Friday 8 February 2019

The Difference Between Juicing and Smoothies

Smoothies and juices are both loaded with nutrients and taste fabulous. While they do have the same properties as the fruits or vegetables in their raw form, their being in liquid form has different textures and appearances. These difference lie in the procedure, methods, and machines used to make each drink.

The Major Differences

When you blend, you end up consuming the food in its entirety although some were already pulverized. So, if you blend an apple, your body will digest the full fruit. When you do juice, the fibrous portion is removed. So, what is left are the micronutrients in a liquid form. As for the process, you have two procedures in juicing. You may use the juice to squeeze the water instantly, or you may do it manually. 

The juice extractor is necessary for harder fruits and vegetables. As for the smoothies, it requires either a high-performance or traditional blender. When the liquid (broth, milk, or fresh juice) is processed in a puree in a blender, the drink is smooth and thick. Smoothies are thicker and filling than juices since they have the fibrous cellulose and pulp, which have been removed from the juice.

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