Monday 7 January 2019

Conclusion – Making Smoothies a Part of Your Life


Wow, we’ve reached the conclusion of our introductory guide to Green Smoothies and you’re still here…Great achievement.  

But as we know, information is only the first step…next is implementation so If you’re not in the habit of drinking smoothies, you will need to cultivate the habit first. You can start with 1 smoothie a day. Do not worry about the time you consume it. 

If you can consume it first thing in the morning, that would be great. If you can’t, later on in the day will do fine. What’s important is that you get into the habit of drinking one a day. 
 Let’s face the facts here. Despite what the books and nutritionists say, most smoothies though tasty will never come close to a sugary soda or an ice cream milkshake. That’s the hard truth. It will be difficult to replace sodas with smoothies. 

Initially, you may wish to slowly cut down on any sugary drinks you’re consuming and drink a smoothie every day. Over time, try and replace the sodas with the smoothies. It will take effort but if you approach it in a slow and steady manner, it can be done.  

Do not go to extremes and immediately give up all the sodas for smoothies. You’ll just be putting pressure and stress on yourself. Now, not only are you trying to inculcate a good habit that is foreign to you but you’ve also given up a bad habit that brought you comfort despite being detrimental to your health.  

This is just too much to cope with. You’re not in a race. Go slow and your compliance will be much higher. Inch by inch, life’s a cinch. Yard by yard, life is hard. If you’re trying to lose weight, you can try to replace one of your meals with a smoothie. The smoothie may not be as satisfying as a normal meal such as a plate of pasta or 3 slices of pizza, but it will be much better for your health. 

Aim to do this just once a day till you’re comfortable with it. Then you may progress to reducing your meal portion sizes and even replacing 2 meals with smoothies. If you can do this, your fat will melt like butter and you will drop the pounds in no time at all. 

If you’re a parent, you can start your child on smoothies while they are young. Most children do not like eating vegetable but will hastily gulp down a tall smoothie if it had apple juice in it. They will still be getting all the vegetable nutrients without you having to negotiate and debate with them at the dinner table. 

While green smoothies are excellent for your health, occasionally you may wish to try other smoothies too. The rules are not set in stone and you’re not in a green smoothie prison. Though this book did focus solely on green smoothies, you can always give the rest a try, as long as you’re drinking 1 green smoothie daily. 

Usually, it is recommended that green smoothies should be comprised of 60% fruits and 40% veggies. This is a good place to start with but over time, you should progress to 60% or 70% vegetables and 40% or 30% fruits respectively. 

The reason for this is that most people these days are carrying more fat on their bodies than they should. By increasing the vegetable intake and reducing the fruits, you’ll be consuming less sugar. Your body will burn fatter and you’ll lose any excess weight even faster. 

The benefits of green smoothies are many. By now, you should be fully aware that you’d be doing yourself a disservice by not drinking them.  Like Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Green smoothies are your medicine. 

It may take a while to develop the habit… but persist anyway. The green smoothie lifestyle is definitely something you want to have. The rewards are great. 

“We first make our habits. Then our habits make us.” 

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