Friday 27 September 2019

TLC Nutrition Overview - Getting Your Nutrients & What To Eat

To lower your cholesterol levels, there’s no getting around the fact that you must do something about the food you eat.  

The TLC program's major focus is to create a nutritious way of eating that will provide the correct nutrients and will reduce the amount of saturated fat you eat.  

These Saturated fats are the fats that elevate your cholesterol levels. First, you want to reduce the foods high in saturated fats, like fatty cuts of meat and whole milk products you eat.  

You will also have to replace some of the animal fats and choose some healthy, monounsaturated oils – olive oil, for example.  
 Another good option is choosing a fatty acid supplement like Omega-3. These fats will keep good cholesterol up and lower the bad one.  

The types of food you eat can be as important as their calorie content. What is good for one person may not be the same for the other. It is thus important to understand your metabolic system and nutritional needs. 

What are the calories?   There is so much hype surrounding calories these days. All of us know that in order to lose weight, we must burn calories. But what exactly are calories? In simple words, calories are units of energy in food or drinks required by the body to perform its functions. The amount of calories needed by your body depends on the amount of energy required by your body to keep warm. 

This is exactly what your body needs, irrespective of your activities. Typically, the larger an individual, the greater their caloric need is or their basal metabolic rate – which is the amount of energy expended by a body at rest. The basal metabolic rate remains the same daily.  

If your body needs, in the example, 2,000 calories today, it will require the same amount tomorrow and the next day and so on. The basal metabolic rate varies from person to person, depending on the body size and amount of work you do. 

Before starting any new diet you must check with your GP

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