort into the planning stage. Read suggestions and reviews from other travelers. Don't just throw something together without proper research. You want your walking holiday to be an enjoyable one. You don't want it to be a walking nightmare!

Next up, walking safely. You don't want to miss these tips. 

Friday 18 May 2018

Walking for charity

Walking for charity is not only good for you, it also benefits the cause or causes you’re most passionate about. Charity walks are becoming increasingly popular. Why? Because they work! 

Lesser-known charities are jumping on the bandwagon, right alongside the American Cancer Society and the Alzheimer’s Association, and are raising thousands of dollars for their respective organizations. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.

How Charity Walks Work

Most charity walks require an entry fee of some sort. But, these fees are typically very affordable. In addition to actually walking, participants must garner sponsors willing to donate money to the cause. Each sponsor pledges a certain amount of money for each mile you walk.

Pledge forms are typically provided by the organization hosting the event. Utilizing your favorite social media platforms makes it easier to solicit sponsorships than ever before. Consider asking for donations on Twitter, Facebook and Periscope. You’ll probably be surprised by the positive responses you receive.

If you want to walk for charity but don’t want to solicit donations, you always have the option of sponsoring yourself. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this. You get exercise and the organization gets the money. Everyone benefits!

Popular Charity Walks

Many of the most popular charity walks are connected to nationwide organizations, with smaller chapters located all over the U.S. Some events are scheduled to take place all at once, like the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Others are coordinated more at the local level.

Here are a few walks you may have heard of, along with the organizations that benefit:

* Walk a Mile in Her Shoes (money helps fund neighborhood rape crisis centers)
* National Down Syndrome Society’s Buddy Walk
* Out of Darkness Community Walk (American Association for Suicide Prevention)
* Pet Walk (money goes to animal shelters and to help prevent ( animal cruelty)
* Great Strides (funds research to help find a cure for cystic fibrosis)
* CROP Hunger Walk (funds used to feed the poor and fight hunger)

The easiest way to find out more about charity walks in your area, is to pick up the phone or email organizations that interest you. Speak to the person in charge of fundraising events. If your preferred organization doesn’t host an annual walk, talk to the powers-that-be about the possibility of setting one up. You never know until you ask, right?

Getting Ready for the Walk

Before actually making a commitment, it’s a good idea to gauge your goal. In other words, are you walking strictly for fitness purposes or are you participating more as a means to have fun with your friends?

Fitness experts recommend that the further you plan to walk, the more you need to prepare. On average, it takes 15 to 20 minutes to walk a mile. So, if you plan to walk five miles, you should be used to walking continuously for roughly two hours.

Walking for charity is fun, good for your health, and monetarily beneficial to the organization of your choice. It’s also a great family-oriented activity. If you’ve never participated in a charity walk, there’s no time like the present. Pick an event, grab your comfortable shoes and get walking! 

Take a hike - a vacation hike that is. That's what we'll be talking about next time. 

Monday 14 May 2018

Five mobile apps to take with you on your walk

Smartphones sometimes get a bad rap, due to the amount of time most people spend (sitting down) using them. Typically, the more these individuals sit, the less they exercise. There is a "silver lining," however. New walking apps are popping up all the time. Here are a few for your consideration.

1. Walkmeter GPS

Walkmeter GPS is a fitness app available on the iPhone, which allows walkers to transfer a variety of maps to the app via email. The app's race mode allows you to compare your most current time to all of the other times it's taken you to walk the same route in the past. This is great for goal setting. It gives you the opportunity to work toward a specific time, while striving to complete favorite routes faster than the time before. To help you get started, training plans and graphs are available through the app, designed to help you track your progress. 

2. World Walking

World Walking is a pedometer app for your phone that keeps track of every step you take throughout the day. What makes the app unique is this: you can easily choose a real-life walking route to compare your steps to. For example, upload the map of the iconic Route 66. Before you know it, you'll have taken enough steps to travel the entire distance. The app also allows users to form clubs comprised of other walkers, so that a group can work together to meet a certain goal. 

3. AllTrails

For those who prefer to take their walk into the wilderness, AllTrails is an app that allows you to connect with other hikers in your area. With AllTrails, you can search for trails near your location and view maps to help get you there. In addition, you have access to maps of the actual trails themselves. The app also allows users to post photos from the trail, which makes it much easier to take note of obstacles, climate conditions and tips for hiking the trail. 

4. ViewRanger

The ViewRanger walking app allows your phone to work as a GPS, even in areas without mobile phone coverage. The maps you need are stored directly on the phone and can be viewed at any time. When your cell phone does have service, the phone also displays your current position. ViewRanger is also great to use on the trail, because it allows you to keep track of points of interest along the way.

5. Virtual Walk

Virtual Walk in an award-winning walking app, perfect to use when walking outdoors or on your treadmill. It's simple to plot your distance through either an historic or scenic location. Locations include Washington DC and the Appalachian Trail, just to name two. Additional routes are frequently added; some are free and some are available for a small fee. Not only does Virtual Walk break up the monotony of walking on a treadmill or walking through the same area over and over, it also gives you the chance to see and learn about different places.

There are so many health benefits of walking. Once you start, you'll probably wonder why you haven't taken it up before. Honestly, this is a great time to grab your phone, upload an app and start walking!

Need a reason to walk? No problem. Next we'll be talking about walking for your favorite charity. 

Friday 11 May 2018

Tips for walking on various surfaces

Walking is a great way to casually work out that’s both simple and fun. But, where you decide to walk can have an impact on your overall experience. Read on, to find out what you can do to get the most out of walking on several different kinds of surfaces.


While walking doesn’t create an extreme amount of impact, the stress it does cause can lead aches and pain over time. To minimize this, wear comfortable, well-fitting shoes any time you plan to spend a lot of time walking on roads, sidewalks or other paved surfaces. You might also consider cushioned insoles (for your shoes) or padded running socks to better protect your feet and legs from shock.


Much like streets and sidewalks, the floor at your gym, work or school is very likely a hard surface. Comfortable gym shoes allow you to get a good grip on hard floors, as well as keep your feet from getting sore after a long walk. 

If you plan on doing laps in a room, or walking up and down a given hallway, find out how long your route is and keep track of how many times you walk past a certain mark on a wall or floor. This way, you can easily figure out how far you’ve walked and encourage yourself to go further next time.

Dirt Roads

Taking a walk on a dirt road allows you to enjoy the scenery of nearby rural areas, while still walking on relatively easy terrain. In this case, it may be best to trade in your shoes for comfortable hiking boots in the event you encounter mud or puddles. 

Be sure to stay over to the side of the road when you walk, especially as you approach hilly terrain. Cars coming from the other direction may not see you in time, especially if they're traveling at a high speed.

Nature Trails

Trails make for a fun, diverse hike that affords many breathtaking views. Before setting out on your hike, take some time to familiarize yourself with your route, either by using trail maps or a popular map app. 

Hiking boots are almost a necessity on untamed trails, and you may want to bring an extra pair of socks in case yours get wet. If your hike takes you far from civilization, make sure you pack a cell or satellite phone for use in case of an emergency. And, it may be a good idea to bring a GPS in case you stray from your planned route.


Snow and ice often turns a walk across any terrain into a hassle. Always pay attention to where you are about to step when walking in the winter. If an area seems icy, test it by tapping it with your foot before you cross. 

If a section of sidewalk is exceptionally icy, it may be worth it to step around it and into the snow. Another word of caution. Built-up snow drifts can muffle the sound of approaching cars, so always be extra mindful of traffic.  

No matter where you decide to hike, taking breaks to rest your feet and legs saves you a lot of discomfort when the hike is over. Even if you’re walking out in the woods, take the opportunity to rest every now and then. That way, you can focus more on walking and less on your possibly aching muscles.

Up next you'll find five mobile apps that you might want to use to track progress, keep you safe, connect with others and more.

Monday 7 May 2018

Getting the family involved

Walking is an activity suitable for the whole family. It's not uncommon for older folks and little ones to get involved in the fun. Keep reading to learn more about making the most out of walking as a family activity.

Start Out Small

Your family will probably react more positively to a group exercise plan if you start out small and work your way up to a longer routine. To start out, set a goal that's easy to achieve and forgivable if things don't go as planned. For example, start with a 30-minute walk around your neighborhood, a few times a week. Remember, providing a specific goal increases the likelihood of it becoming a part of your family’s day-to-day routine. 

What to Wear

On any hike, it’s crucial to dress appropriately for both the climate and the locale of the area you're visiting. Make sure everyone wears well-fitting hiking shoes or boots that are comfortable as well as durable. In addition, pack a jacket or long-sleeved shirt for everyone, even if the weather is expected to be warm. You never know when conditions might take a turn for the worst. 

Keep Things Fun

Aside from the exercise, one of the greatest benefits of hiking with the family is the quality time you get to spend together. Keep everyone in good spirits by coming up with games or activities you can do as a family while you walk. A good example of this might be coming up with a scavenger hunt relating to numerous trees and wildflowers. Honestly, nature trails are full of hands-on opportunities for learning fun.

Take Frequent Breaks

Hiking can take a lot out of you. And, it's a pretty sure bet your kids will let you know when they’re getting tired as well. To remedy this, take rest stops frequently to make sure everyone is full of energy and still having a good time. Don't forget to dole out water and snacks during these breaks, to ensure everyone stays well fed and hydrated. 

Establish a Routine

Establish a scheduled time for your family walks. It doesn't matter if it's a nightly lap around the neighborhood or a once-a-month hike through the trails in your local park. When going on a hike becomes routine, it gives the family something to look forward to and sets up a tradition of making memories that just might carry on for years to come. 

Leave No Trace

Teach your kids to respect the environment and their surroundings. Destruction of plant life and other things in nature is needless, not to mention harmful. It also ruins the experience for the next family who decides to take the same route you do. 

If your child inadvertently does something that could cause permanent damage, such as digging a hole, offer your help to fix it and teach them the importance of leaving no trace. 

Why not talk to your family, to gauge everyone's interest in walking as a fun and healthy activity? Try it once and see what happens. Chances are, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. There really is no better time to "take a hike!"

Before you set off on a walk or hike, consider the surface you'll be walking on. Next time, we'll have some tips for you on this. 

Friday 4 May 2018

Common issues faced when walking

Whether it’s around the neighborhood, through the woods or down long country trails, walking or hiking is a great way to work out, unwind and explore the world around you. Walking is free, simple and easily evolves into a group activity. 

However, as with many other activities, walking does carry with it some risks. Here are a few of the most common ones you may encounter, as well as steps you can take to keep yourself safe.


Blisters are among the most common types of injury sustained during longer walks. Friction between your feet and your footgear irritates the skin and eventually causes blisters to form. The best thing you can do to cut down on the formation of blisters is to make sure you have proper hiking shoes or boots that fit well. 

Shoes that are too loose cause more rubbing across the skin with each step. Investing in performance or hiking socks, which tend to provide more cushion for your feet, can also keep blisters at bay.

Muscle/Joint Pains

When walking, a trip, fall or even a “bad step” can cause a painful joint injury before you know it. This is especially true when walking through the woods or across rough trails. Even a minor sprain makes a nature walk far less enjoyable. A significant injury can even leave you stranded.

The best way to avoid an injury like this is to pay close attention to your surroundings as you walk. Even carefully maintained trails can wash out or become covered with overgrown grass and vines. Avoid this kind of uneven terrain, or tread carefully if you can’t. 

Muscle pains can be brought on by the continuous stress a long walk puts on the body. Not only does taking a long walk tire out our legs and feet, the constant use of these muscles and the impact with the ground can also lead to painful inflammation. 

To prevent this, take breaks during your walk and get off your feet if possible. There are also a number of stretches you can do beforehand, focusing on the muscles that become overworked during a walk.

Insect Bites

In some areas, such as the deep woods of northern Michigan, insect bites are a nearly unavoidable inconvenience when you hike. If you’re planning a walk in any area where biting or stinging insects are common, be sure to take insect repellent along with you. Also, if you have a known insect allergy, make sure your emergency medication is packed and readily available.


If you’re not adequately hydrated during your walk, dehydration can quickly turn into a life-threatening issue when you ignore the symptoms. Some early symptoms of dehydration include dry mouth, an increased thirst and fatigue. 

A person suffering from severe dehydration may experience an inability to stand or walk due to dizziness, a drop in blood pressure, seizures and even coma. Make sure to bring plenty of water during your trip, as well as a hat and properly ventilated clothing in hotter climates. Children should be closely monitored for symptoms of dehydration because they are more susceptible to its effects.

While walking isn't a particularly dangerous hobby, it isn’t without risk. One of the best things you can do to minimize the risks during a walk is to prepare ahead of time. It's also a good idea to walk with a friend. Any of these or another hiking injury could go from inconvenience to incapacitating if you wind up alone and away from civilization.

And speaking of not walking alone, next we'll be talking about how to get the family involved in walking.